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US designates Pakistani madrassa as 'terror organisation'


Jan 3, 2010
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US designates Pakistani madrassa as 'terror organisation' - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The US on Tuesday designated a Pakistani madrassa as a terrorist organisation supporting the Lashkar-e-Taiba, al-Qaida and Taliban, the first time such action has been taken against a seminary.

Ganj Madrassa in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, officially known as Jamia Taleem-Ul-Quran-Wal-Hadith Madrassa, is the first seminary to be the target of sanctions that forbid Americans from having any business interaction with it.

The US treasury said Ganj Madrassa was being used as a training and recruiting base by al-Qaida, Taliban and the LeT, blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166. The seminary also facilitates funding for the three groups.

Under the garb of religious education, students at the seminary are being trained to become bomb makers and suicide bombers for the three banned groups, the Treasury said.

The head of the seminary, Fazeel-A-Tul Shaykh Abu Mohammad Ameen Al-Peshawari alias Shaykh Aminullah, has been a US and UN-designated terrorist since 2009 for supporting the Taliban and al-Qaida.

Aminullah has directed donations provided for the seminary to terrorist groups like the Taliban, which use the money to fund ongoing violence in Afghanistan.

As recently as early 2013, Aminullah was recruiting for LeT at Ganj Madrassa and as of late 2012, he was hosting al-Qaida operatives there.

The Treasury said the madrassa's activities exemplify how terrorist groups subvert seemingly legitimate institutions, such as religious schools, to divert charitable donations to support violent acts.
so,they are collecting funds for terrorism in the name of education.. :tdown:
They will probably change the name and continue as it is. No wonder terrorism has become a never ending process there. Snake in the backyard!!!
Budding suicide bombers of the TTP are trained here? WTF is the Pakistan government doing about it? Doesn't the much vaunted ISI know what's going on? These same yahoos being trained today will probably soon target some more Pak military installations tomorrow or blow themselves to bits taking the lives of scores of civilians with them!

Or are they Kayani's soon-to-be 'strategic assets' being trained there for an adventure tour to Kashmir, that no action is being taken against them?? But then, the LeT and the TTP are conjoined twins mothered by the Al Qaeda! You never know when these yahoos will go berserk and blow up some installations in Pakistan itself!
Yeh kya ho rahaa hai Pakistan mein??

100 tons explosives get seized, Al Qaeda call center gets busted, Madrassa gets called terrorist training and funding school for AQ and LET.
Congratulations Another Gem in the string of accomplishments ..:pakistan:
And if involved in cross border terrorism then bad step?

depends on the context. If they are Afghan refugees who cross over and become radicalized and blow up targets on either side - then it's wrong. In the fog of war its hard to differentiate -- we aren't the indians who just shoot anything and everything that moves and then if mistaken, resort to lies and concocted stories. :meeting:
depends on the context. If they are Afghan refugees who cross over and become radicalized and blow up targets on either side - then it's wrong. In the fog of war its hard to differentiate -- we aren't the indians who just shoot anything and everything that moves and then if mistaken, resort to lies and concocted stories. :meeting:

The report clearly says that they recruit for Al Qaida, Taliban and LeT. So is this a good move or not?
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