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US Admits China ‘Outpacing’ NASA In Space Race; Could Become The 1st Nation To Establish Lunar Outpost?

First of all, China is a long way to be NASA competitor. Probably a competitor of SpaceX would be more suitable

Second of all, NASA is not a military organisation, they are an exploration agency. they don't really do colonisation of outer space, NASA focus on deep space exploration. Such as discovering new universes that is outside the current solar system.

This is what NASA is doing

On the other hand, any outpost in the moon is more or less pointless without advancement of payload technology, of course you can establish an outpost in the moon, but then the question remain is how and what for? You need to be able to sustain an outpost, even with 2 men in a hut, you still need daily mission to carry supply for it, and for what? You can't launch rocket in space now because of de-linear orbit, Which does question why one would want an outpost on moon to begin with.

Maybe when we can carry more payload and land on moon, maybe if we can solve the gravitation pull issue, yes, we can start thinking about an outpost, but we are decades, if not few decades away

An a** speaking. Ignorant one, of course. I don't know where you can write on the stone China is decades behind. NASA has focused on space exploration beyond the moon. That's true and that's where NASA leads. But with China's pace in space exploration, no one -- not even in NASA or ESA, claims China is decades behind. Only fools do. How about a Chinese claiming the US doesn't have a space station, doesn't have a actionable moon exploration plan, doesn't have a relay satelite to relay signals to/from the far side of the moon (NASA asked Chinese help a couple years ago to relay signals), doesn't have the quantum communication technology,..

NASA is not military.. ?! LOL.. Only an idiot would believe that. Any NASA endeavors could turn into military as the US government wishes. Civilian, privately-owned Apple and Google could become militaristic (used by the US military to achieve its missions). How could an agency set up, operated, and funded by the government not militaristic when called for? Again only fools believe that.

Lastly, if setting up a moon outpost is useless and just a waste of money, why would NASA or the US government wants to return to the race with China to the moon? Hello!! Are you there? Why not let the Chinese waste their money and resources on useless moon parties. NASA shouldn't worry and continue its 'deep space' explorations.
NASA is not military.. ?! LOL.. Only an idiot would believe that. Any NASA endeavors could turn into military as the US government wishes. Civilian, privately-owned Apple and Google could become militaristic (used by the US military to achieve its missions). How could an agency set up, operated, and funded by the government not militaristic when called for? Again only fools believe that.
I guess YOU would think that way since everything in China is only one degree away from CPC control. Technically speaking, China does not have civil aviation since domestic airspace is under military control.

Fools believe China is 50 years behind US, while Nasa chiefs don't.
I guess YOU would think that way since everything in China is only one degree away from CPC control. Technically speaking, China does not have civil aviation since domestic airspace is under military control.
So is NASA. And even worse, because NASA is under the control of a nation that has been waging wars almost every year of its existence in the last two centuries. Don't kid yourself. Have yourself some Cool-aid.
An a** speaking. Ignorant one, of course. I don't know where you can write on the stone China is decades behind. NASA has focused on space exploration beyond the moon. That's true and that's where NASA leads. But with China's pace in space exploration, no one -- not even in NASA or ESA, claims China is decades behind. Only fools do. How about a Chinese claiming the US doesn't have a space station, doesn't have a actionable moon exploration plan, doesn't have a relay satelite to relay signals to/from the far side of the moon (NASA asked Chinese help a couple years ago to relay signals), doesn't have the quantum communication technology,..

NASA is not military.. ?! LOL.. Only an idiot would believe that. Any NASA endeavors could turn into military as the US government wishes. Civilian, privately-owned Apple and Google could become militaristic (used by the US military to achieve its missions). How could an agency set up, operated, and funded by the government not militaristic when called for? Again only fools believe that.

Lastly, if setting up a moon outpost is useless and just a waste of money, why would NASA or the US government wants to return to the race with China to the moon? Hello!! Are you there? Why not let the Chinese waste their money and resources on useless moon parties. NASA shouldn't worry and continue its 'deep space' explorations.
Do tell me WHEN can China send an exo-systemic probe out to, well, let's not go nuts on other constellation, just Alpha Centauri and scope out A Cen AB system? Which is 4.2 light years away. Can you even give me a time frame? 1 year? 10 years? 20 years? Okay, let's not even talk about Space Exploration. how is the reusable spacecraft coming for China, what is it? 2nd landing this year?? How about space shuttle progress? How about Lunar Model re-orbit technique, it's a bit different for a crewed lander and a sample lande taht took 1kg of moon rock back to the ship, hell, do China even have a functioning Lunar Module yet? And even if China manages to solve all these and send people to the moon and back, congrat, the Chinese has done what the US has done in the 1970s.

And then you are talking about NASA asking China to "relay" comm.....Yeah, that sounded like it shaved decade of work and yeah, NASA ask for China help to get some message on the other side of the moon, Chinese space tech must be very close to NASA.....lol

On the other hand, NASA is NOT one of the 7 uniform US Service (Well, 8 if you counted Space Force)

The 8 are:

United States Army
United States Navy
United States Air Force
United States Marine
United States Coast Guard
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Public Health Services
United States Space Force

NASA is a scientific organisation not listed in the Uniform Service of the United States according to 10 USC, saying NASA is a military organisation is like saying Lockheed Martin is a military organisation because they build tank, missile and fighter aircraft and what not......

And finally, do you even know what the new NASA lead MULTINATIONAL Lunar exploration mission is about? Artemis program is a joint mission with 6 other organisations from EU, Japan, Canada, Israel, and guess who is leading the US effort on this mission? SpaceX...

And it didn't change the fact that you will need to build a launch pad in moon to be at least able to transport any meaningful amount of stuff back to earth, can you even build stuff on the surface of the moon to begin with? That mean anything other than exploration will have been pointless to set up outpost on moon.

You really shouldn't post if you know shit with the info at hand.
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LOl, CNSA Chang'e 2 travelled hundreds of million km deep from earth and explored an asteroid on the way, only Chang'e 3 stopped roving on the moon after so many number of days, Chinese lunar probe Chang'e 4 is still roving on the far side of the moon after so many years, Chang'e 5 even brought back samples of moon soil to earth, a rover is on the Mars working for a year, CNSA has Beidou GPS of its own, CNSA builds and operates a most complete whole range of rockets in the world, CNSA can design, produce, launch and operate all type of satellites, CNSA can do quantum satellites communications on earth, and CNSA has built and operates its own space station. SpaceX can do little except constantly blowing up their new rocket in launching, it can't design, produce and operate satellites, it can't land rovers on the moon and mars not to speak of bring back samples, more importantly it can't build and operate a space station and US by itself can't do it either. You must be living in a rock totally ignorant to say CNSA and SpaceX is equal in capability and China is 50 years behind US, lol.
First of all, Yutu is the rover, Chang'e is the lander. I am talking about the rover not the lander.

Second of all, Starlink also have satellite that can be used as GPS

And finally, what had quantum satellite had anything to do with Space? And it wasn't even CNSA, the satellite is CSA (Chinese Academy of Science) product. Starlink don't do physics and quantum experiment. If you need to compare, you need to compare to DOE or some organisation like that.

And US has had a space station a long time ago, you need to go back and read post from page 1.
Yeah, China is also start to doing it too.
We want to see reusable super heavy lift before Elon completes his.
To those of you who are interested in Space Probe. China did have 2 space probe mission that are going to launch by 2025. Expected to leave Sun orbit (outside this universe) in 2049.


By then it would have been 31 years after Voyager 2 left Sun's orbit (Voyager 2 left sun orbit on November 5, 2018)
By then it would have been 37 years after Voyager 1 left Sun's orbit (Voyager 1 left sun orbit on August 25, 2012)
First of all, Yutu is the rover, Chang'e is the lander. I am talking about the rover not the lander.

Second of all, Starlink also have satellite that can be used as GPS

And finally, what had quantum satellite had anything to do with Space? And it wasn't even CNSA, the satellite is CSA (Chinese Academy of Science) product. Starlink don't do physics and quantum experiment. If you need to compare, you need to compare to DOE or some organisation like that.

And US has had a space station a long time ago, you need to go back and read post from page 1.
You are talking whole China vs SpaceX, Chang'e is the name giving to the series of moon missions, what does it make if the rover is called Yutu, just minor detail. Quantum satellite communications are still space exploration tech, if not, why you bring up that fact that SpaceX is able to launch many satellites and has Starlink. China is currently also working on something similar to Starlink with 10 k satellites. US only had a short lived experimental Skylab space station by itself before, China had two experimental space stations before this permanent one up there now.
You are talking whole China vs SpaceX, Chang'e is the name giving to the series of moon missions, what does it make if the rover is called Yutu, just minor detail. Quantum satellite communications are still space exploration tech, if not, why you bring up that fact that SpaceX is able to launch many satellites and has Starlink. China is currently also working on something similar to Starlink with 10 k satellites. US only had a short lived experimental Skylab space station by itself before, China had two experimental space stations before this permanent one up there now.
First of all, satellite is NOT an exploration tech, do you even know what is a satellite? It's like you are saying a "phone" can be used to exploring hence it is an exploration tech.

Second of all, I didn't bring up star link, you bring up GPS, well Baidu, I am merely saying SpaceX can use their star link satellite as GPS.

And finally, you can't set up space station permanently, your station will deorbit sooner or later with orbit decay, in fact, almost half of the ISS module are US made

the reason why US did not maintain the Skylab is because of money and is cheaper to use the Russian ISS, not because they can't maintain it, because NASA is also tasked to maintain ISS with all the STS mission. And Skylab again, has a similar payload to Tiangong space station, both are around 350m2 and around 100,000 kg and both can situate 6 people.
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Do not know who is behind and who is forward but i do know that chinese space program is for sure better managed, focused, precise and with more realistic ambitions.
And main advantage their costs ratio is far less then over complicated forest of usa agencies behind their space programs.
And even if China manages to solve all these and send people to the moon and back, congrat, the Chinese has done what the US has done in the 1970s.
So China has done what Russia did 70 years ago meaning China is 70 years behind Russia in space technology? why Nasa chiefs and scienttists don't share your opinion on this?
First of all, satellite is NOT an exploration tech, do you even know what is a satellite? It's like you are saying a "phone" can be used to exploring hence it is an exploration tech.

Second of all, I didn't bring up star link, you bring up GPS, well Baidu, I am merely saying SpaceX can use their star link satellite as GPS.

And finally, you can't set up space station permanently, your station will deorbit sooner or later, the reason why US did not maintain the Skylab is because of money and is cheaper to use the Russian ISS, not because they can't maintain it, because NASA is also tasked to maintain ISS with all the STS mission. And Skylab again, has a similar payload to Tiangong space station, both are around 350m2 and around 100,000 kg and both can situate 6 people.
Producing, launching and operating satellites are considered part of any country's space program if you don't know. Second, for whatever reason, Skylab only worked for 24 weeks, it was only temporary, Tiangong the current one will last and work in the space at least for 15 years, that's considered permanent for that long, that's the difference. If you don't consider Starlink as part of space program, then SpaceX can only fire rockets now and you call that's space exploration.
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It seems that something went seriously wrong with US dollar's purchasing power, all the mega projects are seeing absurd amount of cost-ups.

Affordability is critical, technology is only good if you can afford it. I would say even ISRO is far ahead of NASA in this regard.
So China has done what Russia did 70 years ago meaning China is 70 years behind Russia in space technology? why Nasa chiefs and scienttists don't share your opinion on this?
Are you for real?

I didn't say China is behind NSAS 30-50 years because they still not able to land on the moon, otherwise I would have said China is behind NASA for 54 years + (Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969)

You are behind 30 -50 years because there are several mile stone from Chinese Space Agency is currently missing, and if you were to compare to the achievement the NASA did, you are behind that time frame. Achievement such as China still do not have a reusable spacecraft (Gemini (1967) Falcon 9 (2010), do not have a high payload reusable spacecraft (aka space shuttle (1981)) do not have a exo-system space mission (eg Pioneer 11 (1973), Voyager 1 (1977), Voyager 2 (1977), , do not have a exo-system space telescope (eg Hubble Space Telescope (1990))

Meaning it will take you anywhere from 30-50 years to have image like this


That's why you are 30-50 years behind.
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