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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

This should be motivation enough for USA not to support the Syrian rebels any further and let things continue the way they are .

Finally one indian said someting that is rational and make sense in this context.
Finally one indian said someting that is rational and make sense in this context.

I was actually in favour of the Arab spring earlier . But now it just seems that the void that is getting created in these countries after the departure of the dictators is being filled by violent extremists. That is worse than having dictators in these countries.

These guys are no freedom fighters , they are extremists and removing dictators is just a small part of their much larger agenda.
********.com - Protestors storm U.S. Embassy in Cairo and U.S. Consulate building in Benghazi over...a badly produced movie
this was expected. try 2 make anti Mohammad movie in india

then see what happens next
And here is a mental gymnast that defence American actions no matter what.
get a life...no one justifying murder...criminal should be pursued by legal means. But this is not just simple criminal act, this incidents have background, geo political calculation and implication. So this incident deserve to be looked at in prospective considering background and context.
Here is Theo van Gogh murdered in broad daylight by a muslim who got p1ssed off at him...


Am sure the both of you can come up with all sorts of 'background' and 'contexts'.
if most mental gymnastics like americans can justify the killing of innocent people in iraq,afghanistan etc im sure they have a right to justify just this ONE :D
To 'justify' is to make right. No Americans here tried to make right any civilian deaths in the course of a war. So if you want to call this stupid anti-Islam film a declaration of war between the societies, have the balls to say so.

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