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UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

Actually, any dual use facility is a target, plain and simple. Using civilian cover is illegal.

Using your very own logic, all Chabad houses in foreign countries are military targets because they are used for mossad operations as well as spying activities and the Sayanim within those premises are military personnel. If one remembers correctly, all Israelis do mandatory military service (except talmud scholars). That makes all Israelis military personnel as well (legitimate combatants). Don't chew what you cannot swallow Mr. Shin Bet.

Yes I will. Go get a rest.

I'll take his place. Our ranks are always complete.
Using your very own logic, all Chabad houses in foreign countries are military targets because they are used for mossad operations as well as spying activities and the Sayanim within those premises are military personnel. If one remembers correctly, all Israelis do mandatory military service (except talmud scholars). That makes all Israelis military personnel as well (legitimate combatants). Don't chew what you cannot swallow Mr. Shin Bet.

I'll take his place. Our ranks are always complete.

Well, chabads have been attacked before, so my point is still correct and supported by what you have posted.
I will clearly say this: Both sides are in the wrong and committing grave errors. Neither will win. There has to be some other solution,

You're going all over the place. At first you were trying to justify this attack. Now you're talking the obvious. Of course everyone in the world wants a permanent solution not just for Gaza but the rest of the Palestinian territories.

That requires effort from the Israeli side. It's more important to get a two state solution than people think. This conflict is the only one which can ignite regional chaos.
Well, chabads have been attacked before, so my point is still correct and supported by what you have posted.

So then you are inferring that all Israelis are military combatants? And Israel should stop claiming civilian casualties when it's populous is almost entirely made up of trained military combatants?
So then you are inferring that all Israelis are military combatants? And Israel should stop claiming civilian casualties when it's populous is almost entirely made up of trained military combatants?

Not all Israelis are in the military.

You're going all over the place. At first you were trying to justify this attack. Now you're talking the obvious. Of course everyone in the world wants a permanent solution not just for Gaza but the rest of the Palestinian territories.

That requires effort from the Israeli side. It's more important to get a two state solution than people think. This conflict is the only one which can ignite regional chaos.

It requires efforts from both sides, aided by the international community. Hamas must accept Israel's existence and Israel must accept Hamas as an elected representative government, before anything else can happen for the better.
Not all Israelis are in the military.

Yes dear, thats why I mentioned that talmudic scholars are exempt from military service. What about the others? What about the illegal settlers who are military trained and armed to the teeth? When one of them is targeted, should Israel claim a civilian casualty or a combatant one? Simple Yes or No with an explanation.
Yes dear, thats why I mentioned that talmudic scholars are exempt from military service. What about the others? What about the illegal settlers who are military trained and armed to the teeth? When one of them is targeted, should Israel claim a civilian casualty or a combatant one? Simple Yes or No with an explanation.

Military personnel are in uniform. That is the distinction.
Not all Israelis are in the military.

Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?

It requires efforts from both sides, aided by the international community. Hamas must accept Israel's existence and Israel must accept Hamas as an elected representative government, before anything else can happen for the better.

International community isn't making any effort. All they are doing is granting Israel political immunity from legal process and arming them to the teeth. There is a unity government now which Hamas is part of that recognizes Israel. PLO has been recognizing Israel since late 80's.
Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?

International community isn't making any effort. All they are doing is granting Israel political immunity from legal process and arming them to the teeth. There is a unity government now which Hamas is part of that recognizes Israel. PLO has been recognizing Israel since late 80's.

Let me ask you this first: Why are the Palestinian's Arab brethren not supporting them? The rest of the world can follow their lead, considering that they profess to be so close.
Let me ask you this first: Why are the Palestinian's Arab brethren not supporting them? The rest of the world can follow their lead, considering that they profess to be so close.

That's an off topic question. My question was relevant. Please respond and after you do I will respond to your question.
That's an off topic question. My question was relevant. Please respond and after you do I will respond to your question.

Both sides need to cease hostilities and accept each other's existence. Only then can any progress be made.
Military personnel are in uniform. That is the distinction.

Using your logic, a special operations soldier and a spy do not wear uniforms. They are as much combatants as any soldier in war and far more effective sometimes. The "uniform" logic falls apart there. Using your logic, spies and special forces are not combatants. That is ofcourse not true. Continuing on that point, in case of all out war, all Israelis would be called back to active duty in the military. Does that make them a Reserve Enemy Combatant Force (legitimate target in war)?
Both sides need to cease hostilities and accept each other's existence. Only then can any progress be made.

We understand that. Please answer my question though:

Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?

We understand that. Please answer my question though:

Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?


Do you support what Hamas is doing?

Using your logic, a special operations soldier and a spy do not wear uniforms. They are as much combatants as any soldier in war and far more effective sometimes. The "uniform" logic falls apart there. Using your logic, spies and special forces are not combatants. That is ofcourse not true. Continuing on that point, in case of all out war, all Israelis would be called back to active duty in the military. Does that make them a Reserve Enemy Combatant Force (legitimate target in war)?

Actually, special forces and spies conducting covert operations are not regarded as military personnel and therefore not accorded the protections of the Geneva Convention.
Do you support what Hamas is doing?

Why have you avoided answering my question for the past three posts??? I will answer all your questions(even though they have no relevance to discussions/topic) after you answer this simple question:

Let me ask you a question, if for example Hamas or Hezbollah had guided missiles in the future. And targeted the homes of Israeli reservists families, would that be justified? Even a low rank soldier, a missile fired at his family's home wiping out his family. Do you support such action?


Btw, I don't know if you are this way due to anti-Arab sentiment or what. But, you obviously don't realize I share that same sentiment as well.

Nevertheless, respond please.
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