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UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka adopted

Time doesn't stops today for Tamils, my dear but it will stop for SL when Eelam is born. Be ready to face this reality don't worry there is a lot more time for it to happen.

Yeah keep harping about it.. Like you've had for all these years.. Silly buggers..:lol:
atlast...India voted for it..months of domestic political drama will be over soon.

by the way..thats the resolution..

UN Resolution on Sri Lanka

and thats Sri Lanka's answer..

Sri Lanka rejects US resolution, seeks a vote at UN meet : Neighbours, News - India Today

Right group asked much more tougher resolution and said that if sri Lanka fail to investigate properly(which they will),then International probe can investigate the truth..

Rights groups criticise UN resolution on Sri Lanka | Business Standard
Yeah keep harping about it.. Like you've had for all these years.. Silly buggers..:lol:

You didn't realize that your government's moving space is decreasing day by day. Either we will get full rights to our brethren or will get them a independent country.

Have good sleep my dear friend! Soon Tamils will be spreading to all Buddhist sites in India and your monks will dancing all over like having consumed old monk.
You didn't realize that your government's moving space is decreasing day by day.

Govts come and go.. But you don't realise nobody actually gives a flying f@rk about your racist wet dreams

Not the US(They have their own geo political reasons), nor India, nor Malaysia, nor SL and not even the SL Tamils..and nobody will.. Pity you folks..:lol:
Govts come and go.. But you don't realise nobody actually gives a flying f@rk about your racist wet dreams

Not the US(They have their own geo political reasons), nor India, nor Malaysia, nor SL and not even the SL Tamils..and nobody will.. Pity you folks..:lol:

What Malaysia or US will do? On a larger scope of things we do not expect anything from them we will have to change our rest of Indian opinion. If we can force congress who are dead against our Tamil interests to toe our line marginally then we can do lot more, just wait and enjoy the show.
What Malaysia or US will do? On a larger scope of things we do not expect anything from them we will have to change our rest of Indian opinion. If we can force congress who are dead against our Tamil interests to toe our line marginally then we can do lot more, just wait and enjoy the show.

Yeah yeah.. We've been waiting for the last forty years now.. Or even probably longer.. And don't think rest of the Sri Lankans will be sleeping either

Oh btw it was the BJP that totally opposed a resolution on SL in the parliament .. So keep dreaming.. :lol:
Yeah yeah.. We've been waiting for the last forty years now.. Or even probably longer.. And don't think rest of the Sri Lankans will be sleeping either

Oh btw it was the BJP that totally opposed a resolution on SL in the parliament .. So keep dreaming.. :lol:

Don't say forty years, say 5 years. You did not have half of your country before 2009. Oh! you might be having it in your dream! Please put some more smilies please.
Don't say forty years, say 5 years. You did not have half of your country before 2009. Oh! you might be having it in your dream! Please put some more smilies please.

Smileys are to show how hilarious I think you are.. Otherwise I seldom use smileys but had no option today.. No we've been hearing these fantasies of yours for 40 years.. We did have our country before 2009 just that some of it was infested by rodents and we had to exterminate them.. But it's all clear now.. I heard there is a plague going around in Madras these days.. No surprises..:lol:
Smileys are to show how hilarious I think you are.. Otherwise I seldom use smileys but had no option today.. No we've been hearing these fantasies of yours for 40 years.. We did have our country before 2009 just that some of it was infested by rodents and we had to exterminate them.. But it's all clear now.. I heard there is a plague going around in Madras these days.. No surprises..:lol:

Feelings are mutual. Mighty sinhalas needed the support of Indians themselves to clear the rodents, that's speaks volumes about the sinhalan capabilities.

In fact I admire the sinhalan dexterity to survive. "if you don't support us then we will give more projects and land to Chinese". Wow! what a way for a country to survive. There is no way we can come close to that.
Smileys are to show how hilarious I think you are.. Otherwise I seldom use smileys but had no option today.. No we've been hearing these fantasies of yours for 40 years.. We did have our country before 2009 just that some of it was infested by rodents and we had to exterminate them.. But it's all clear now.. I heard there is a plague going around in Madras these days.. No surprises..:lol:

actually that rodent was your countrymen..I think most of times you guys failed to remember that Tamil population that supported LTTE is also your countrymen.I'm not supporting or bashing anyone,but those who see that LTTE means India failed to see that we lost one of our PM because of Indian intervention in Sri Lanka's Civil war..we lost thousands of our soldiers and wasted millions of dollars just because we wanted that Civilian Tamil population survive..remember siege of Jafna??SL government always preferred "Iron Fist" when case could have been solved by diplomacy.Tamils didn't liked LTTE either,but what SL did would be remembered by Tamil populations for generations,and I fear,there lies the seed of another civil war..
And Mr. expert on TN - care to say how many local Tamilnadu residents want independent country? There were lots of threads on tamil issue floating around and many tamil members were contributing to these threads. How many of them were supporting independent TN?

0% TN will always with India, some goons can't change this, any day any time...
0% TN will always with India, some goons can't change this, any day any time...

Mate - I know as I am from TN as well. That is more of a question for the self professed expert on TN. :rofl:
This is a test for Sri Lankan diplomacy.

I dont see why they dont go into diplomatic overdrive --- hire international lobbyist/PR groups to show what LTTE was doing. Majority of you shmucks were in diapers pissing yourselves when the LTTE campaign of violence against the island nation was in full swing.

in fact, it was india's failed proxy experiment that introduced suicide bombing in the South Asian subcontinent.

The militancy in Sri Lanka has been elimianted, meaning the war efforts were a success. It's a huge feat on their part. The only area which is still a hotbed for tamil militancy and seperatism is in tamil nadu -- which is where the terrorist group was and to a huge extent still is getting its ideological and material support -- the main reason why I would strongly advocate a homeland for these dravidian-tamils carved out of TN.

Please, save yourself the embarrassment and don't taunt others on strategic thinking. Pakistan barely has the credentials to allow its citizens the luxury of preaching.

apparently neither do you -- since the tamils your country was supporting are currently algae at the bottom of the ocean

And finally, your remark consisted of "you hindus"?!?!? How do you know I am Hindu?

Your rants reek of frustration and insecurity. Pak doesn't, and hasn't for a very long time, offered any reason that could justify chest-thumping so guys like you resort to desperate measures like going gaga on achievement / failures for others. It's shameful and pitiable.

curiously, it's the other way around.....isn't that why you hindustanys pollute this forum in the first place :laugh:

Try to stand on your own two legs.

Stand on my own 2 legs? :lol:

i work 2 jobs, pay my bills and live on my own....you probably still live with your mom :rofl:

thanks for the advice sonny

Mate - you shouldn't have responded to him. What else he and his countrymen can do except enviously cheerlead on the sidelines when big powers like India, US and Chna are vying for influence in the Indian Ocean?

seems that China is working to expand its influence to Bdesh and Burma -- having already secured deals with the SL government; much to the chagrine of the piggy-backing indians. The Chinese must be thanking both india and the U.S. at present

by the way, when Sri Lanka asked for our support - we sure as hell weren't "cheerleading on the sidelines"

Sri Lanka would not have defeated terrorism without Pakistan's support: President Rajapaksa

Sri Lanka started buying arms and ammunition from Pakistan in a big way from 1999. The total purchases until December 2007 were worth $50 million while there has been a sudden jump in the quantity of merchandise ordered in 2009 and the amount has been tripled.[8] With India reluctant to sign a Defense Cooperation Agreement with Sri Lanka and unwilling to supply it with the kind of weapons it is looking for, Colombo has turned increasingly to Pakistan. There are segments of opinion in Sri Lanka that are in fact in favor of the government finalizing a defense cooperation agreement with Islamabad.[9]

In May 2000, President Musharraf of Pakistan supplied millions of dollars of much-needed weapons to the Sri Lankan government, when separatist Tamil Tiger rebels were about to recapture their former capital of Jaffna.[10] Many Sri Lankan officers are trained in Pakistan. Pakistan, by supplying high-tech military equipment such as 22 Al-Khalid main battle tanks, 250,000 rounds of 60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition worth and 150,000 hand grenades and along with positioning of some of its highly trained army officers in Sri Lanka, played a key role in the ultimate defeat of Tamil Tigers in May 2009.[76] Back in 2000, when a LTTE offensive code-named Operation Ceaseless Waves overran Sri Lankan military positions in the north and captured the Elephant Pass Base and entered Jaffna, and it was being feared that the LTTE would run down thousands of Sri Lankan troops stationed in Jaffna, Pakistan supplied Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System and other high tech weaponry which halted the offensive.[76] In May 2008, Lt. Gen Sarath Fonseka of the Sri Lanka Army held talks with his Pakistan Army counter-parts regarding the sale of military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The sale of 22 Al-Khalid MBTs to the Sri Lanka Army was finalized during these talks in a deal worth over US$100 million.[12] In April 2009, Sri Lanka requested $25 million worth of 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month.[13]






Saddest part is India did not have much of a say.. It's US and China whos playing the power game in the region.. India is being reduced to a lap dog of US policy on her own back yard.. Ideally it should have been India to move a resolution in her favour for or against SL not the US.. But alas she is a hostage to her own politics over vital national interests

Good. you have put yourself in the shoe of an INDIAN (brave one) not the cowards who in INDIA want a friendly relationship with SL, where as SL is not in that idea.
Indian will not learn that they have to show the middle finger to SL. any way protest in TN is far beyond politics and it will be the start to either a strong INDIA or a weak INDIA based on how the rest of the nations support the protest.
If rest of INDIA supports the protest and have the balls to show SL the middle finger then INDIA will grow strong, else it will grow weak and might even open avenues for CHINA to break it
Good. you have put yourself in the shoe of an INDIAN (brave one) not the cowards who in INDIA want a friendly relationship with SL, where as SL is not in that idea.
Indian will not learn that they have to show the middle finger to SL. any way protest in TN is far beyond politics and it will be the start to either a strong INDIA or a weak INDIA based on how the rest of the nations support the protest.
If rest of INDIA supports the protest and have the balls to show SL the middle finger then INDIA will grow strong, else it will grow weak and might even open avenues for CHINA to break it

kya logic!!!! :laugh:
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