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US Defense Secretary Panetta threatens ground intervention into Pakistan

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americans crapping pants and getting ready to run away from the regions
going to indian and asking them to give help
india being the cowardly side line cheer leader not willing
all of Pakistan's enemies in disarray

Cowardly? Whose President caved in to the threats of the US? Who is afraid to shoot down drones? Who is ready to move on from the Salala incident as long as more money is paid per truck? Beghairat people calling a sensible self-respecting nation cowardly is the heights of irony.
americans crapping pants and getting ready to run away from the regions
going to indian and asking them to give help
india being the cowardly side line cheer leader not willing
all of Pakistan's enemies in disarray

This is just yr low scale camaflouged answer to my volley of specific questions.
You are forgeting that pakistan can not afford a war financially because its bleeding at home - 10 hours of power cuts a day, no locomotives to ply on the track etc etc...
Fighting a super power with nukes would be the end of Pakistan.
Even a toddler can tell you this.
Best way for pakistan is to find a middle ground and work with americans. Period.
BTW you know yr own government which let CIA operative go back to US with impunity after killing few of your folks?
The leaders were chosen by a population of 80% illiterates (fallacy of democracy). Hence, post 1971, we took away their teeth and gave it to an internal body that eludes you to this day. The ones planning (scheming if you wish) and having hands on the triggers (for your peace of mind) are not board members @ PDF. Got it? :D
See the comments of some of your countrymen, and I am sure many of them feel that way. And your leaders have never been the brightest in history, so it is a possibility. India and China will choose to stay away from this conflict, but if there is any misadventure, we would be forced to get involved and that won't be pretty for the region.

I can answer the volley of your question with a one-liner.

Answer: The cost of keeping a SUPER-POWER at bay is costing us our economy!

In the above statement do you see any less balls involved? Have you seen this tried by any one else before? So shove it, where it don't shine.

This is just yr low scale camaflouged answer to my volley of specific questions.
You are forgeting that pakistan can not afford a war financially because its bleeding at home - 10 hours of power cuts a day, no locomotives to ply on the track etc etc...
Fighting a super power with nukes would be the end of Pakistan.
Even a toddler can tell you this.
Best way for pakistan is to find a middle ground and work with americans. Period.
BTW you know yr own government which let CIA operative go back to US with impunity after killing few of your folks?
Iraq lost to Iran bro and Arabs never conquered Pakistan you can claim afghans but not arabs and I''m pretty sure Iraqis are Persian Lol
PS your Canadian LMAO get off your high horse you guys aren't ****.

“The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.”
~ Prophet Muhammad PBUH

= Pakistani
The leaders were chosen by a population of 80% illiterates (fallacy of democracy). Hence, post 1971, we took away their teeth and gave it to an internal body that eludes you to this day. The ones planning (scehming if you wish), having hands on the triggers are not board members. Got it? :D

What do you mean eluding us? Are we hunting for your army men? And you seem to have some connection with your military, but your obsession with your military's might is a little misplaced. We have many neighbours with lesser capabilities with whom we have border disputes, but it does not mean we go about invading them. The ability of your opponent has to be considered, but that is not the only reason to not go to war. Maybe that is the difference between responsible nations and war mongering ones. I'll let you relate your nation to one of your choice.
This is just yr low scale camaflouged answer to my volley of specific questions.
You are forgeting that pakistan can not afford a war financially because its bleeding at home - 10 hours of power cuts a day, no locomotives to ply on the track etc etc...
Fighting a super power with nukes would be the end of Pakistan.
Even a toddler can tell you this.
Best way for pakistan is to find a middle ground and work with americans. Period.
BTW you know yr own government which let CIA operative go back to US with impunity after killing few of your folks?

if we are attacked with nukes under this or that pretext than we will respond with whatever we have , its as simple as that.

Our aim is to safegaurd Pakistan and we have done that quite effectively given that the odds have been heavily stacked up against us.
Read all my posts very carefully. We don't threaten / plan to invade or attack anyone (zero / nada). What I'm saying is, when threatened with a dooms day scenario, there is no such thing as a "proportionate response" there is only one answer, complete and "utterly disproportionate response". Now, let's say we're no more. Agreed. Now crunch the numbers and ask your self a question, was the aftermath worth it?

I, nor the guys at the helm trust that "Allah" is going to come and save us, our sole belief lies in science and numbers!

What do you mean eluding us? Are we hunting for your army men? And you seem to have some connection with your military, but your obsession with your military's might is a little misplaced. We have many neighbours with lesser capabilities with whom we have border disputes, but it does not mean we go about invading them. The ability of your opponent has to be considered, but that is not the only reason to not go to war. Maybe that is the difference between responsible nations and war mongering ones. I'll let you relate your nation to one of your choice.
india is indeed a cowardly country and the rage that you are displaying is because the truth hurts , if you were not cowards you would not have hidden yourselves inside American underwear in afghan stain but that’s exactly what you did over the last decade and now that the Americans have announced their departure ( in other words accepted defeat ) you are in extreme pain as now you will not be able to hide in American underpants any more in fact panetta hs asked you to put on you indian 'chaddi' and come out in the open for American cause , what are you going to do now ? all your investment in Afghanistan has gone down the toilet and yet again your designs against Pakistan have failed

I can't blame you for your language. You guys have always wanted respect from your allies but they have treated you like trash. From American to Chinese lapdogs, as some fan boys would say. Get this thing in your head - it is not India's problem that America is courting us. We are well aware of their stated and implied intentions and there is a reason we aren't getting in bed with them. In many ways, you guys wished your leaders were like ours and had made the right decisions instead of selfish and greedy ones. It always hurts when the nation you hate the most also becomes the symbol of aspiration.

Read all my posts very carefully. We don't threaten / plan to invade or attack anyone (zero / nada). What I'm saying is, when threatened with a dooms day scenario, there is no such thing as a "proportionate response" there is only one answer, complete and "utterly disproportionate response". Now, let's say we're no more. Agreed. Now crunch the numbers and ask your self a question, was the aftermath worth it?

I, nor the guys at the helm trust that "Allah" is going to come and save us, our sole belief lies in science and numbers!

You didn't say that openly, but it seemed like you were baiting when you used words like "elude" which actually suggests India to be the aggressor, and people with accurate historical accounts know better.

On topic, India and Pakistan have border disputes which don't warrant war. The issue discussed here is a US invasion of Pakistan, which is a different scenario. I am pretty sure India will prefer to stay away from this, but we will be on alert for any stupidity from the other side.
In many ways, you guys wished your leaders were like ours and had made the right decisions instead of selfish and greedy ones.
Really? You must be kidding me.
It always hurts when the nation you hate the most also becomes the symbol of aspiration.
Agreed that you have done pretty well for yourselves, but, I wouldn't go so far as considering you our aspiration. Why aim for a pole when you can aim for the moon (pun not intended, take it in light spirit) :D
In many ways, you guys wished your leaders were like ours and had made the right decisions instead of selfish and greedy ones.
Really? You must be kidding me.
It always hurts when the nation you hate the most also becomes the symbol of aspiration.
Agreed that you have done pretty well for yourselves, but, I wouldn't go so far as considering you our aspiration. Why aim for a pole when you can aim for the moon (pun not intended, take it in light spirit) :D

Whatever makes you happy mate, I am not one to judge. Then again, if you are proud of your leaders, then I guess score one for democracy.
You didn't say that openly, but it seemed like you were baiting when you used words like "elude" which actually suggests India to be the aggressor, and people with accurate historical accounts know better.

On topic, India and Pakistan have border disputes which don't warrant war. The issue discussed here is a US invasion of Pakistan, which is a different scenario. I am pretty sure India will prefer to stay away from this, but we will be on alert for any stupidity from the other side.

Think logically, why in heavens sake do we need to attack India, commit suicide? Border disputes with a standing army of 2.5 million on both sides, are you crazy, who goes to war for it? It's not us bating you in, it's our former best friends. We saw through them and now they don't like it. :D

Whatever makes you happy mate, I am not one to judge. Then again, if you are proud of your leaders, then I guess score one for democracy.
Again, who is proud of the former convict? :D They are there to fill-in the psychological "feel good" factor for the masses, to give an illusion so to speak.

Now tell me something, are you really proud of any leader of your country? (Bar Manmohan and Kalam)
Answer: The cost of keeping a SUPER-POWER at bay is costing us our economy!

Stop those safe haveans for terrorists and save yr economy - without ever trying to keep a lone superpower at bay....
Is it too much for US to ask?
Patience my friend. We haven't blinked yet, have we? :thinktank:
Answer: The cost of keeping a SUPER-POWER at bay is costing us our economy!

Stop those safe haveans for terrorists and save yr economy - without ever trying to keep a lone superpower at bay....
Is it too much for US to ask?
. .
Happy postings my friends, me log out. Everyone bash away now....... :cheers:
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