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US 'confident' that Pak will not use weapons against India

Why do we even worry about that, comeon Pakistan is doing stuff for USA and in return they will ask for things they need which USA cannot deny. Also while we get stuff from whatever means we have they also have rights to buy/get stuff for their need. I feel sometimes with my close to 1 year experience in this forum which helped me understand Pakistan, we are over paranoid about each others, time to be friends and we can do wonders.
You may have these F16 but do you have the will to fight a direct war with India :azn:
pakistan has started all the wars and india only ended them :cheers:

Lolz...it was Inida who attempted in Kashmir (Terrority of Pak) in 1948.

It was India who attempted against PAK in 1965.
It was India who fired on soldiers before Kargil war, which leads to Kargil.

Now its India who are feeding terrorists.....


Now the Mujahidens who are struggling in Kashmir.....I think PAK should support them coz they are fighting for freedom :) :cheers:
Washington: Even while the United States has offered huge military and non-military aid to Pakistan, including the much sought after F-16 combat jets, American officials believe that Washington is careful enough to not to disturb the balance of power in South Asia.

Pentagon officials told The Los Angeles Times that the US is aware of its responsibilities, and that providing the F-16s to Pakistan does not mean that it gets an advantage over India’s might

Another squadron of F-16s means they [Pakistan] will lose the next war with India a little slower,” the newspaper quoted a Pentagon official, as saying on conditions of anonymity.

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?F-16s will help Pak lose war against India slower?

Pakistan dont have only F-16's :D
Buddy it doesn;t matter if you are getting these weapons

India has taken this game to another level. Conventionally we don't even consider you a threat any more. Gap is too much now.

Oh another level ....:P
Who said the next war will be conventional.....
Both countries knows next war will be nuclear :D.....

And u lost in 65 by all means (strategical, political , loss of men and equipments)

u lost in 71(loss of men and equipments, we loat strategical)

u lost in Kargil ....as also said bu ur gernal (loss of men and equipments, we also won psychologically)....

---------- Post added at 04:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 AM ----------

It's just a US lollypop for the Indians to keep em quiet.

lolz......the best sitituation for use of "Lolly Pop". :D

But Pakistan are getting 30 F-16's this year....18 more next year....(options of more 18+14 are there)...all old 46 are getting upgraded to block 52.

We are getting BVR missiles for F-16's, weapons, a frigate is coming in August....
Discussion are on way for 8 more. P3' are on way, soon total will make 20.
We are getting choopers like BELL , Cobra....from US.
Upgrading all C130's.

So ur point is baseless....and sensless.
And tell me one thing, how many American made AC's , frigates do u have :D
One should ask the Americans, that except for the F-16s, what else have you given which is a real threat to India or which can give a tough time to an Indian offensive.

I really get amazed, when such comments are thrown out, that India is worried US weapons will be used against by Pakistan or US saying this.

Diyaa kiyaaa hai joo kae istimal kiyaaa jayeeee ???
Tamikhan no need to get angry.These statements are good for us! Indians will think Americans weapons wont work against them but war comes and bingo they're being screwed by American Weapons.

Mod Edit: Warned you before, not to use offensive or abusive language
Why should we cross the border when your armymen are gettign killed by your own men in your own country.

As far as another level is concerned....please go and check global firepower ranking.

Lolz.....our army fighting with Afgan , uzbik fighters.
Now leave firepower ranking......its biased......
Have ur army terminated terriorist groups in Inida....the answer is NO.. So burn the global firepower ranking......and through the ASH in ganga :D

Advise to zip ur mouth if u have limited knowledge :cheers:
Don't look at the ranking we're Declared Nuclear State ranking does not matter and it certainly doesn't help India. Your ranking might make you feel better against gulf or nepal and so on, deep down inside you feel the threat and fear.:tdown:

All of Pakistan's weapons of US origin and non us origin will be used primarily as the No 1 enemy against India. We know the fact of us sanctions will be forced upon Pakistan that does not stop us in War time to use it against hindustan. Be very assured of that.
All of Pakistan's weapons of US origin and non us origin will be used primarily as the No 1 enemy against India. We know the fact of us sanctions will be forced upon Pakistan that does not stop us in War time to use it against hindustan. Be very assured of that.


because they don't have the **** to attack us.
Even 500 SU-30 MKI's, 200 MRCA, 200 LCA, 200 MCA, 300 FGFA cant stop this power :D

Pakistan's nuke arsenal bigger than India: report (Source)

STOCKHOLM: A series of recent estimates by international nuclear watchdogs and reputed think tanks hold that Pakistan has a total of 70 to 90 warheads compared to India's 60 to 80. China, in comparison, has around 240 warheads.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said Pakistan's weapons-grade plutonium production would jump seven-fold with the two new reactors at Khushab nearing completion.

"Our conservative estimates are that Pakistan has 60 warheads and could produce 100 nuclear weapons at short notice," said SIPRI, adding that Islamabad had earmarked its US-supplied F-16 fighters, Ghaznavi and Shaheen missiles as its nuke delivery systems.

India's nuclear weapons programme, in turn, has largely been plutonium-based, basically centred around the Pu-239 produced in research reactors like Cirus and Dhruva at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.

Nuclear arsenals of India, Pakistan, and even China, pale in comparison to the gigantic ones of the two former Cold War foes, US and Russia. SIPRI estimates there are whopping 22,600 active, inactive and stored nuclear warheads around the globe, enough to destroy it several times over.

While Russia has 12,000 warheads, 4,630 of them "deployed" ones, US has 9,600, which includes 2,468 of them operational. The two have, however, recently decided to slash their inventories by nearly one-third.

France comes third with 300, followed by UK with 225. Israel, which like India and Pakistan is not a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, completes the list of the eight countries with nuclear weapons, with an arsenal of 80 warheads. Then, there is also North Korea, which has produced "enough plutonium for a small number of warheads", SIPRI said.

Bottom line is that Pakistan can produce and fire 160+ (60+ 100) nukes within short time.

Dont foget ...PAK can fire nuclear missiles from JETS (Raad missiles), Submarines (Babur missile), small boats , frigates , road vehciles which can fire both cruise and ballistic misiles
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Washington: Even while the United States has offered huge military and non-military aid to Pakistan, including the much sought after F-16 combat jets, American officials believe that Washington is careful enough to not to disturb the balance of power in South Asia.

Pentagon officials told The Los Angeles Times that the US is aware of its responsibilities, and that providing the F-16s to Pakistan does not mean that it gets an advantage over India’s might

Another squadron of F-16s means they [Pakistan] will lose the next war with India a little slower,” the newspaper quoted a Pentagon official, as saying on conditions of anonymity.

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?F-16s will help Pak lose war against India slower?

The same member on conditions of anonymity told me that He said such thing because Fazeed Zakariya was there and was about to cry. He didn't want to create a scene thats why he gave this statement.

:lol: :lol:

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