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Unmanned Convenience Store In Shanghai 无人便利商店上海亮相

So if the system fails to recognize you at the exit or somehow breaks you are caged in without anyone there to let you out :D?

The entire concept of physically caging in customer unless they paid will alienate a lot of customer.
Alibaba's self-service 'Taocafe' unveiled

2017-07-10 15:39

chinaplus.cri.cn Editor: Gu Liping


People wait in line at Alibaba's new "Taocafe" in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. (Photo/China.org.cn)

Alibaba has unveiled its new "Taocafe," a self-service store, as part of the second Taobao Maker Festival at the Hangzhou International Expo Center, Zhejiang Province on Saturday July 8, 2017.

The 200 square meter site serves as both a shopping center and food court.

Designed to be consumer friendly, "Taocafe" allows people to scan items they want to purchase through a QR code on the Taobao app. The purchases are then calculated as customers are leaving, and paid automatically through Alipay. The purchases will then be delivered.

In the catering area, customers just need to tell the screen what they would like, and a speech recognition system will order for them.

"Here is what you ordered. Are you sure you want to pay?" When they answer "Yes," the purchase is charged to their Alipay account.

Alibaba says its designed "Taocafe" to try to give its customers a unique shopping and payment experience.

However, the company does admit that it will still be some time before "Taocafe" could be commercialized.

Doesn't do much automation hurt the population job prospects for people in our Asian countries?
Western nations have less people compared to Asia so automation in everything is okay for them.
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