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United States curbs on Javelin missile sale cloud Indo-US relationship

I am failing to get the logic behind this move, what exactly could be their problem? How can quantity change anything? Glad we did not give them MRCA.
So we buy only those many javelins that they want to sell us ? Our own needs go to hell ? You don't make sense .

Btw , i don't think you read about the Israeli Spike , the other contender for this deal .

I was generalizing the situation, what i had written was not specific to this article but to larger Indo-US equation.

To become a world class force we need to make our own stuff and to make our own stuff we need to get as much tech as we can to increase our knowledge base.

what do u want?we beg em ....plz plz give us Arms? lol ...
i sense a little amt of paranoia in ur comment.

u din't read my last line i said it clearly that it should not be at the cost of our sovereignty be it Americans or anyone else, what i was saying that we don't have the indigenous capability to build high tech weaponry, not even the Russians or other suppliers have it so we have to look up to Americans, but no one is saying to beg them for that, i m just saying if we have an option why not to exercise that?
i was wondering what can be the reason for reducing the no. of missiles since it does not makes sense as US is already supplying high-end systems like P-8is but does not want to sell Javelins??
u din't read my last line i said it clearly that it should not be at the cost of our sovereignty be it Americans or anyone else, what i was saying that we don't have the indigenous capability to build high tech weaponry, not even the Russians or other suppliers have it so we have to look up to Americans, but no one is saying to beg them for that, i m just saying if we have an option why not to exercise that?

For what i read ,what i said was appropriate.
i cant formulate a relative response if one edits his statement . But ur sentiments r duly acknowledged.:tup:

anyways india is already engaging with America but India is donig good in making its concerns public so tht the American don't get blindsided when India makes a sudden call not in favor of American i Interests.
Arey jitne milte hai le lo or dekh lo kaise banate hai :lol:.

We already have parallel program running on anti tank missiles.
Sir if there is tranfer technology why do indian need more missiles. Indian engineers dont know how to use tranfer technology?
Arey jitne milte hai le lo or dekh lo kaise banate hai :lol:.

We already have parallel program running on anti tank missiles.

we are not talking about noodles here....:lol: it's weaponry which we need desperately for IA, what India does now we'll have to wait & see. As far as our anti tank missiles (nag) are concerned trials are still going on.
Sir if there is tranfer technology why do indian need more missiles. Indian engineers dont know how to use tranfer technology?

Learn to spell the word transfer first. Yes we do not steal and copy like you that is the reason.
For what i read ,what i said was appropriate.
i cant formulate a relative response if one edits his statement .

i don't want to get one-on-one here, but just to inform you my edited version was 10 min before your first post, also u yourself cited my edited version in the post (but no issues here, peace).
Learn to spell the word transfer first. Yes we do not steal and copy like you that is the reason.

Sir tranfer of tech means you can make a big number of javelin without any problem and cheap indu labour mean cheap javelins. what problem? This not stealing.
Sir tranfer of tech means you can make a big number of javelin without any problem and cheap indu labour mean cheap javelins. what problem? This not stealing.

lol there is no such thing as full transfer of technology dear the thing does not exist
I never got why INdia is going for an expensive, technologically less advanced and less ToT option of Javelin ? Why are we not going for Spike....its cheaper, more advanced(a generation ahead of Javelin), comes in various categories and we can get whatever ToT we need from Israel. Not to mention Rafael is not banned by MOD.
This is an absurd stance taken by the USG- a country is willing and able to buy but they are refusing to sell! This is sure to provoke massive outcry amongst US defence companies who now rely on exports as the US cuts back on many projects. C-17 is a typical eg- without Indian orders the production line may have closed as early as next year but now it is to continue employing tens of thousands across America until atleast 2015 and even later if IAF places follow on orders. If India as a result of this ridiculous situation decides to reduce arms purchases from US the Obama administration is in for a world of hurt from the electorate and the opposition- it is utterly absurd when you think about it.

I have no doubt we can expect to see a complete reversal of this decsion soon once it is taken high enough and the ludicrous nature of the descion is realised.

Good on GoI for not bowing to pressure- showing they can't be pushed around and made to submit. Really impressive stance they've taken.
Why would Indian Army need Javelins to begin with? Are the al-khalids or chinese t-99s really that threatening?

I mean, these missiles are really expensive, with a cost of at least a 100k each, the total figure would probably run into billions.

Its not that the US doesn't want to provide you military tech, its probably because of the corrupt political babus who wouldn't get their share from these days out of the American companies. But much easier to deal with Russian, french and israelis relatively for the babus.
This is a very good development, this mean Israeli spike system is coming to IA
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