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UK troops under threat as Pakistan forces Taliban out

Sid said:
Not to get involved in a numbers game but there is a difference between a 80,000 strong force (most of which are light-armed paramilitaries) for a 1610 mile border and surrounding region; and a 300,000 force (conservative rough estimate) for IOK.

Are you aware of the length of the Kashmir border?

In the Kargil thread much was made by the failure of Indian int to detect the Paksitani intrusion. So, the tables are turned here and you go off on a tangent.

Well, as far as present day International Law is concerned, neither China nor any other country can do anything about the Durand Line (unless Pakistan and Afghanistan reach a new bilateral agreement). Here's an interesting read:

I hope you are aware that China does not recognise the Durand Line as an "unequal treaty" and that is why there is the dispute with India. So, what is stopping Afghanistan taking the same line of action?

And yes, Balochistan is very peaceful.
Just an idle question - Is it even possible to fence the Durand Line effectively, given the nature of the terrain?? this would lead to "how do you police it when it's done"?
Pakistan can control its people very well. It is the rugged nature of the landscape that makes securing every nook impossible and so foriegn elements end up using that to their advantage. Locals who have had little development are nowadays more driven by the desire to make a quick buck than any ideological similarities with the foreign elements, to offer them hospitality for a high price which the foreign elements pay up with little qualm.

Pakistan has repeatedly offered fencing and mining the border to effectively 'reduce' (if not entirely eliminate) 'infiltration' and 'exfiltration' but to this day, Afghanistan refuses.

It is an irony that the 'coalition' of the defenders of freedom and democracy are actually the ones with the least interest in securing Afghanistan's borders (which is one major factor contributing to the size of the meagre forces they have on the ground). Surely if Afghanistan had billions of oil barrels per day to offer, 'allied' soldiers would be swarming the landscape!

Syd. very aspect presented here, which Indians on this forum will refuse to concur, that is how Indians behave, questions, questions and more questions.
Why UK is afraid of dealing with Taliban, Why not Squeeze the Taliban From Both the sides.

Why British forces are not Co-operating with Pakistan to Sandwich these Terrorists.

I think American and British soldiers are happy if their war goes on in Pakistani Tribal areas so that they can sit and watch bay watch peacefully.

Pakistan is Flushing them out and they must do the same, Pakistan is doing more as they say :blah::blah: all the Time now they are asking us to :woot: "DO LESS" :crazy::crazy: now that's weird. They want Taliban to remain on Pakistani soil and let this be a headache for Pakistanis only. Nice strategy White People.
Why UK is afraid of dealing with Taliban, Why not Squeeze the Taliban From Both the sides.

Why British forces are not Co-operating with Pakistan to Sandwich these Terrorists.

I think American and British soldiers are happy if their war goes on in Pakistani Tribal areas so that they can sit and watch bay watch peacefully.

Pakistan is Flushing them out and they must do the same, Pakistan is doing more as they say :blah::blah: all the Time now they are asking us to :woot: "DO LESS" :crazy::crazy: now that's weird. They want Taliban to remain on Pakistani soil and let this be a headache for Pakistanis only. Nice strategy White People.

Now all those critics of Pakistan "should do more" as we were being told.
Are you aware of the length of the Kashmir border?

In the Kargil thread much was made by the failure of Indian int to detect the Paksitani intrusion. So, the tables are turned here and you go off on a tangent.

I hope you are aware that China does not recognise the Durand Line as an "unequal treaty" and that is why there is the dispute with India. So, what is stopping Afghanistan taking the same line of action?

And yes, Balochistan is very peaceful.

Saleem. durand line story is only exploited by those who are against Pakistan as they do not care the see the whole picture just the part that suits them to criticize Pakistan.

Story started when Qaid-E-Azam challenged pre-partition Indian Rulers that if rights of Muslims are not guaranteed than he will create separate Muslim state in India to which all non Muslims laughed and challenged him to do it and when he did he also brought yes from the people living on this side of durand line saying they will like to be part of Pakistan when it is created.

Do i see sarcastic tone about Baluchistan or u r truly saying it.
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