LOL....... it was the Vaishyas who consorted to make India into a Feudal economy. Much of the Feudal system is the creation of the Vaishyas, it was the Brahmins who were the fist social reformers who spoke of dismantling the feudal system.
Pick up any name of a social reformer, 9 out of 10 it will always be a Brahmin, never a Vaishya
The Kashtriya's held the sword and the Vaishyas held the land and Money, what power did the Brahmins have ?
..... the mighty Pen ?
Traditions die out within a generation if there is no master to review it.
LOL...... how were they in a position to change things ? ..... by preaching to the attackers not to attack ?
Brahmins were and always remained advisors, even the choice of taking that advice fell on the Kshatriya and the Vaishya. The advice was not even binding.
Absolute Nonsense.
Most of our Military failures came from poor planing, lack of strategic thinking, disregarding warnings, laziness and unmitigated greed by the kshatriyas and Vaishyas.
The ksatriyas were always in the position to impart education to all, why din't they ? why din't the vaishyas ?
You mean that is why the Law books are in such tricky lawyer language ?
...... have you ever read a law book ? The language used in Law has be very precise and sharp else it can be twisted to mean something totally different. THAT is why Sanskrit was used to write down the scriptures. THAT is why correct use of langue is SO IMPORTANT in any Contract or Point of Law.
Its No 'Trick' appears like a 'trick' to the village idiot.
Prakrit was unrefined Sanskrit, the refined form of the language was Sanskrit. The test were written using refined language, pretty much the same way we write official document in CORRECT ENGLISH and not in SMS English or slangs.
Karma and the cycle of birth and death and consequence of one's karma is also expounded by Buddha. Bad karma gives you a bad deal in the next life, good karma gives you a good deal.
So its ok when Buddha said it, but not ok when Hindus said it ?
That would depend on the illness, won't it ?