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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

"Mr. T. Kumar" from Amnesty International was present....

"Kumar", hmmm well gee whiz -they could have at least done a better job at being more "subtle" :laugh:

the writing is on the wall......once a dot-head, always a dot-head i suppose
Indain never spare opportunity to let down Pakistan. Its living example, where Indian time after time divert panel attention either toward terrorism inside India or arm embargo.
Its not first time, I had personal experience ,listen debate organized by RADIO NPR, during debate on Gujrat Anti Muslim riots debate in US,it was totally diverted toward Pakistani govt. Program Compare keep on repeating to indian participants we have organized the program about riots in Gujrat and Modi issue.But they keep targeting Pakistan . Its not new...it will take ages for Hindus to accept Muslims are reality.
In shortest definition of Indian policy is , keep the ball in others court and if someone through ball in their court, they all shout together ...fouulllllllllllllllll
What is talked in hearing, if even 1% will start happen on ground, it will have ground shaking effect. Hope south east Asia will not go back to colonials days. Hope history will not repeat itself.
If Pakistan gone, then it is in Indian interest to have stronger China
Indain never spare opportunity to let down Pakistan. Its living example, where Indian time after time divert panel attention either toward terrorism inside India or arm embargo.
Its not first time, I had personal experience ,listen debate organized by RADIO NPR, during debate on Gujrat Anti Muslim riots debate in US,it was totally diverted toward Pakistani govt. Program Compare keep on repeating to indian participants we have organized the program about riots in Gujrat and Modi issue.But they keep targeting Pakistan . Its not new...it will take ages for Hindus to accept Muslims are reality.
In shortest definition of Indian policy is , keep the ball in others court and if someone through ball in their court, they all shout together ...fouulllllllllllllllll

Couldn't explain more better.:tup::tup:

101% agree:agree:
In shortest definition of Indian policy is , keep the ball in others court and if someone through ball in their court, they all shout together ...fouulllllllllllllllll

Pretty sound strategy I must say... And it works.. :)
The time has come to create new provinces all over Pakistan. There is no need to delay this issue further.
And a 2-3 more border massacres like the salala .. Wonder how many dollars would you put as the price of each of your jawans life.. ??? Looks like you dont understand the concept of TCO (total cost of ownership)...

well as an MBA Candidate in his 2nd (final) year, with an already registered (but yet to be developed) company based in 2 countries -and concurrently having years of experience in the private sector - I think i know very well what TCO is

your defence attache exercised poor judgement, he took risks......he lost his hollow head for it and was cremated pre-maturely.
Chapter closed. At the very least as far as he's concerned.

now moving on.

i feel i was reasonably clear earlier when i implied (or rather, stated quite bluntly) that any anti-Pakistan activity will be met with disproportionately harsh repercussions.

your aspirations against Pakistan will not see time of day because there are people on our side (your enemies) who will resist whole-heartedly.

I find it quite unfortunate that you dot-heads never cut your losses when your RoI moved from green to negative - 2001 compared to 2012.
Pretty sound strategy I must say... And it works.. :)

worked so well that the NATOs -- who were adament even to have untouchables polish their boots -- are now in negotiations with the people you consider your enemies in Afghanistan.

i dont think Amrullah Saleh's cries are any louder than those made by the dot-heads across the border.

sound strategy indeed
Didn't they provide new F-16s? What makes you think that they would not have provided other weapons?

Also, we could divert some resources from the Indian border for this operation.

do you really live live in Pakistan? how much do you know about military logistics and troops movement?
do you have a clue how many Infantry, mechanized infantry, armour and artillery divisions India has along the border with Pakistan? (make a guess why they are there?)

Why do you think they are there? And if Pakistan does move a substantial part of its forces defending our side against any possible Indian invasion, what guarantee do you have that the Indians will also move back their troops away from the borders? Or at least wont do anything while we leave our flanks open to them? Specially if there is a Mumbai style atrocity as well while we are busy doing the American bidding in NW?

Are you aware that Americans not only refused access to drone technology but also refused to share the command and control of their operations? Also they turned down the gunships and even the troops transport helicopters that are a must in the COIN operations, super sonic jets are not the appropriate and cost effective means to fight the insurgency.
The so called military “aid” was cut off ages ago F-16s were fully paid for by us, they are not part of the “aid”.

I am not sure how many times you had to relocate from one city to another so I don’t know if you can imagine the time, money and the logistics required to move tens of thousands of troops from one side of the border to the other side where the terrain itself is not plain and easy. NW operation was never a NO NO for our army, but we have only managed to consolidate our positions throughout the Pak Afghan border excluding that part of the agency and not ignoring the BLA terrorism in Balochistan and the Swat operation when world started crying that the terrorists were 60 miles away from the capital.

The better option which Pakistan has been trying to convince the yanks is to get on the table with the Taliban which is much easier and better approach because all the might and firepower has not subdued the will of the Afghans. Pakistan has suffered a lot already and it is not in its interest to go into NW as the next demand is going to be going after the “Quetta Shurah”.

Given the American attitude towards Pakistani concerns re BLA and the freedom of movement of the TTP leadership in Afghanistan and facilitating our most wanted terrorist Bramdagh Bughtti, I don’t think any Pakistani should be willing to sacrifice any more lives for such kind of an ally. American double games even before the invasion of Afghanistan when they established contacts with BLA as an insurance policy against Pakistan mean that they don’t have any right to complain about Pakistan not launching NW operations or keeping contacts with Haqqanis although it’s the same veritable arm that Gen Mullens team is now meeting in Doha and Saudi Arabia.
The time has come to create new provinces all over Pakistan. There is no need to delay this issue further.


Let me add that all the names of the older provinces should be abolished and new names with newer territories carved out in a way that people from distinct etno-linguistic groups are brought together in one administrative division.

There should not be any Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan or Pakhtun-khwah left. All these names indicating ethnic or linguistic affiliations.

I would say the better names for new administrative divisions should be either relating to their geography or just after their largest/historic cities. e.g. Mehran, Khyber, Abaseen, Thar, Gandhara, Chenab, Bolan, etc.

We carved out a nation out of British India, why can we not carve some administrative divisions out of it. It's possible.
Are heading toward famous prophecy , where west will divide the every country into small pieces and later a powerful will raise and unite all small muslim countries and make ONE, when the end of time begins. Scary isn't it ?

I'd rather fight today's fight TODAY rather than depend on some magical mystery man of the future to set things right. Fairy tales are for people who run away from reality.
If there is no statement coming from China in response to US Congressional hearing, then, it's only a storm in a teacup.
Hey, trouble is our middle name - " Islamic Republic of TROUBLED PAKISTAN.

What Trouble ?

Bring it on, Dude.......
U.S. is just creating more Anti-American sentiments in Pakistan.

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