HAIDER I am of mixed origins. My mother is only partially Yemeni but also of European origins. My lineage is a Hijazi Arab lineage (Hashemite) and my country is KSA. But I know what you mean since I do identity partially with Yemen and have written a lot about the country here. In any case you are referring to some of the southern provinces of KSA. Well, they were always independent. A hybrid between Northern Yemen and Hijaz. Just ask the people. There are no tensions anymore. Borders have changed for centuries. Sheikdoms, Sultanates, Kingdoms, Caliphates, Emirates etc. Just read about the ancient history of Yemen. One millennium Semitic pagans. The other adopting Judaism. Then Christianity and then Islam.
What you need to understand today is that people now live in their countries of birth. If we just look at everything in terms of regions, dialect or ethnic group your country (Pakistan) would be divided into 5-6 countries, Indian to 100's, Afghanistan to 5-6 a parts, Iran as well and dozens of others. That's not how it works anymore.
People want stability especially people of the GCC who have never known anything BUT stability.