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US Blocks funding for Pakistan's Basha Dam Project

Overseas, outside of Pakistan youthful, immaturte postings fail to deal with the core issue.

Pakitan has to deal with the terrorists and terrorism internal to various parts of the nation there.

A simple fact. Why spend money to improve life for harbored terrorists inside Pakistan who are out to gut a similar dam project in southern Afghanistan?

Deal with the facts and as many writing here are young and in protected Western settings go to Pakistan, where most of you were not born or raised, and join their national Army and fight the terrorists to help save the nation of Pakitan yourself.

See , when your strong , you dont need justifications , you just have to pull the string , justifications sing along.
Thats really what fuels the trust deficit. I am glad PA didnt went into NW aka self destruction just to prove that we are eligible to have funds for various things.
Pakitan has to deal with the terrorists and terrorism internal to various parts of the nation there.

A simple fact. Why spend money to improve life for harbored terrorists inside Pakistan who are out to gut a similar dam project in southern Afghanistan?

Deal with the facts and as many writing here are young and in protected Western settings go to Pakistan, where most of you were not born or raised, and join their national Army and fight the terrorists to help save the nation of Pakitan yourself.

SO make life difficult for ordinary people so they will be easily recuited by the terrorist.
Your post FAIL big time Sir !

Now tell me who is the "Overseas, youthful, immaturte, postings fail to deal with the core issue."

I know I won't get a reply its typical rant and trolling from someone who can't handle the truth period.
God bless you yanks!

now we can build some more nuclear power plants and maybe continue with the project independently.
You have all made my point for me. All three of you live and work outside of Pakistan.

GLOBAL HUJRA ONLINE a posting from this site by me is on this PDF site. Loyal, red blooded Pakhtuns are against Taliban, al Qaida and terrorism...and they live there in frontier and northern areas of Pakistasn. Listen to and read them...they are on the front line.
Hi, no one is to blame is this situation except Pakistan. It is downright sad and embarrassing that a country of 180M cannot cough up $8B dollars itself. Pakistan is in this situation due to its corrupt leaders, misguided priorities, rampant intolerance, fundamentalism and lack of law and order.

Pakistan needs to stand on its own feet and simply stop begging for handouts. Given the power crisis and the negative effect it is having on large scale manufacturing, consumption and GDP growth, Pakistan needs to gets its priorities in order. It needs to come up with the resources itself and start building dams for hydro power and water storage.

Pakistan is going to be a very water stressed country in a few years, and it is due to lack of storage capacity, no sanitation, no recycling of water, overpopulation and one of the most inefficient irrigation systems in the world. The unfortunate thing is the government will do nothing until it is to late. Pakistan should seriously also consider building desalination plants on its coast. Take care.

Asia Program : Publications : Running On Empty: Pakistan's Water Crisis
Why the hell you gotta go and ask US for every thing when obviously you hate them so much? Why not ask China your favorite ally.
Yes we don't need US support.. our begger government is MFGD begging to fill their own personal accounts. Pakistan has billions of dollars of Gold and Trillions of dollars of coal.. little bit of management and this 50billions debt will be history.

But its indeed great to know US is not supporting us for crucial projects :tup:

Good thinking but just to let you know bro they are in Bolochistan! The approach that Pakistan has towards Bolochistan isn't good enough! plus we are not as strong to deter any misadventure by west they way they did in Gulf! My two cents Pakistan army won't let those projects go a head for another 10-15 years and i support them 1000% because we need to be totally self sufficient on defense, The reason i say that is the moment we will explore those resources, One should know what will happen lol World will jump on Pakistan the way it jumped on Middle east and Pakistan will be denied all the technology from west at least in defense sector. I understand that we have them! We knew for almost past 15 years and reason i am saying this is because my uncles used to tell us that we have more resources then middle east but we won't dig them out until we are militarily strong because we have seen how world is jumping on middle east, (uncles are army general and army men)..... We need to stop relying on these resources, Army has taken first step towards it which is in Musharraf's time to eliminate rotten piece called Bugti, and had finished Gawadar port, so we have some what sea secured but nowe have a land issue bordering Afghanistan, once we are done with it, we will have our air force sector more strong by that time as well and then we can look at those resources, Until then anyone can use these resources as political scoring just as PTI does but mark my words nothing will happen until 2020-2025 not even total exploring on high level with real figures of resources..:china::pakistan::usflag::police:
Lat night i heard a news that South Asian development bank is now funding for Bhasha dam
Why the hell you gotta go and ask US for every thing when obviously you hate them so much? Why not ask China your favorite ally.

They are already helping us a lot in different projects in AJK and GB. And since US our so called ally blocks funding for this project. It is highly probable that this project would also be funded by China. China is our ally and it is true in every sense of the word ALLY.

uS is our motivational pill we take it and we do things that were not possible before all thanks to US pushing and shoving ;)
I am sure China can help you guys, after all, India top businessman are getting multi-billion dollar loans from Chinese banks and China also buying western market debts.

Pakistan should go to they all weather protected friend China, instead of World Bank.
Unusual move.... Present regime of Pakistan had been handed out record aid and loans by both US and international banks but all those were just given as handouts and only this one was suppose to be for a tangible developmental work and US declined.....
I hope despite being refusal for the project financing US and world bank would be glad to draw up further new loan contracts with Mr. Zardari in areas where it benefits him.
We beleive in an old saying "God helps those who help themselves"..

USA and World bank's refusal can be a good heading for whipping up Pakistani public's interest in the project.
Hoover Dam was built by marginally paid volunteers and china has many dams solely built by Volunteers..If a sane,loyal and sincere politician takes up the issue..enough public interest can be generated and in a country of 160 milion a few hundred thousand work force wont be a problem..ABout funding..make it a Public limited company..Float the shares in stock market and poeple will buy it...May well attract foreign investors..

Until the time we make USA our usual escape goat..we wont progress..

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