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US-AF vs Indian AF in 2016?


Mar 15, 2011
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According to History channel (where history is history) in 2016 USAF Raptors are fighting a mix of Mirage 2000, Rafale, and SU 30MKI of an "unknown" air force. the raptors evantually beat them.(surprise surprise)

Start watching from 5:10 of the first part

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According to History channel (where history is history) in 2016 USAF Raptors are fighting a mix of Mirage 2000, Rafale, and SU 30MKI of an "unknown" air force. the raptors evantually beat them.(surprise surprise)

Start watching from 5:10 of the first part


This program isn't worth watching. So basically it says : USAF goes into Russia ....destroy their air defense , fighter planes and then they come back without losing even one aircraft.

Cool story bruh!
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What a stupid thread! USAF vs us? No reasons. MKIs are used in 3 other countries with different designations like MKV for Venezuela, MKM for Malaysia, MKK for China and MK2 for Vietnam. Guess the MK'I' comes in because we were the first to have it beastly modified with indigenous, Israeli and French stuff in it apart from Russian modifications.
The episode in the video was aired on 5th May,2008.Obviously no one knew that IAF was going to select Rafale at that time.
Actually there were reports at that time that Rafale was out of MMRCA.
US military is superior to any military force in the world. All world experts acknowledge this. And only fools argue over this.

The performance of US military during Gulf War 1991 stunned even China.

The Gulf War, with its awesome display of firepower, stealth, electronics, computers, and satellites, revealed that warfare had made a quantum leap into a new era. It was a profound shock to the PLA, but it was not the first time that the Chinese brass had been forced to acknowledge their military shortcomings. Twelve years earlier, during China's punitive attack on Vietnam, the PLA found it difficult to carry out a modest cross-border incursion to subdue a few small cities and suffered enormous casualties against smaller, albeit experienced, opposition.1 The Chinese army had proven incapable of carrying out a coordinated ground assault from three directions. Command and communications were disjointed, and Chinese forces fell victim to their own "friendly fire." Nor did the PLA bring any air power to bear on their adversaries. As a result, battle-hardened Vietnamese troops were the ones who "taught lessons" to the PLA.

Source: Modernizing China

This is the current situation of Russia:

Today the only basis for Russia’s claims to world power status is its nuclear capability. By any other measure of power Russia would hardly qualify as a medium sized power, much less a world power.

Source: http://www.nipp.org/National Instit...Russian nuclear doctrine -- NSF for print.pdf

Russia and China, both are trying to modernize their militaries but this will take considerable time.


The key point that some here forget is that US bombers can fire long range cruise missiles for ground targets. Once the long range SAM systems are knocked out, the Jet Fighters can move in.

However, stealth fighters would not have any problem penetrating deep in to enemy territories.


India is even more vulnerable then Russia and China.
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this is one of those "unbiased " vid which you cant trust at all:lol:


Hypothetical 2016 battle between United States Air Force against Indian Air Force.

4 American F-22s and 2 B1-R against a lot of Indian SU 30MKIs, Rafales, etc.
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