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Urgent: All Pakistani defence enthusiasts should look into this!

Their religion have turned them into pathological lying zombies.
Still no harm in registering a complaint with respect to wikipedia, dont you think?
I think the best way will be to file the complaint, lets see what they say and then we proceed accordingly?
Bro we can't put every on Army / ISPR, Govt institutes like PTA, PEMRA can do appropriate action against Wiki or any other website upon orders from Ministry of exterior...ISPR or Army max can complain to these Govt departments.
You can count me in despite I'm busy these days but still I will spare some time for it.
We have a lot of able senior members so they can all be a great help. Experienced members can guide other enthusiastic members who would like to join this mission. My limited observation about members on PDF,
@Kaptaan can keep an eye on civilisation part
@niaz I found him very knowledgeable about almost everything
@Oscar knows about history of PAF and military in general so he can be very useful
rest @IceCold @django @PakSword can select their niches.
Of course it is up to them..if they have time and energy to do this..
Bhai, I am also not as much active as I used to be few years ago.However, we as Pakistani and particularly as Muslims need to improve our character and morale.If as civilians we will groom ourselves; follow religion properly and abstain from evil; then events from heavens will be improved for us or at least our roles will be graceful during hardships.
You always remind me of syedali, I don't know where he is but he was someone whom I will always admire.He never listened to me and lost his ground against troll fest(you know).
Thats the only way India can win a war
Bhai, I am also not as much active as I used to be few years ago.However, we as Pakistani and particularly as Muslims need to improve our character and morale.If as civilians we will groom ourselves; follow religion properly and abstain from evil; then events from heavens will be improved for us or at least our roles will be graceful during hardships.
You always remind me of syedali, I don't know where he is but he was someone whom I will always admire.He never listened to me and lost his ground against troll fest(you know).
Thank you for your kind words and advise. I'm trying to be better and try to abstain from evils but being a human being to err is human. I have a suggestion that if you can initiate a private conversation for the members here on PDF so we can share our knowledge regarding this task. Definitely there are members who already have experience of contributing to Wikkipedia so that can be used for the newbies to get them up to speed and be productive instead and avoid a few pitfalls.
This is more on institutional level by Indians rather than our institutes indulge in to local politics and running media cells these are the prime areas to look and work for as we are losing the propaganda war
Info war ! but it wont work in pakistan.
Well ,its good to counter Wikipedia , but no one takes Wiki seriously. Obviously anyone can manipulate history or any incidence. But, if Indian doing fabrication then , Pakistani has right to do 2X fabrication .

There are some 1.2 Billion Indians.
One Billion of them think they have won all the wars.....the other 2 Million are however Indian soldiers.
Yes , after realizing they won the war , next moment they walk out in search of toilet.
Hello everyone,

This is a thread to bring your attention to something that is slipping under our radars. Recently, I have noticed that all the articles on wikipedia regarding Indo-Pak wars have been changed to "Indian victory" by Indians.

For example, Indo-Pak war of 1965 used to have result as "Stalemate" (which is the actual result of war)---However, now it says "Indian victory"....

So much so, that even individual battles that favored Pakistan have also been changed. For example, Battle of Chawinda used to be marked as "Pakistani victory" under results. However, today, it is marked as "indecisive"....

Lahore front has also been changed to "Indian victory"....

This is crucial for national morale and moral standing. Falsifying information on wikipedia is horrendous bc 90% of the audience who will look up about Indo-Pak conflicts will go to wikipedia for quick summary....whether its Pakistani students, indians, or some foreign student of South Asian studies. This should be brought into notice of relevant authorities/people that can correct this blatant agenda-pushing by indians.

Any wiki editors here or any programmers you know that can help?
Indians have also deleted all the sources that favored Pak or declared the result as stalemate--and instead of added ALL pro-India 'sources'...

Let's work on reversing this information onslaught on our national narrative. Pakistan Army's digital media cell should look into it as well.

@Kaptaan @Zarvan @Oscar @Horus @waz @Rashid Mahmood @Windjammer @farhan_9909 @Slav Defence @Hyperion @WebMaster @Stealth @ghazi52 @django @Zibago @Umair Nawaz @IceCold @Maarkhoor @Dazzler @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @war&peace @HRK @araz @DESERT FIGHTER @fatman17 @Zaki @Irfan Baloch @Jango @CommandEleven @TaimiKhan @blain2 @balixd @Side-Winder @Bratva @The Deterrent @WAJsal @Donatello @abdulbarijan @Armstrong @Jungibaaz @notorious_eagle @niaz @The Eagle @Secur

Please tag others who might be helpful. I don't know alot of the usernames of relevant/senior people
And it seems that many pakistanis admit that including ex airforces chief.

There are some 1.2 Billion Indians.
One Billion of them think they have won all the wars.....the other 2 Million are however Indian soldiers.

WRONG! There are currently between 1.3 and 1.4 billion indians, not including ex-pats. Hence, the real figure is much higher.
There are some 1.2 Billion Indians.
One Billion of them think they have won all the wars.....the other 2 Million are however Indian soldiers.

Whose fault is that now?
Letting a duck sit that long?
Whose fault is it now
We will do it inshallah:
Let us divide our group into three parties:
A) Researchers and source providers
B) Wiki editors
C) Analyst

C will provide changed and flawed history ; A will provide correct sources from books and articles and B will be official members who will edit the inaccurate source and manipultated history.
Tell all members to email me at [email protected] and let us start working in this aspect.
We seriously need to deal with these things. It is unfortunate that wiki gives their keys to Indian and they are using it for their own interest. We need to submit report to wiki and asked them to handover keys to us which are related to us.
History is not written in only internet yes but needed to be changed
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