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US asked to ease satellite export,by china


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
US urged to relax satellite export restrictions Source:China Daily 2013-01-07 08:57 The Ministry of Commerce expressed concern after the United States kept a tight
rein on the export of satellites and related items to China, and a senior China-US
trade expert urged Washington to drop its Cold War mindset and lift the barriers
to benefit both countries. The responses came after US President Barack Obama signed on Thursday the
National Defense Authorization Act of the 2013 fiscal year. The authorization act includes provisions that relax export restrictions but
continue to ban the export, re-export or transfer of satellites to China, as well as
the launching of US satellites in Chinese territory. Shen Danyang, the ministry's spokesman, said on Saturday in a statement that
China is "deeply disappointed and dissatisfied" with the US action. "The US has not fulfilled its promise to benefit China in its reform of the export
control system and boost exports of high-tech equipment to China," he said. "In addition, the US rolled out measures to hinder satellite cooperation for civil
purposes between the two countries," he said. China urged the US to meet its commitment, stop acting in a discriminatory
manner and soften the restrictions in real terms, which will help bilateral trade
and is in line with the two countries' common interests, he said. According to US media reports, the provisions permit the Obama administration to
remove satellites and related equipment from the US State Department's munitions
list, which restricts weapons exports to other countries. However, under the provisions, satellite exports would remain prohibited for
launches from China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Cuba, Syria
and Sudan. "The provision puts China on a list with the DPRK and countries that the US deems
as supporting terrorism. It's not in line with US foreign policy concerning China,"
Zhou Shijian, a senior trade expert and professor at Tsinghua University, said on
Sunday. Currently, the US policy concerning China is to cooperate with China and try to
contain it as well. But China is not an enemy of the US, he said. In addition, the satellite cooperation for civilian purposes is "commercial activity",
and barring it is not in line with countries' interests, he said. Since the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations were expanded in 1999 to
include satellites, US satellite manufacturers' share in the global market has fallen
significantly, from 73 percent in 1995 to 25 percent in 2005, Zhou cited US media
reports as saying. Before the ban, some countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America preferred using
China's satellite launch service for its relatively low costs and high success rate, he
said. But after the ban, as China can no longer launch satellites that use US satellite
technologies, some of those countries opted to buy satellites that were
manufactured in Europe or China without ITAR-controlled components. Since 2005, China has made and launched communications satellites for Nigeria,
Pakistan and Venezuela, and launched a number of satellites made by European
companies for international clients, according to previous media reports. "Just as Neil Armstrong has described his 'small step' on the moon as 'a big step
for mankind', developing the space industry is for the good of the whole
mankind," he said. "Cooperation is needed, not the opposite. The US should drop its Cold War mindset
on this matter," he said. The US has sent signals in recent years that it intends to loosen restrictions on
high-tech exports to China and resolve the trade imbalance. But the promises have
not been met. In March 2011, US Ambassador to China Gary Locke said the US will allow 46 of
the 141 high-tech items to enter the Chinese market, and some may not need a
license. But Zhou said research showed all of the 46 items are comparatively low-end
goods, and that the high-tech goods still cannot be exported to China.
It doesn't really matter, China works better under embargo. On the other hand, US citizens still suffer if trade imbalance does not improve.
So for the US, China the second world economic power, a member of the UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, a country which makes iphone, ipad, Lenovo, TCL, Haier, etc, number one in bullet train technology, shipbuilding, construction etc is listed along supposedly "rogue" countries like North Korea, Iran, etc. China is still under strict military and technological embargoes. Even Russia and Vietnam are not under such embargoes, Russia can buy weapons from the EU and Israel just like Vietnam. Such embargoes are maintained and re-enforced since 1989 supposedly beacause of the Tiananmen revolt and human rights violation while human rights violation are even more severe in Russia, Vietnam and even in the US where under-age children are killed for no reason. Such discrimination against China is pure racism.
So for the US, China the second world economic power, a member of the UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, a country which makes iphone, ipad, Lenovo, TCL, Haier, etc, number one in bullet train technology, shipbuilding, construction etc is listed along supposedly "rogue" countries like North Korea, Iran, etc. China is still under strict military and technological embargoes. Even Russia and Vietnam are not under such embargoes, Russia can buy weapons from the EU and Israel just like Vietnam. Such embargoes are maintained and re-enforced since 1989 supposedly beacause of the Tiananmen revolt and human rights violation while human rights violation are even more severe in Russia, Vietnam and even in the US where under-age children are killed for no reason. Such discrimination against China is pure racism.

Underage is not killed by Govt and by Army.
Its a terrible mistake US keep China out of international space agency and space station. China will take revenge on US by banning them from China space station once ISS is out of service in 2020. US are broke, they will not able to afford a new ISS. :lol:
The biggest issue for China is that, without being able to launch US satellite or satellites containing US part, China is locked out of a big launching market. Many satellites in the world contain US parts.

Tech worry is the US excuse. Market competition is their real concern.
@conworldus Your correct, US semiconducters are found in just about every electronic gadget in the world. IBM, Microsoft, Texas Electronics etc still dominate microchip technology. However, Chinese hardware and software parts were discovered in dozens on USAF F-16 Block 30/52 planes.
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So for the US, China the second world economic power, a member of the UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, a country which makes iphone, ipad, Lenovo, TCL, Haier, etc, number one in bullet train technology, shipbuilding, construction etc is listed along supposedly "rogue" countries like North Korea, Iran, etc. China is still under strict military and technological embargoes. Even Russia and Vietnam are not under such embargoes, Russia can buy weapons from the EU and Israel just like Vietnam. Such embargoes are maintained and re-enforced since 1989 supposedly beacause of the Tiananmen revolt and human rights violation while human rights violation are even more severe in Russia, Vietnam and even in the US where under-age children are killed for no reason. Such discrimination against China is pure racism.

I remember when someone in China knifed a couple of children. Was horrified by that. Why did it happened in China? Human rights violations?
I remember when someone in China knifed a couple of children. Was horrified by that. Why did it happened in China? Human rights violations?

I remember some US guy went to school and start shooting at kids with rifle. Was horrified by that. Why did it happened in US? Human right violations?

The worst thing is those rifle making company in US disregard the safety of public and continue the support of selling powerful assault rifle and against the ban of it for the sake of their wealth. US federal is helpless against it. This is the so called democracy ad freedom of US?
The problem is that with such embargo, many clients cannot have their satellites launched by China, even if China can easily achieve high success rate with much lower cost compare to other countries.
The problem is that with such embargo, many clients cannot have their satellites launched by China, even if China can easily achieve high success rate with much lower cost compare to other countries.

Fully agree. The western countries or rich countries will prefer western component satelites despite China still capable of manufacturing 100% component as demonstrated by Nigeria, Venezula and Congo project.
Fully agree. The western countries or rich countries will prefer western component satelites despite China still capable of manufacturing 100% component as demonstrated by Nigeria, Venezula and Congo project.

China has surpassed NASA in cargo payloads and successful launches...
China has surpassed NASA in cargo payloads and successful launches...

Well although I'm always optimistic on these matters, but I'm not sure if that's already true. Any source for confirmation? However, surpassing U.S or not, China's space program can not profit if no one else can uses our service
I remember some US guy went to school and start shooting at kids with rifle. Was horrified by that. Why did it happened in US? Human right violations?

The worst thing is those rifle making company in US disregard the safety of public and continue the support of selling powerful assault rifle and against the ban of it for the sake of their wealth. US federal is helpless against it. This is the so called democracy ad freedom of US?

Your government is a Communist system and yet couldn't banned knives in school. Thats even more pathetic.
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