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US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang


Feb 20, 2011
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United Arab Emirates
WASHINGTON: The US has asked China to safeguard the rights of its Uighur minority in Xinjiang province and carry out a transparent probe into the latest incident of violence in which 21 people died.

"We are deeply concerned by the reports of violent confrontation in Xinjiang that left 21 people dead. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully," US state department spokesperson Patrick Ventrell told reporters.

"We regret the unfortunate acts of violence that led to these casualties, and we'll continue to encourage Chinese officials to take steps to reduce tensions and promote long-term stability in Xinjiang," he said.

Ventrell asked the Chinese authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation of this incident, and to provide all Chinese citizens, including Uighurs, the due process protections to which they are entitled not only under China's constitutional laws but under their international human rights commitments as well.

During the press conference, Ventrell also urged China to release Memetjan Abdulla, who worked as an editor of the state-run China National Radio's Uighur Service and was detained in July 2009 for allegedly instigating ethnic rioting in the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region.

On April 1, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. "The exact charges against Abdullah were not disclosed, but Radio Free Asia reported on the sentence and cited a witness at the trial that stated that Abdullah was targeted for talking to international journalists in Beijing about the riots as well as translating articles on the website.

"We call on the government of China to release Memetjan Abdulla and all other journalists imprisoned for their work," the US official said.

When asked about the US assessment of the situation with the Uighurs in China, Ventrell said the state department is "deeply concerned" by ongoing reports of discrimination against and restrictions on Uighurs and other Muslims in China.

"We urge the Chinese government to cease policies that seek to restrict the practice of religious beliefs across China. But we've been particularly concerned about the Uighurs and have stated so publicly in the past," he said.

Further the US also remain "deeply concerned" that Chinese authorities continue to hold Liu Xia, wife of Nobel Laureate and imprisoned activist Liu Xiaobo under unjustified and extra-legal house arrest, he said.

China frequently voices anger at US criticism of its human rights record, although the world's two largest economies cooperate frequently in other areas, including trade and on the showdown with Beijing's ally North Korea.

US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang - The Times of India
In turn, China also asks the US war criminals to safeguard the rights of US Muslim citizens wrongly accused of anything, US tchechene citizens, Guantamo innocent citizens, US Afro citizens, US hispanic citizens and even US Chinese citizens in the US.
ohh... look who is talking about protecting minority ethnics.. these guys.. in a state sponsored pogrom killed millions of NATIVE AMERICANS in late 18th and 19th century... and today they are called as RED INDIANS instead of NATIVE AMERICANS... see what they did to them...

No one should tell any other country to PROTECT its Ethnic minority..

look what we Indians did with Pariahs/Dalit brothers..

look what Pakistan did with Ahmaddiyas,Hazara Shias...

No need to tell a Sovereign nation to do such things.. its China's internal matter.. and it shall sort it accordingly..
Shameless yankee hypocrites,disgusting.How can you blame others when muslims are discriminated in US?

This is deliberate policy by the US. They cause trouble inside Xinjiang and then get their media to report it blaming the Chinese government for 'oppressing' minorities. Chinese government knows the foreign intelligence agencies are heavily involved in western China. The Americans did the same thing to Chechnyan terrorists to destabilise Russia by sending weapons to that region through Turkey.
The recent Sichuan earchquake which has claimed the lives of two hundred people including women and children has came unoticed in the US, US media has not even reported on it and the US Government has not even pay tribute to the victims or offers its assistance. On the other hand the incident in Xinjiang whereby terrorists have deliberately killed innocent people has been much publicized and reported in the US and in all western media. China should asks the safeguard of the US Tchetchene citizen who has ben accused of the recent Boston attack.
The recent Sichuan earchquake which has claimed the lives of two hundred people including women and children has came unoticed in the US, US media has not even reported on it and the US Government has not even pay tribute to the victims or offers its assistance. On the other hand the incident in Xinjiang whereby terrorists have deliberately killed innocent people has been much publicized and reported in the US and in all western media. China should asks the safeguard of the US Tchetchene citizen who has ben accused of the recent Boston attack.

America is a ruthless empire, what more do you expect. It's as corrupt as hell.
Yes and the US needs to safe guard the rights of the Taleban and the Al quaeda along with the Chechens now.. And need to have a open dialog about the root causes of thier grievences.. If not STFU!!!
China should ask US to safeguard rights of Afganistani, Iraqi, African, Serbian, Cubans, Vietnamese, North Korean, native Indians and its ethnic minorities and so on..............

If Hitler was the worst human beings so far as we speak, where should we put America in its own cube? I'd recken Oxford Dictionary needs to invent a superlative form of worst``!
Kill those bloody Uighurs terrorist and separatists.

It seems Good terrorists like FSA, Chechen rebels and Uighurs are US ally.Height of hypocrisy, that's why it's really difficult to trust these westerns.
China should ask US to safeguard rights of Afganistani, Iraqi, African, Serbian, Cubans, Vietnamese, North Korean, native Indians and its ethnic minorities and so on..............

If Hitler was the worst human beings so far as we speak, where should we put America in its own cube? I'd recken Oxford Dictionary needs to invent a superlative form of worst``!

Nazis were ruthless but Americans are worse. Go back and look at the history of American wars, colonisation and slavery. Americans have killed more humans than any empire in history.
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