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US, Arab countries hijacking Pakistani polls: MWM

So you see, all politicians overpromise and underdeliver, don't they? Ours are just as bad as yours it seems.
You didn't get my point, did you? Holding your candidate to specifics and not letting them get away with promising the world is the important part.
US & Arabs will only love to see corrupt, incompetent & usless politicians in Pakistan.
Excuses, excuses by a party or group that has no chance in the elections in Pakistan. I do think the arab nations or the US are trying to influence the polls but I still believe Pakistan has enough control over them.
Seriously, Pakistanis need to be more specific, there are 22 Arab countries, and every one has a name. Plz use names next time.
Lols, MWM don't represents Pakistanis, Its a Shi'ite party , Never seen any Sunni in their party. They would speak against Arab for sure , After all they need an imaginary enemy to get some votes.
You didn't get my point, did you? Holding your candidate to specifics and not letting them get away with promising the world is the important part.

I did get it, but what I said in return was that you guys don't seem to be doing any better in holding your candidates to their words either, so your advice is useless pontificating.
Lols, MWM don't represents Pakistanis, Its a Shi'ite party , Never seen any Sunni in their party. They would speak against Arab for sure , After all they need an imaginary enemy to get some votes.

Excuse me did u just say if you r not Sunni you are not pakistani really? Apparently ASWJ sipa shahaba and LJ represent pakistan Just Like AL-Qaeda represent real Islam.
...you guys don't seem to be doing any better in holding your candidates to their words either, so your advice is useless pontificating.
So it blew right past you, in your eagerness to cling to the notion that American democracy is no more successful than Pakistani, thus the U.S. has nothing to teach Pakistanis about democracy.
So it blew right past you, in your eagerness to cling to the notion that American democracy is no more successful than Pakistani, thus the U.S. has nothing to teach Pakistanis about democracy.

You want to talk about our elections? No funding will get you no where and the only way to get this funding is to appeal to corporations who will buy you and buy your decisions. That's how it works here. Many things our leaders claim to be working on be for they get elected get tossed in the trash ban after they do. Like our dear 'Progressive' Obama.
So it blew right past you, in your eagerness to cling to the notion that American democracy is no more successful than Pakistani, thus the U.S. has nothing to teach Pakistanis about democracy.

No, all I meant was that YOUR "points" are just as applicable to USA democracy as they are to most other democracies including Pakistan.

Overall USA is doing much better than Pakistan obviously, but it has nothing to do with what you are saying.
You want to talk about our elections? No funding will get you no where and the only way to get this funding is to appeal to corporations -
Have you EVER participated in a political campaign, especially at the local level? I've seen well-funded candidates fail because they didn't grasp the views of their electorate.

Once you have a good reputation at persuasion and listening to voters, then funding steps in - not just from corporations, either, but non-profits of all sorts. One of the interesting complaints in China's "human rights report" on the U.S. was that the U.S. government (in compliance with U.S. law) works to uncover large donors to political campaigns. It makes one wonder how many receive covert Chinese funding, yes?
In addition to slogans and mantras, Obama supplied specifics and numerous details on many items, like his health-care plan. On the ones he didn't - like promising to close Guantanamo prison - his promises did not pan out.

Each side claims to provide specific solutions, and the other side says their "solutions" are mostly hot air and the numbers don't add up.

Democracy is the art of bullsh!tting the most number of people.
Four Hellish countries ? Which ones is he referring to ? Except of course US and Saudi ?

You may count Qatar as third one .

Each side claims to provide specific solutions, and the other side says their "solutions" are mostly hot air and the numbers don't add up.

Democracy is the art of bullsh!tting the most number of people.
I think rate of successfull and efficient working of democracy in a country is equally proportional to the literacy rate of that country.
Have you EVER participated in a political campaign, especially at the local level? I've seen well-funded candidates fail because they didn't grasp the views of their electorate.

Once you have a good reputation at persuasion and listening to voters, then funding steps in - not just from corporations, either, but non-profits of all sorts. One of the interesting complaints in China's "human rights report" on the U.S. was that the U.S. government (in compliance with U.S. law) works to uncover large donors to political campaigns. It makes one wonder how many receive covert Chinese funding, yes?

Even if you have good reputation you won't get that far, maybe on a big field but that's where donors will take the lead in some cases. Look at Rand Paul, he may be making a run for the next term and he's opposes war. I remember him stating that comes in the evangelical community are warmongering. But my point is I want to see a candidate who who will stick to his promises and not go over the top to win votes. Obama for example, we've seen how many promises he kept. But the budget deal he cowed in to what republicans wanted and they still want more. I think funding should not dictate our candidates stances. Too much money is being flooded in their pockets by organizations, business, etc...and the next day they make a promise to that corporation.
But my point is I want to see a candidate who who will stick to his promises and not go over the top to win votes. Obama for example, we've seen how many promises he kept. But the budget deal he cowed in to what republicans wanted and they still want more...
It is not a democracy when you elect a dictator. The candidate may promise, but because of separation-of-powers he must make compromises - and if their is a working level of trust, horse-trading - to push his legislation forward.

Which means one has to pay attention to the candidate's hierarchy of priorities. A candidate who vows to "bring peace to the middle east" or "solve all problems" without providing specifics whereas his health-care or land-grab plans are known or full of details has a pretty obvious hierarchy to his priorities.

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