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US describes India as a responsible N-state

"US describes India as a responsible N-state"

How can one describe India as a "responsible state" when Indian Officials and Scientists openly label their Agni 5 missile as "China killer" ?????

Why? the concept of MAD rendered both the Soviet Union and United States as 'responsible' so why not in this case?
Yeah they do!!!
And Aryan was being racist and suggesting that India being ruled by a white is shameful...
Well Aryan, I would like to tell you that Indian Constitution allows any person to get elected and participate in the governance as long as he has been living in India for 10 years......:enjoy:

Elect her it dont make any difference to me. If you are happy to be ruled ny a white Italian air hostess thats fine by me mate
They weren't taught India's role in ruining the post-WWII U.N. system, its illicit development of nuclear weapons, or how "pacifist" Gandhi whipped up hysteria and riots and faked his own hunger strikes.

India's illicit development of of Nuclear weapons! Hum! Who gives US or Russia for that matter, the legitimate right in developing nuclear weapons? Is it written somewhere in Bible that only the White Americans has that right?

Elect her it dont make any difference to me. If you are happy to be ruled ny a white Italian air hostess thats fine by me mate

If you are fine with it or if you are not fine with it does not matter us anymore!
They weren't taught India's role in ruining the post-WWII U.N. system, its illicit development of nuclear weapons, or how "pacifist" Gandhi whipped up hysteria and riots and faked his own hunger strikes.

Kindly elucidate!!!

He may have "faked" his own hunger but the Brits were privy to his doing that! I am sure they would not want to up the ante by fuelling those records!!!! You are a serious dunce if you believe this.

In addition. Dr. Homi Bhabha was poised to get India to test a nuclear weapon in 1951. But Nehru held him back. So your illicit nuclear weapons theory is just as crappy as your insinuations!!!

I don't think that's the reason. Blind love of 1960s leftists for "Third-World pacifism" probably was.

Churchill cites the faked hunger strikes and whipped-up rioting in his memoir of WWII. It's convenient to blame the British for misreporting but I haven't seen evidence that that is what happened.

Mate - I would like to hear more about this. Believe me, I don't take offense in this - my intention is to understand your viewpoint.
Very interesting Solomon. I hope our Indian friends view your mindset and what your nation thinks of India. If anyone else had made comments that you have made - their would be an onslaught of vibrant Indians. As its you their silence must confirm and verify your views. I by the way think your views are rather extreme.....

Its not only rather extreme its the thoughts of a deluded man who thinks that everyone in the world is wrong except him. World over Gandhi is synonymous with pacifism and he writes this!!! Strange! Richard Attenborough made the movie Gandhi and Cub Webster Miller a US citizen was a reporter who closely followed Gandhi in his Salt Satyagrah. He must know for sure thay are all mad to call Gandhi a pacifist and depict him going on hunger strikes!!!!

Let me enlighten you. I am fully aware of his views about Pakistan and Jinnah. This is of course off topic. Whats on topic is what the US think of India. Dont attempt to derail the thread. He has made some eye raising comments regarding your nations past. I suggest you drop the obsession for a while and dont bring Pakistan into this - that would be derailing the thread. Focus on his comments and digest them......

Gandhi had to do with YOUR so called nation too dear sir. Anyways historically the land never belonged to you but that we can take up at a later time and date. Coming back to Solomon. His comments are heresay. Homi Bhabha had planned nuclear test in 1951 which was over ruled by Nehru for 'pacifist' outlook. The nuclear inudstry in india was home grown ..... and till date is not associated with any KNOWN proliferation unlike our neighbours (read China and Pakistan both). The only complicity which India has is of sharing test data with Israel. period.
They weren't taught India's role in ruining the post-WWII U.N. system, its illicit development of nuclear weapons, or how "pacifist" Gandhi whipped up hysteria and riots and faked his own hunger strikes.

How did India ruin post-WWII UN system? By creating the NAM movement and refusing to camp or pander to either of the two powerful blocks formed then? By refusing to be subservient to US or SU?

Define "illicit development" of nuclear power and I can assure you, you can club almost all the nuclear powers in that group.

As for Gandhi, you seem to be woefully wanting in understanding the impact of his ability to whip up. what you call, "mass hysteria" to fight for human rights. Surely you are not confusing that hysteria with the one evoked by the Beetles now, are you? Now, talking about faking hunger strikes, surely you also believe that 9/11 was perpetuated by the CIA?
Kindly elucidate!!!
The UNSC system stood up to the test of the Korean War but India's 1961 conquest of Goa, supported by the Soviets, killed it. From India's successful snatch of Goa is no distance at all to firing Pakistan's dream of doing the same to Srinagar and, due to superpower rivalry, its hope that the U.S. would wink and support Pakistan's efforts to do so in 1965 or even Musharraf's proposal for a lightning war to do so in 1988 (ref: B. Bhutto's memoirs.)

He may have "faked" his own hunger but the Brits were privy to his doing that! I am sure they would not want to up the ante by fuelling those records!!!! You are a serious dunce if you believe this.
"Kindly elucidate."

your illicit nuclear weapons theory is just as crappy as your insinuations!!!
The U.S. and Canada sold India nuclear technology on the condition that it would be employed for peaceful purposes only. When India tested its weapon in 1974 Indira teasingly described it as "a peaceful nuclear explosion".

India's murdered its own national honor twice in a period of thirteen years. You can't find any regret in your soul for having done so, can you? Can any Indian here say he has? Until you can and take some sort of steps at a remedy India still ranks as a bad boy in my books and I can't accept labeling India as "a responsible nuclear state".
Churchill cites the faked hunger strikes and whipped-up rioting in his memoir of WWII. It's convenient to blame the British for misreporting but I haven't seen evidence that that is what happened.

Churchill was a mass murderer on the scale of Hitler, and had a deep hatred for Gandhi. (Churchill’s Famine?) He is hardly an unbiased source.

Gandhi had opposed Zionism on the ground that it would be unfair to the Arabs, and had also given some very bad advice to German Jews.

So it is understandable that some may disagree with Gandhi, as many Indians themselves do.
The UNSC system stood up to the test of the Korean War but India's 1961 conquest of Goa, supported by the Soviets, killed it. From India's successful snatch of Goa is no distance at all to firing Pakistan's dream of doing the same to Srinagar and, due to superpower rivalry, its hope that the U.S. would wink and support Pakistan's efforts to do so in 1965.
Arent you getting the timelines all mixed up?
Pakistan started the Kashmir mess by attacking the then independent state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947, immediately after they got 'independence".
Liberation of Goa was NOT supported by the SU, FYI, but how did that set a precedent for Pakistan's misadventures? Liberation of Goa can very well be compared to your own "westward expansion" - consolidation of territories.
The U.S. and Canada sold India nuclear technology on the condition that it would be employed for peaceful purposes only. When India tested its weapon in 1974 Indira teasingly described it as "a peaceful nuclear explosion".
US never sold India any nuclear tech. You really need to brush up on your history.
Arent you getting the timelines all mixed up?...Liberation of Goa can very well be compared to your own "westward expansion" - consolidation of territories.
It should be obvious that I am not the one "getting the timelines all mixed up. The U.N. system didn't exist in the 19th century. It did exist from 1945-1961 and yes the Soviets supported the Goa conquest: link

...brush up on your history.

It's your government's view that matters not that of a single American Citizen.
My government doesn't dictate my conscience nor my judgment.
Well mate at least the Pakistani public do not worship a white air hostess. And the last time I looked for all our leaders faults they do not prostrate in front of a white Italian have pics taken and distribute them to get public approval for their action.

Nothing you guys say about Pakistan changes that
You clearly answered my question about trolling. I made a mistake by posting in the first place.

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