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Update l Iran deploys revolutionary guards in Iraq!

That's not the point. Try to comprehend English, I don't need to explain every single thing to you.
Don't worry, my comprehension in English is good enough to know that you try to act like representatives of Sunnis in Iraq and also believing that since you are an Arab, that gives you authority to talk about Iraq, but members from Iraq's most important neighbor shouldn't 'meddle' in their affairs. It's Iraqis vs terrorists, not Sunnis vs Shias, perhaps it'll take you some time to understand that, if you leave sectarian mindset.
Don't worry, my comprehension in English is good enough to know that you try to act like representatives of Sunnis in Iraq and also believing that since you are an Arab, that gives you authority to talk about Iraq, but members from Iraq's most important neighbor shouldn't 'meddle' in their affairs. It's Iraqis vs terrorists, not Sunnis vs Shias, perhaps it'll take you some time to understand that, if you leave sectarian mindset.

No, you're secterian. It's Iranian/Iraqi/Syrian Shia killing and maiming/persecuting the Sunni populations.
If Iran do not help Maliki government a massive fight between Shia and Sunni and even Sunni and Sunni will occur.15% in Iraq are Arab Sunni but 80-90% of Iraqi Sunnis for sure does not accept those murdering by groups like ISIL.

Iraq has bad situation, Shias and Sunnis have a little dissension with each other.

Saudi arabia and its allies wants to open hell in Iraq.

Iran will not interfere itself in Iraq for bunch of terrorists, unless a threat occur to Ahlulbayt Shrines.
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No, you're secterian. It's Iranian/Iraqi/Syrian Shia killing and maiming/persecuting the Sunni populations.

What happened in Iraq was nothing but a coup conducted by some baathi ex-officers and some countries in the region against Iraq's elected government which explains how ISIS seized Mosel, actually Mosel was given to ISIS.
Neither current conflict in Syria nor Iraq are sectarian war, someone tends to mislead people about it to cover up their plan for region.

And let me tell you something, I assure you none of Iranians member over here (at least majority of them) don't care about sectarian stuffs.
I could understand if Sunnis have beef with Maliki, but aligning yourselves with these terrorists is not the way.
Saudi are extremly jealous about Iraq.

Instead of bringing peace and prosper to Iraq they bring unrest and killing Muslims daily in Iraq.

They are worry about a powerful Shia Arab country with democracy and rich Oil resources which is a huge threat for their kingdom and nasibism (hating of Ahlulbayt).

60-80% of suiciders in Iraq from 2007 up to now are Saudis.So they have killed thousand thousands Iraqis for nothing.

Saudi support every crisis in Iraq and Syrai.

Most of Iraqi people on internet call saudi arabia "devil land of wahabis"! = مملکة الشر الوهابیة

Only Allah knows how much Iraqi people hate saudis.

The most devil regime on the earth instead of bringing prosper progress and peace, bring for them killing innocent Muslims.
I am hoping my country returns to its pre-WWII isolationist ways. What is happening in Iraq right now may just be the awakening our politicians need, at least in the middle east.

That is exactly what is required. The US was founded by immigrants who wanted to get away from the Bull in the rest of the world. It has always been the Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Its a haven to those who have had it from the rest of the world and has no reason to get involved in places where it is not wanted.
Sunnis were been slaughtered by that faggot maliki and its only natural that would fight back. It was long overdue. Iraq has been turned into a hell hole thanks to Iran and its savages in bagdad. Its only natural that Iran would send its troops to save the asses of its thugs. Assad in syria, maliki in iran and sisi in Egypt - all r having a party with muslim blood.
wait I'm confused, who's on who's side?

I thought ISIS was the the rebels supported by America in Syria, then turn to Iraq, so why is America getting into the action?
wait I'm confused, who's on who's side?

I thought ISIS was the the rebels supported by America in Syria, then turn to Iraq, so why is America getting into the action?

America is NOT getting involved It's all for show. CIA wants a Shia-Sunni war, geopolitically it's the best thing that could've happened .This also indicates that an Israeli/American attack on iran is getting closer and closer, obviously Nuclear talks have gone nowhere..Remember I was here in 2012 talking about this.

Annals of National Security: The Redirection : The New Yorker

Syrian truth, America/Israel/Saudi Arabia's plans revealed in 2007
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