With the black community there are a few social issues.
First the pull of gang culture is far stronger in black youth than it is with other groups. The silver lining is that they tend to grow out of it when they hit their early 20's, but by then a great deal of damage has been done.
The second is the highest percentage of single parent households out of any group.
- 18.9% of Black households were made up of a single parent with dependent children, the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups for this type of household; the lowest percentage was found among Asian households, at 5.7%
In 2011, 18.9% of black households were made up of a single parent with children, the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups for this type of household.
There are other interesting stats in the above link as well.
Absent fathers have a deep negative impact on children. With the male role model missing, youth particularly young men latch on to older males within their social networks, which very often are not the best people to follow.
This all being said our black community does not have the deep rooted issues the African American community is beset with.
No there are more Indians overall i.e. Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims. But the population is a great deal older than the Pakistani one.
Yes, it's strange as Covid is put up as an explanation. But then most Indians work in stable employment, as opposed to the Covid hit gig economy.
However new arrived Indian folk do tend to work in the gig sector, and established work is more a trait of communities who came in the 60''s and 70's.