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Ukraine wants to ban spongebob square pants


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
If you were to listen to Ukraine’s National Expert Commission for Protecting Public
Morality, you’d believe that the Eastern European country’s children are under attack
from the menace of… American cartoon
shows like Spongebob Squarepants and
Family Guy that promote the homosexual agenda and the “destruction of the family” — you know, the stuff
conservative Christian activists and groups over here in the States
complain about on a daily basis (and occasionally proceed to accidentally light a pro-gay company’s lawn on fire ). The commission is especially concerned with banning the long-running
Nickelodeon cartoon Spongebob because they believe (like everyone
else) that the titular squeaky-voiced character has a homoerotic
relationship with his best friend, a goofy pink starfish named Patrick, with whom the sponge is regularly depicted holding hands. The bureaucrats also find disturbing the fact that Mr. Squarepants — an animated sponge who works at an underwater burger restaurant
— lives in a pineapple under the sea (absorbant and yellow and
porous is he), and takes boating lessons from a teacher named Mrs. Puff, who happens to be a blowfish. What’s so offensive there? Well, “puff” is a term often used to describe a gay man, as if Ukrainian
children knew that. (Come to think of it, isn’t SpongeBob’s grumpy
neighbor Squidward a bit phallic?) The group also takes aim at the popular British children’s show,
Teletubbies because they believe it creates “an imbecile who will sit
near the screen with an open mouth and swallow any information.”
Ouch, tell that to my 4-year-old cousin. The report warns that male
teletubby Tinky Winky carries what some believe to be a woman’s handbag. “In real life, boys very rarely want to put on girls’ clothes,”
writes the commission. Some of the other dastardly shows under fire include Fox’s adult
cartoons Family Guy and The Simpsons, and… Pokémon? The first two
are obviously, as the report claims, “projects aimed at the destruction
of the family, and the promotion of drugs and other vices.” But
Pokémon? I guess it’s all in the name, which only sick perverts would
interpret as “poke a man,” or something? Or because the human characters throw balls at each other. I don’t know. I’m trying here. If all these morality police-like complaints sound awfully familiar to
Americans, it’s because they are. Conservative Christian groups here
have been whining about these shows for years (for instance, in 1999,
Rev. Jerry Falwell complained that the “gay” Tinky Winky teletubby was flat-out “bad for children“). It seems like Ukraine is just fabulously late to the party. Luckily for us, the difference is that in America the whiners are usually
just independent organizations and not actual government agencies.
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