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United against Iran

bro A1Kaid, I am sure that will never happen.

mark my words: US is going down; it's now just a matter of a few months. That's a big game changer.
bro A1Kaid, I am sure that will never happen.

mark my words: US is going down; it's now just a matter of a few months. That's a big game changer.

U.S is not going down and it will remain an influential power till coming decades.Every country goes down and up
I have a good friend from Iran. He used to be some general manager of tourism department in Iran. He personally knows the top leadership he says. Ahmedinejad used to work 5 position below him, according to his words. He tells me that this Mullah regime is full of corrupt people who are interested in nothing more than money and power. They use external issues like Palestine, supporting Arab Shia cause like Hezbollah, Bahrain or East Saudi Arabia or nationalist issues like Nuclear power to take Iranian public eyes off of domestic mismanagement and corruption, so they can continue to rule Iran and keep getting rich. They have the Basij in their pocket in addition to IRGC which is the most significant part of the Iranian armed forces. This paramilitary Basij has many millions of armed thugs that can control the crowd of protesters on the street:
Basij - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of the Mullah's misrule in Iran, people of Iran are actually turning away from Islam, so in a way this Mullah regime has been doing not a very good job of supporting the cause of Islam and Muslim people of the world. Along with other Muslims in the world, I would like to see this Mullah regime removed by people power, as I would like to see Gulf Arab monarch's accept constitutional monarchy and accept the democratic will of the people.
Did you know that half of the children being born in the US, are from unwed parents? bast***, so to speak.
That alone is enough as proof of moral bankruptcy of your “civilization”.
i would more expect you to be the uncivilized one ,with such hatred and retard ideas, like you show in this sentence

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------

If Iran falls to NATO/Israel, Pakistan military has to at least seize half of Iranian territory, like West Germany and East Germany. Though it is important we air lift troops to Tehran and Qom and Tabriz, those cities are vital can't allow them to be occupied by the West. We will have preserve Persia and incubate it until Iran can rise up from the ashes, and walk again. We are after all our "Brother's Keeper". Iran is our "brother" our "bhai jaan" "humara jigar" after all right at least according to members here.

We will need strong leadership to do this. Iranians as arrogant as they are have to accept this.
what do you mean? you want to occupy Iran? :hitwall:
Another islamophobic thread by our Indian brothers. The survey is done by an Yanki research
center and the whole yanki nation is paranoid about Iran. BTW Out of the countries listed above in
the survey Nigeria and lebanon has almost 50% non muslim population , Turkey has a considerable intellectually bankrupt seculars and on top of that who knows how many people were part of the survey and what kind of people PEW reached out to. Indonesia & PAK , the 2 largest muslim States
have a favorable view about Iran. And even if the whole world is supposedly against IRAN it still
doesn't justify killing and maiming millions of Iranians in a bloody US lead war. You Indians only think about the destruction of muslims don't you and at the same time shamelessly claim to be secular.
If Iran falls to NATO/Israel, Pakistan military has to at least seize half of Iranian territory, like West Germany and East Germany. Though it is important we air lift troops to Tehran and Qom and Tabriz, those cities are vital can't allow them to be occupied by the West. We will have preserve Persia and incubate it until Iran can rise up from the ashes, and walk again. We are after all our "Brother's Keeper". Iran is our "brother" our "bhai jaan" "humara jigar" after all right at least according to members here.

We will need strong leadership to do this. Iranians as arrogant as they are have to accept this.
Playing Call Of Duty a lot?
Another islamophobic thread by our Indian brothers. The survey is done by an Yanki research
center and the whole yanki nation is paranoid about Iran. BTW Out of the countries listed above in
the survey Nigeria and lebanon has almost 50% non muslim population , Turkey has a considerable intellectually bankrupt seculars and on top of that who knows how many people were part of the survey and what kind of people PEW reached out to. Indonesia & PAK , the 2 largest muslim States
have a favorable view about Iran. And even if the whole world is supposedly against IRAN it still
doesn't justify killing and maiming millions of Iranians in a bloody US lead war. You Indians only think about the destruction of muslims don't you and at the same time shamelessly claim to be secular.

just adding,

we care for our own muslim bro's..we are not thekedaar of every muslim. and early you learn ,more will be benefit
One can totally see that In the end America will negotiate or to some extent accommodate the perception of a hidden Iranian Nuclear Bomb -
I don't have to be here, you know. I could just stay silent. There will be no "accommodation".

jiguistic and bloodthirsty Israeli gov who has brought hell upon the Paletinian women and childeren and innocent men for quite a while now.
An Israel that provides medical services and allows food and other supplies to be shipped to its sworn existential enemies is one that exercises either stupidity or nobility, depending on one's point of view, but to claim Israel "has brought hell" is to deny tons of fact and history in exchange for the belches of despots and their terrified subjects.

the end of Israel will certainly not mean the End of Jewish Civilization, no pun intended
You are saying, "So what if I accede to the killing millions of Jews, some Jews will still remain" and you wonder why Pakistan is in the mess it is in today?
We are on the side of Iran. And there is no possibility in hell that Pakistan is going to side with Israel, ever. The question is what you are going to do about that? We gave Iran the nuclear technology and stand proud. You do your own math. Do not try to scare us. We defeated USSR, in under a decade, something you and your friends could not do for 7 long decades. We also made you friends with China which benefited you greatly. The question is what YOU are going to do now. Become friend with Iran or else.

you can be but your govt will decide the final decision;) and yes you supported nuclear proliferation all over world...thks to AQ khan.

DEfeated USSR??if you are so much capable then you would have saved your country only from last 4-5 year;)
and it was the back of the U.S ,saudis and other countries which helped you to bring terrorist from here and there and obviously the stingers were not pakistani;).
you alone cant handle a-stan,leave soviets..well,its not your problem only,many pakistanis thinks the same.

and nothing depends on iran,it depends on U.S coz elections:hitwall: and israeli ability to provoke U.S.

iran only have to loose..either in a week or 2 weeks.
I have a good friend from Iran. He used to be some general manager of tourism department in Iran. He personally knows the top leadership he says. Ahmedinejad used to work 5 position below him, according to his words. He tells me that this Mullah regime is full of corrupt people who are interested in nothing more than money and power. They use external issues like Palestine, supporting Arab Shia cause like Hezbollah, Bahrain or East Saudi Arabia or nationalist issues like Nuclear power to take Iranian public eyes off of domestic mismanagement and corruption, so they can continue to rule Iran and keep getting rich. They have the Basij in their pocket in addition to IRGC which is the most significant part of the Iranian armed forces. This paramilitary Basij has many millions of armed thugs that can control the crowd of protesters on the street:
Basij - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of the Mullah's misrule in Iran, people of Iran are actually turning away from Islam, so in a way this Mullah regime has been doing not a very good job of supporting the cause of Islam and Muslim people of the world. Along with other Muslims in the world, I would like to see this Mullah regime removed by people power, as I would like to see Gulf Arab monarch's accept constitutional monarchy and accept the democratic will of the people.

Well the Iranian elections just showed you are a liar and a hate monger.
The day iran get nukes,with in week arabia will get too:lol:
then see game of bombs one by one:hitwall:

Would love to see Iran and SA threaten each other and play nuke game...and the catalyst will,you know who ;)

They are digging their own grave..let them

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

WTF Iran had a nuclear programe for 20 years and they still don't have a bomb, how can KSA which doesn't even make underwear make a bomb in a week? Think before you type.

common man,Saudi's doesnt even make underwear, you think they can make a nuke????

They will just buy it by trading oil,the only thing they know

i wonder if they atleast know how to operate a nuke???wat if they press the red button instead of green and set off nuke in their own country???

Serious do you think they have the brain to even manufacture a fine motorcycle???
Well the Iranian elections just showed you are a liar and a hate monger.
what is the use of fake elections? still name it elections?

last elections : NO reformist for being candidate for deputy ! even Khamenei decided to avoid some conservatives so the parliament becomes more pro Khamenei than pro Ahmadinejad.

I wonder why a country who votes 80% for Khatami , then the reformists and criticize Khatami for not enough reform the country... could vote for conservatives.
I will not go for UNITED OR NOT but Stable and Nuclear armed Iran is in favour of Pakistan and its regional interests. May be Gulf states think oppositly but its their problem.

Pakistanis shouldn't unite in favour or in against of any countries but we should think first in national scenario and then international.

What dangerous is Nukes are going to be developed on sectarian bases but not national bases (mostly in Gulf States). Any world power can use this sectarian violence potential for their interests.
what is the use of fake elections? still name it elections?

last elections : NO reformist for being candidate for deputy ! even Khamenei decided to avoid some conservatives so the parliament becomes more pro Khamenei than pro Ahmadinejad.

I wonder why a country who votes 80% for Khatami , then the reformists and criticize Khatami for not enough reform the country... could vote for conservatives.
Reformists chose not to enter elections,no one stopped them to do so.
And elections are fake?Do you have a prove or it's just like your other empty talks?
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