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US disturbing balance of power in South Asia, says report

We blew the damn bomb in '98 etc, we have the capability to deploy them on our missiles, I mean come on don't you think China, co. and Pakistani engineers were involved, what if I say i'm not convined about India's nuclear capability? No country would spend billions if it can't deploy a nuke. And please speak with facts, or the conversation looses it's taste.

Anyways...The article is somewhat true, but remember if US and Co, support India., Pakistan will look forward to China it will always be an arms race, 1 trying to get parity over the other, etc. If pakistan and india fight right now, conventionally, etc it will be a stale mate none will really achieve their goals, India with it's huge army, etc will fight Pakistan and all the militia's so really its no gain for either side we seen the results before (71 is a different story)., but now a days we all know Pakistan will get China support pakistan has other arabs countries that can supply them aswell like the wars before, etc. and India Russia...and only the suppliers will benefit. Like India has more and somewhat advanced jets like SU-30MKI pakistan is now acquiring High-tech sams, etc. What one gets the other will offset.

Honestly., ask any Indian or pakistani a fight between Pakistan and India will be useless. Both armies can fight and hold their ground neither really has the advantage as of right now (patritoism aside), to over take the other, if we go to invasion of others land what we see in Iraq will be far worse for the indians (since Indian doesn't have superior armour like the Western nations) etc., or economy to sustain an invasion for a prolonged time aswell as pakistan.

India cant invade pakistan and hold it. Pakistan cant even do anything other than hold until it runs out of supplies.
Sorry i am stopping the discussion here, as it is about to take a nasty turn. India is superior to Pakistan, the world knows it Pakistan knows it. patriotism aside. or do you believe in 1 pakistani= 10 indians. Capability logistics, numbers, technology, world political clout, size, economy every thing is in india's favour.
India wont stay in Pakistan, simple fact, look at the bangladesh india was out of the place in 9 months.
Neither China nor the arab countries will help you, did u see them help in Kargil atleast by word of mouth.NO
counting on other people to help itself is a sign of weakness.

I dont think Indians if it all it invades pakistan will be kind on the civilians as the Western forces. Lets put it simply, America can make Iraq look like a crater on the moon if it wants to in the span of minutes, it is not doing that is it.
Reality, Americans are god damn powerful
India cant invade pakistan and hold it. Pakistan cant even do anything other than hold until it runs out of supplies.
Sorry i am stopping the discussion here, as it is about to take a nasty turn. India is superior to Pakistan, the world knows it Pakistan knows it. patriotism aside. or do you believe in 1 pakistani= 10 indians. Capability logistics, numbers, technology, world political clout, size, economy every thing is in india's favour.
India wont stay in Pakistan, simple fact, look at the bangladesh india was out of the place in 9 months.

Run out of supplies last time I checked we can make our own equipment to resupply our troops, etc. About logistic, etc you mentioned so does America and they still having problems in Iraq, Bangladesh was a different situation India was helping them, but don't think if India comes in pak it can stay that long., you have problems with Kashmiri militants and don't think the pak population will just sit around :rolleyes:, pakistan has tech aswell and other +'s and not everything will be in Indians favor, just as situation in Iraq isn't in USs favor. Look outside the box once in awhile.

Neither China nor the arab countries will help you, did u see them help in Kargil atleast by word of mouth.

You must forget, in 2002 I believe it was the year., China came to pakistan with fighter jets, and other equipment, so yes China always been their, arabs we can get money support. And you called it a sign of weakness Um..how should I put it didn't israel recieve funding and equipment from US??!! So please speak with facts and not just rant on about things.

Not to mention pakistan will be acquiring more goodies soon like a high-tech defense system (long range SAM with ToT), to protect themselves from SU-30MKI, etc.
Run out of supplies last time I checked we can make our own equipment to resupply our troops, etc. About logistic, etc you mentioned so does America and they still having problems in Iraq, Bangladesh was a different situation India was helping them, but don't think if India comes in pak it can stay that long., you have problems with Kashmiri militants and don't think the pak population will just sit around :rolleyes:, pakistan has tech aswell and other +'s and not everything will be in Indians favor, just as situation in Iraq isn't in USs favor. Look outside the box once in awhile.

You must forget, in 2002 I believe it was the year., China came to pakistan with fighter jets, and other equipment, so yes China always been their, arabs we can get money support. And you called it a sign of weakness Um..how should I put it didn't israel recieve funding and equipment from US??!! So please speak with facts and not just rant on about things.

No CHina did not come with fighter jets, show me the links please.

Pakistan can make its weapons, but where will you get the fuel and other raw materials. you will be blockaded, it has the reserves for 45 days. pakistan and Israel cant be equated. Imagine this if india or even the US it can stop all insurgencies with brute force, but then they will have to become human rights violators for doing that. Are you telling me that the american juggernaut cant flatten iraq. This is not the 60's, importance of India is above pakistan even in arab countries. China will fight india to the last pakistani and thats where the buck stops. Or u can live in your la la la land.
Read about Cold Start. Though i dont think it will effective now, but within the next decade that will a serious threat to pakistani ambitions
I am stopping this discussion its not what thread title is for, so i will not reply anymore.
You want proof that China came to help...

read this from US war college, etc. And I will get you a quote from the article aswell..


However, tensions between South Asia’s nuclear-armed rivals rose sharply after the terrorist attacks at the Kashmir Assembly in October 2001 and the Indian Parliament on 13 December 2001. The attack on the Indian Parliament triggered a major deployment of Indian troops along the border with Pakistan, with Islamabad responding in kind. New Delhi warned of retaliatory, punitive military strikes against terrorist camps inside Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Although the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson condemned these attacks, Chinese leaders and South Asia watchers were much more circumspect and ambivalent while lauding Pakistan’s contribution to the war against terrorism. A South Asia specialist from China’s National Defense University, Wang Baofu, noted with satisfaction that under the new circumstances, “The United States, considering its own security interests, readjusted its policies toward South Asian countries and started paying more attention to the important role of Pakistan in the anti-terrorism war, therefore arousing the vigilance and jealousy of India.” Wang criticized India for “defin[ing] resistance activities in Kashmir as terrorism by taking advantage of the US anti-terrorism war in Afghanistan, thus putting more pressure on Pakistan through the United States,” and praised General Musharraf for his “clear-cut attitude toward fighting against international terrorism.”7 Such a stance was not unexpected. For almost a decade, China had rejected India’s proposal to issue a joint declaration against terrorism lest it be interpreted as a condemnation of Pakistan.8

Pakistan President General Musharraf made three trips to Beijing in less than a year (in December 2001, January 2002, and August 2002) for urgent security consultations with President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji and reportedly obtained “firm assurances of support in the event of a war” with India. At the time of heightened tensions in mid-January 2002, General Zhang Wannian, Vice-Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, met with General Muhammad Aziz Khan, Chairman of Pakistan’s Joint Chiefs of the Staff Committee, and was quoted as telling Khan: “For many years the militaries of our two nations have maintained exchanges and cooperation at the highest and all levels and in every field. This fully embodies the all-weather friendship our nations maintain.”9 Zhang’s reference to “cooperation . . . in every field” (meaning the nuclear and missile fields) was a thinly veiled warning to India to back off. Later, Beijing matched words with deeds by


rushing two dozen F-7 jet fighters, nuclear and missile components, and other weapon systems to shore up Pakistani defenses in the tense border face-off. A secret “futuristic arms development cooperation” agreement was signed during General Musharraf’s five-day visit to China in December 2001 to construct, among other weapons, an all-solid-fuel Shaheen III missile with a range of 3,500-4,000 kilometers to target all major Indian cities.10 The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops from the Military Regions of Chengdu and Lanzhou and their respective sub-divisions, the Xizang (Tibet) and Wulumuqi (Urumqi), along China’s southern borders, were also put on alert in January to test their war preparedness should the conflict in the Indian subcontinent spill over onto Chinese soil.

The Chinese leaders had reportedly conveyed the following message to Musharraf: “China hopes Pakistan will not initiate any assault. Pakistan should not get involved in wars and instead focus on economic construction. However, if a war does break out between India and Pakistan, Beijing will firmly stand on the side of Islamabad.”11
Its written by a Pakistani authour, enough said. No neutral observation or official chinese confirmation. Speculation doesnt mean reality

The full article is in thier but i'm not registered, I'm asking a friend if he can get me the whole article. Just give me a little time., since you didn't accept the US Army War College report which i'm not surprised at considering you and other indian mentality., this isn't the first time I deal with Indians like you, lol.

The full article is in thier but i'm not registered, I'm asking a friend if he can get me the whole article. Just give me a little time., since you didn't accept the US Army War College report which i'm not surprised at considering you and other indian mentality., this isn't the first time I deal with Indians like you, lol.

It is not a war college report, it is dont by pakistani authour, whose views the US army has decided to look into, nothing more. kanwa is a chinese news agency which has more or less zero credibility. Give me fas.org globalsecurity, or even better get me a chinese offical who is responsible for such matters speaking.direct qouting
Peace comes through strength. India & Pak r talking peace cuz both countries r aware that India is not the US, neither is Pakistan Iraq. By the way let's go back to our original thread which is about the balance of power in South Asia. :tup:
We blew the damn bomb in '98 etc, we have the capability to deploy them on our missiles, I mean come on don't you think China, co. and Pakistani engineers were involved, what if I say i'm not convined about India's nuclear capability? No country would spend billions if it can't deploy a nuke. And please speak with facts, or the conversation looses it's taste.

Assume both cant mate it to their BMs,then what.You depend on your planes , PAF will depend on their non BVR F-16 and India on their Mirage and MKIs.

If pakistan and india fight right now, conventionally, etc it will be a stale mate none will really achieve their goals, India with it's huge army, etc will fight Pakistan and all the militia's so really its no gain for either side we seen the results before (71 is a different story).,

Well its a grave mistake to assdume that you r enemy hasnt learnt anythign from lessons thrown up from Afghanistan.Iraq and Lebnonon.

but now a days we all know Pakistan will get China support pakistan has other arabs countries that can supply them aswell like the wars before, etc. .

China wont do anything that would affect its investment climate.Atleast for now.

Where were they during Kargil?

and India Russia...and only the suppliers will benefit. Like India has more and somewhat advanced jets like SU-30MKI pakistan is now acquiring High-tech sams, etc. What one gets the other will offset.

What advanced,hi tech SAMs are you getting.

I suggest you read the aricle from ACM Tanvir of PAF on the true operationmal readiness of PAF.

all chest thumb bravado YET no substance

70% of the PAF fleet s obsolete mirages /F7
F16 are sanction prone and 80% of these famous falcons are 30 year old aiframes

One single squadron of 18 block/52 is the only purchase of note that PAF has aqquired in over 35 years.

JF17 is a nice little fighter but obsolete for 21st century warefare it has no IRST no HMD, and is a fighter fit for taking out MIF21/23 .. THE thunder would be slaughtered by all of india,s frontline FIGHTERS be ie MKI MIG29 or MIRAGE2000

You can make it up windjammer BUT PAF is hoplessly underequipped

I suggest you read the aricle from ACM Tanvir of PAF on the true operationmal readiness of PAF.

all chest thumb bravado YET no substance

70% of the PAF fleet s obsolete mirages /F7
F16 are sanction prone and 80% of these famous falcons are 30 year old aiframes

One single squadron of 18 block/52 is the only purchase of note that PAF has aqquired in over 35 years.

JF17 is a nice little fighter but obsolete for 21st century warefare it has no IRST no HMD, and is a fighter fit for taking out MIF21/23 .. THE thunder would be slaughtered by all of india,s frontline FIGHTERS be ie MKI MIG29 or MIRAGE2000

You can make it up windjammer BUT PAF is hoplessly underequipped

If what you say is true then what happened after mumbai 2008 and after URI last month? IF india and the IAF was as powerful as you are suggesting above than why didn't they launch a full scale assault?

What use is the above if you can't attack an enemy that is 7× smaller than you and who doesn't have access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does?

It means that the indian military is a paper tiger and is only powerful in indian minds and bollywood films.

Or is the indian military high command aware of the TRUE capabilities of the Pakistan military such as:


You guys talk too much but do very little. Seems like you use these forums to vent your fantasies.
Pakistanis military capabilities have LOST PAKISTAN

East Pakistan in 1971
Saichn glaciers in 1984
Kargil in 1999

Today india has Saichen Kargil Sir Creek and two thirds of Kashmir. AND the water supply.

THE PAKISTANI military is not able to reclaim or change any of this

You resorted to supporting terror groups into indian Kashmir and Punjab for 25 years

INDIA HAS NOW PAID BACK IN KIND BY causing terror growth in Baluchistan and taken over Afghnistan to ferment trouble in the pakafghan border.............YOU SEE INDIA can play this t game too
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