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It's time to get your seat belts on and watch the most advanced air-water warfare between two big powers. Are you ready to witness the rise of a new king of the world? GO CHINA WE ARE WITH YOU

You love to see this war? It will be Armageddon. End of world with nuke warhead throw around. China is a proven nuke power with miniature MIRV H-warhead. A single warhead equal 300-400times at Hiroshima.

I doubt the war will start. If 1962 Cuba crisis can avoid. So as this.

Yes, I am! :pop:
Trump thinks China is a push over like Iraq or Afghanistan but let him underestimate us and just watch the dragon chew up the USN and spit it out.

I support china, but china needs to significantly enhance naval capacity.

Since the Trump administration came in, China needs to greatly bolster defense spending probably to $1.5- $2 trillion per year to catch up with the United States.

Naval assets are crucial to removing the fog of war and maintain coordination over the Atlantic sea.
China's essential requirement is to be able to bring combat operations onto US soil. If it managers that it can maintain a long an prolonged effort to suffocate the enemy of resources and build military capacity.

If I was president of China, I would bolster military spending to $6-8 Trillion per year, realign the economy and make it combat ready
China's essential requirement is to be able to bring combat operations onto US soil. If it managers that it can maintain a long an prolonged effort to suffocate the enemy of resources and build military capacity.

If I was president of China, I would bolster military spending to $6-8 Trillion per year, realign the economy and make it combat ready
if you think you know the real chinese budget, you probably still high on estasy
its china vs nato and all asia china dont have alot of chance
You must be joking.
Not at all. The economy needs to be ready to support combat operations at a moment's notice. Once the war is declared conscriptions will be introduced and all able-bodied men and women will be brought in for combat. It will send China's military personal from a couple million to several hundred million. All those people are going to need fuel, medical supplies, munitions, and other combat gear the economy needs to be able to produce all these items in mass quantities at a moments notice.
Don't worry about trump.
Even after watching this.....

empty threats, cant dare this shit..

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