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United Muslim World economic Potential

India Can Crush any Muslim Country to Death. No Muslim Country can Face Our Industrial Production, Military, Army, Navy's Reach, Thermonuclear Bombs with ICBMs while We Monitor all Muslim Countries with Spysats!

You Can't do Sh!t against Us If We Decide to against You!

No Muslim Country can reach our Land Except Bordering Ones While We can Bomb any Muslim Country with Our Aircraft Carriers (2nd Largest Fleet of Aircraft Carriers after US in the World) and SSBNs.:lol:

Better Stay Friendly than Be Against Us. ;)

Think again.

5 million + active troops in the Muslim world
30000+ active MBTs+ tens of thousands of others in reserves
50000+ active IFVs, APCs etc
ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, helicopter carriers, surface and subsurface vessels multiple times the number all of hinduism could ever build.

Nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, biological weapons, FAE.

When did India test themonuclear bombs? Its carriers are sixty years old British junk which the Brits discarded from service.
India can be bombed left, right, centre, up, down, from above and from anywhere all around the clock. India has no ability to build its sniper rifles, even, what sort of a fight can it fight?

India had better dream about fighting Pakistan (a small part of the massive Muslim world), without success. If it dares to go against the Muslim world, one may not find Hinduism in history books a few centuries from now. :wave:
Think again.

5 million + active troops in the Muslim world
30000+ active MBTs+ tens of thousands of others in reserves
50000+ active IFVs, APCs etc
ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, helicopter carriers, surface and subsurface vessels multiple times the number all of hinduism could ever build.

Nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, biological weapons, FAE.

When did India test themonuclear bombs? Its carriers are sixty years old British junk which the Brits discarded from service.
India can be bombed left, right, centre, up, down, from above and from anywhere all around the clock. India has no ability to build its sniper rifles, even, what sort of a fight can it fight?

India had better dream about fighting Pakistan (a small part of the massive Muslim world), without success. If it dares to go against the Muslim world, one may not find Hinduism in history books a few centuries from now. :wave:

Out of 57 Islamic Countries, Only 1 Covertte Milgem has been Produced.

While We are Producing 5th Generation of Frigates and 3rd Generation of Destroyers. :lol:

Will they Swim across the Arabian Sea? :lol:

You Needs Hundreds of Millions of Tons of Tonnage of Shipping. Muslim Countries Cannot even Produce 1% of that. :lol:

No Industrialization to Speak of.

While Our Bombers and SSBNs can Reach your Land While You Cannot Reach us. ;)

We Control Muslims and Can Influnce Entire Islam.

One Word: Bollywood :lol:

Islamic fundamentalists have long worried about the threat that Bollywood poses to their puritanical demands. Of late, they have even taken to making videos—rap videos, no less—condemning Bollywood movies as being the product of an infidel culture trying to brainwash Muslims against their own religious values and duties. They have ample reason to be worried: About 3 billion people, or half the planet, watches Bollywood, and many of them live in the Islamic world. By depicting assimilated, modernized Muslims, Bollywood—without even trying—deromanticizes and thereby disarms fanatical Islam. If you can have Munni and Sheila in this world, why on earth would you want to strap bombs to your waist and blow yourself up for the sake of 72 theoretical virgins?

Bollywood vs. Jihad - Reason.com



Bollywood is Muslim's Opium. :lol:
Very briefly, most of the so called Muslims are either ignorant, misled (by Western) propaganda, or live in terrible, secular, Western-leaning/Russia-leaning dictatorships in the Middle East or Central Asia, or in mostly very poor countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
hmmm, do you know you covered the whole of world excluding the arab countries... I did not read the rest of the lengthy diatribe but im pretty sure it is bullshit as your first statement..

With great sadness I see that so many here refute everything negative about their way with common points,

1. Western Propaganda
2. Secular and terrible
Out of 57 Islamic Countries, Only 1 Covertte Milgem has been Produced.

While We are Producing 5th Generation of Frigates and 3rd Generation of Destroyers. :lol:

Will they Swim across the Arabian Sea? :lol:

You Needs Hundreds of Millions of Tons of Tonnage of Shipping. Muslim Countries Cannot even Produce 1% of that. :lol:

No Industrialization to Speak of.

While Our Bombers and SSBNs can Reach your Land While You Cannot Reach us. ;)

We Control Muslims and Can Influnce Entire Islam.

One Word: Bollywood :lol:

Bollywood vs. Jihad - Reason.com



Bollywood is Muslim's Opium. :lol:

That's why Indians are illiterates. UAE has produced Baynunah. Iran has produced Jamaran. Indonesia has produced LPDs, LPH, guided missile escorts, and the list continues.

A small sample of the military industry in the Muslim world:
India Can Crush any Muslim Country to Death. No Muslim Country can Face Our Industrial Production, Military, Army, Navy's Reach, Thermonuclear Bombs with ICBMs while We Monitor all Muslim Countries with Spysats!

You Can't do Sh!t against Us If We Decide to against You!

No Muslim Country can reach our Land Except Bordering Ones While We can Bomb any Muslim Country with Our Aircraft Carriers (2nd Largest Fleet of Aircraft Carriers after US in the World) and SSBNs.:lol:

Better Stay Friendly than Be Against Us. ;)

Please continue to show the world how barbarian you can be.
India Can Crush any Muslim Country to Death. No Muslim Country can Face Our Industrial Production, Military, Army, Navy's Reach, Thermonuclear Bombs with ICBMs while We Monitor all Muslim Countries with Spysats!

You Can't do Sh!t against Us If We Decide to against You!

No Muslim Country can reach our Land Except Bordering Ones While We can Bomb any Muslim Country with Our Aircraft Carriers (2nd Largest Fleet of Aircraft Carriers after US in the World) and SSBNs.:lol:

Better Stay Friendly than Be Against Us. ;)

Fanboy^^. I think someone posted this a while ago, but here it's again for all to learn a little more about the fanboy anatomy:

RAWR!! Fanboyism! I think today I'm loaded with all that!! :D
Why would Saudi share it's resouce with pak or India in the name of Islam. Are you watching what S happening in Europe. Haven't you learned from east Pakistan experience that united Islamic country will not stand.

Actually, I believe that not only Muslim countries should share their resources with each other, but humanity as a whole should do this.


no nationalistic interest are more than religious interest...
Even if they agree on economic integration, next problem will arise between shia and sunni's, then sufi's and ahmedis..
Its better this experiment is not even thot of..
Then why is the West united? If they can do it, everybody can! It's just a matter of time and vision...
India Can Crush any Muslim Country to Death. No Muslim Country can Face Our Industrial Production, Military, Army, Navy's Reach, Thermonuclear Bombs with ICBMs while We Monitor all Muslim Countries with Spysats!

You Can't do Sh!t against Us If We Decide to against You!

No Muslim Country can reach our Land Except Bordering Ones While We can Bomb any Muslim Country with Our Aircraft Carriers (2nd Largest Fleet of Aircraft Carriers after US in the World) and SSBNs.:lol:

Better Stay Friendly than Be Against Us. ;)

showing true colors.
Indian industrialization? What on earth is that? There are only 120 million internet users in India. Only six OIC members have twice as many internet users. The Muslim World has probably five times as many users of the internet as India. In all other important fields, India is outnumbered, outgunned, "outfinanced", outperformed with more or less the same difference.

World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats

Approximate number of internet users can be checked from that site.

Here is a glimpse of the military industry in the Muslim world. This is far from complete because most Muslims of the world do not even know other Muslim countries well enough, nor do they visit Pakistani military fora on a regular basis.


Please continue to show the world how barbarian you can be.

They may be barbarians, but their impotent rage is mixed with their regular dosage of BS.

India's only aircraft carrier is a 60 year old junk, light vessel that was decommissioned from Britain's navy. What aircraft does India operate anyway? Does India have any counterpart for this?

As far as I know, except China, no other country operates an equivalent of this missile. Of course, this deadly missile would be overkill for India's lightweight junk carrier, which flies some 40 or 50 year old light attack crafts, probably.

Muslim world can militarily, economically and in many other ways help erase a certain radical ideology that favours the consumption of their "Holy Deity's Excrement" by the side of their "Holy Ganga" from history books, only if Muslim world acts like a united country, maybe under a single just, pious Khalafah.

Only Egyptian armoured corps could decimate India's mostly junk, outdated Soviet equipment on the ground, if we add the entire Muslim world to the mix, the pain for the enemies would be too hard to describe.
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Indian industrialization? What on earth is that? There are only 120 million internet users in India. Only six OIC members have twice as many internet users. The Muslim World has probably five times as many users of the internet as India. In all other important fields, India is outnumbered, outgunned, "outfinanced", outperformed with more or less the same difference.

World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats

Approximate number of internet users can be checked from that site.

Is this some special maths you are using that us infidels are not aware of?:lol:
Actually, I believe that not only Muslim countries should share their resources with each other, but humanity as a whole should do this.


Then why is the West united? If they can do it, everybody can! It's just a matter of time and vision...

first you say that it will be difficult to have a Muslim unity, and then you advocate for a world unity!? So according to you, we can unite the world but not the Muslims.
How realistic is that?

A unified Ummah will be the best that can happen to the world, as no other religion or system ever proved to be as beneficial for humanity as Islam and its time proven contributions to the advancement of humanity.

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