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UN bans Jamaat-ud-Dawa; declares it a terror outfit



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Sep 9, 2008
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UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations Security Council has placed sanctions against Pakistan-based Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a front organization for
Lashkar-e-Taiba, declaring it a terrorist organization.

The Council panel has designated four men linked to the Mumbai attacks as terrorists subject to sanctions.

The four men are believed to hold leadership positions in the banned Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba that is accused of orchestrating last month's attacks that left over 180 dead in Mumbai.

Designated as terrorists subject to UN sanctions were Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Lashkar's operations chief; Muhammad Saeed, the group's leader; Haji Muhammad Ashraf, its chief of finance; and Mahmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq, a financier with the group.

The Security Council's al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions committee added them to its list of terrorists subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo under a council resolution adopted this year.

The US Treasury Department last week designated the men as terrorists and ordered any US assets frozen.

Earlier on Wednesday, in what is being read as the first sign of Pakistan wilting in the face of growing international pressure, Islamabad had said that it will ban Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD) “the political arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has been recruiting fidayeen killers like the captured terrorist Ajmal” if the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) declared JUD a terrorist outfit.

It's learnt the UNSC has already initiated the necessary steps to ban JUD and tighten the screws on its chief Hafiz Saeed, regarded as a key man behind the Mumbai carnage, who is wanted by India as a criminal terrorist. A Saeed-specific ban is also a certainty, said government sources.

Pakistan, which had denied the complicity of Lashkar in Mumbai attacks, had to make the statement about banning JUD at the UNSC because of the near-unanimity in the Security Council about JUD's involvement in terrorism. The UNSC move marked a global concert against Pakistan because of its failure to carry out its repeated pledges to India and others to crack down on terrorist camps.

``After the designation of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD) under resolution 1267, the government on receiving communication from the Security Council shall proscribe the JUD and take other consequential actions, as required, including the freezing of assets,'' said Abdullah Hussain Haroon, Pakistan's permanent representative in the UN. Sources said that he gave an undertaking to the same effect to the world body on Tuesday.

Indian officials seemed satisfied with the impending ban on JUD by Pakistan.

Haroon also said that no LeT camp would be allowed to operate from Pakistan. Pakistan's NSA Mahmud Ali Durrani had reiterated on Wednesday that his country would follow all UN resolutions. ``We will follow any UN resolution. There should be no doubt. If our investigations prove the involvement of any organisation in Pakistan, we will definitely ban it,'' Durrani told a news channel.

Meanwhile, Pakistan PM Yousaf Raza Gilani confirmed on Wednesday that police had detained Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah, the two members of LeT whom India has blamed for the attacks in Mumbai. He said that the allegations against them are being looked into.
Hafiz Saeed declared a terrorist

1267 Committee Sanctions Lashkar e-Tayyiba Associated Individuals and Entities

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
December 10, 2008

1267 Committee Sanctions Lashkar e-Tayyiba Associated Individuals and Entities

Today the UN Security Council's al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Committee (the "1267 Committee") took several actions related to the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET):

* It listed four members of the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET) for targeted sanctions (including asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo). These individuals are Muhammad Saeed a.k.a. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, and Mohmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq.
* It added a new alias for the group: Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD), which is an LET front operation.
* It added additional aliases for Al Rashid and Al Akhtar Trusts, which have raised funds for LET.
o The Al Rashid Trust aliases are: Al Amin Welfare Trust, Al Amin Trust, Al Ameen Trust, Al-Ameen Trust, Al Madina Trust, Al-Madina Trust.
o The Al-Akhtar Trust aliases are: Pakistan Relief Foundation, Pakistani Relief Foundation, Azmat-e-Pakistan Trust, Azmat Pakistan Trust.

The United States is pleased that the Committee has decided to move forward on these high-priority designations. These actions will limit the ability of known terrorists to travel, acquire weapons, plan, carry out, or raise funds for new terrorist attacks. Today's listings reaffirm the Council's commitment to updating the 1267 Consolidated List to ensure it continues to serve as a tool to help member states deter terrorist activities of al-Qaeda and affiliated groups.

The 1267 Committee originally designated LET in 2005, citing its affiliation with al-Qaida. Pakistan banned LET in 2002. The United States and EU have also sanctioned the group.


Released on December 10, 2008
Now they will ask Pakistan to Do more and more and more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Same like USA, India is Trying to step into the shoes of USA. This clearly shoes the Failure of our Leaders.
Umm, metal, there's no big deal in shutting it down. It's probably for the best if there's evidence Lashkar is in any way associated with it.

If Hizbul Muahideen is banned, you could then wonder why, perhaps.
Now they will ask Pakistan to Do more and more and more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Same like USA, India is Trying to step into the shoes of USA. This clearly shoes the Failure of our Leaders.

Let VHP or any of your favourite "Hindu Terror" conduct a blitzkrieg in Karachi. Death Toll @ 180. with foreign nationals. Go complain to The UN. We will just ban the organization and arrest the leaders and have a summary trial in our courts. Give me your reactions, as to how you would react to this!!
Let VHP or any of your favourite "Hindu Terror" conduct a blitzkrieg in Karachi. Death Toll @ 180. with foreign nationals. Go complain to The UN. We will just ban the organization and arrest the leaders and have a summary trial in our courts. Give me your reactions, as to how you would react to this!!

Hindu terror cells don't need to do its dirty jobs in Pakistan for RAW does it for them (the Marriot bombing), so perhaps you should start by banning RAW.
Brother.. RAW could be a terrorist organization.. Yes it is an Intelligence agency like ISI and very well could have created mayhem behind enemy lines.. Maybe, Unlike ISI, RAW was smart enuf to leave very li'l foot prints behind or maybe the Indian Propoganda was good enuf to stump the world in to silence..

now answer my question
Brother.. RAW could be a terrorist organization.. Yes it is an Intelligence agency like ISI and very well could have created mayhem behind enemy lines.. Maybe, Unlike ISI, RAW was smart enuf to leave very li'l foot prints behind or maybe the Indian Propoganda was good enuf to stump the world in to silence..

now answer my question

I've already answered, yes it would be a great example on the part of India if it banned its own terrorist organisation called RAW. BTW it is not that "RAW could be a terrorist organization" it is a terrorrist organisation and I congratulate you for your indirect but honest admission.
Let VHP or any of your favourite "Hindu Terror" conduct a blitzkrieg in Karachi. Death Toll @ 180. with foreign nationals. Go complain to The UN. We will just ban the organization and arrest the leaders and have a summary trial in our courts. Give me your reactions, as to how you would react to this!!

Jawd wasn't banned for any link to Mumbai. It was banned because it has possible links to Lashkar, which is a banned organization.
Let VHP or any of your favourite "Hindu Terror" conduct a blitzkrieg in Karachi. Death Toll @ 180. with foreign nationals. Go complain to The UN. We will just ban the organization and arrest the leaders and have a summary trial in our courts. Give me your reactions, as to how you would react to this!!

COOL, you are 100 % right my Friend then what about Indian Army. Yes i said Your Great Mahan Indian Army, shall it be Banned for carrying out Bombings In samjhutta Express, My more than 70 countrymen Lost their Life in that incident.
^^ Answer my question pls. Dont deviate.

Did i answered your Question or do you mean 70 to 80 Pakistan are not equal to 180 Indian or do you mean that when Pakistani died there was not as much Fuss in media as when Mumbai was attacked.
COOL, you are 100 % right my Friend then what about Indian Army. Yes i said Your Great Mahan Indian Army, shall it be Banned for carrying out Bombings In samjhutta Express, My more than 70 countrymen Lost their Life in that incident.

There was one witness who apparently alleged that Lt Col Purohit gave RDX for Samjhauta. However that witness is unreliable because as per forensic reports Samjhauta was a petrol bomb that caused a fire, and not RDX. In any case Purohit is under arrest and the matter is in Court.

Purohit may indeed be involved in Malegaon blasts 2008. However, Malegaon 2006 blasts which targeted Muslims were probably carried out by SIMI under guidance of JuD/LeT/ISI. These organizations blast Indian Muslims and then use those blasts to brainwash people about atrocities against Indian Muslims. Several people have already been arrested for Malegaon 2006 blasts by Maharashtra ATS, which was led by the late Karkare.

It is well established that Pakistani Islamic organizations (most likely under JuD/LeT/ISI guidance) have been targeting places of worship in India in order to cause communal riots. I have posted articles about this in other threads.

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