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UK rules out preemptive strike on Iran


Zabanya - bro let him make the predictions he wants to - it seems the propaganda machine has started working quickly this time. Because Iran wont play ball and bow to supreme western powers they are being subjected to bad press again. The Iranians are tough and resiliant people.
What beggers belief is when the likes of these simpletons say "countries like Iran should be punished" - what about the bastards who lied when they wanted to exterminate Iraq and pretended there was WMD in Iraq and none were found? What about punishing these people and putting the likes of Blair and Bush on trial for the murder of 1000s of innocent people - they are lying international terrorists that should be brought to account - when you say the truth their heads turn because the truth hurts indeed!
Don't bother trying to find intelligence in the minds of mentally enslaved former colonies like Philippines, Vietnam and india. They worship white people, and want to help white people dominate other Asians (Chinese and Muslims in particular). It's really that simple -- they are the enemy.

China's grand strategy for the next 100 years is to purge Asia of these mentally enslaved people, even if it means entire nations must be rearranged or liquidated. You can't forge steel without a hot fire and a lot of hammering.

After a great regional Asian war and purging, future generations of Asians will be proud and free. Mentally enslaved peoples left-over from Western colonialism will be extinct and cease to make offspring.

hahaha Why the hell we care missiles? For what?

We have USA as our strongest ally back bone, who dare to mess with us? Even you the big mouth China commie of the World?

If you want to commit a suicide, then just try to take away from Philippines a piece of skin and learn the lesson.

Philippines is not different with South Korea and Japan you know, if you dare to touch us, you are done!
Filipinos are good as house slaves, whether for white people (as you prefer) or for Chinese or even Arabs. Everybody know how a Filipina maid curl up and cry when you mistreat her.

As for Filipino "men" (if you can be called that), a few nuclear blasts in Manila should make this problem go away. Nobody will miss the Phillippines, not even your colonial master USA. Remember how the GI's (big white and black men) treated your Filipinas when USA occupied your country for 50+ years?

United States attacks into the countryside often included scorched earth campaigns in which entire villages were burned and destroyed, the use of torture (water cure) and the concentration of civilians into "protected zones". In November 1901, the Manila correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger reported: "The present war is no bloodless, opera bouffe engagement; our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men, women, children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected people from lads of ten up, the idea prevailing that the Filipino as such was little better than a dog...."

Philippines-American War
hmmm if USA wanted to destroy Iran it would be very easy: just send a few nukes and that's finished
So it leads to the simple conclusion: USA don't want to destroy Iran
It's then quite normal to have fair diplomatic relations with them

About the past and the sad events you speak about, of course it i spainful
Already Obama said sorry for CIA coup help but we cannot ask country to easily say sorry all the time:
don't you ever heard about all these matters of countries asking other to be sorry for genocide or massacre?
so even if this accident was terrible it was not as much as some other history events
conclusion : let's calm down
sound more like american than iranian!

nukein is not that easy.its just a permission for us to nuke whole world!we have enough 20%fuel to make 20nuke so within 1month with 96percenting ,beside these things a nuclear war gonna bring other countries into this.so nuke is a strategic weapon to stop a war not to start it .
sound more propaganda your words than iranian
i've been here my entire life we give blood we fought.we suffered in sanctions.
its iranian word indeed and it seems you dunno about propoganda word!
its made to stop people from resisting to join their Colony club and its based on deception and lies for those who has the bigger mouth and louder voice to here.
read mine and yours you'll notice what is propaganda.my idea (most iranians idea)is based on resistance .in other hand yours based on US talks which has the bigger mouth to shout so...

even if we accept you post what it has to do with mine??!
i said you talk more like US officials than an Iranian.(changing the topic huh, so u accepted the fact that you talk more like american than iranians )
i've been here my entire life we give blood we fought.we suffered in sanctions.
its iranian word indeed and it seems you dunno about propoganda word!
its made to stop people from resisting to join their Colony club and its based on deception and lies for those who has the bigger mouth and louder voice to here.
read mine and yours you'll notice what is propaganda.my idea (most iranians idea)is based on resistance .in other hand yours based on US talks which has the bigger mouth to shout so...

even if we accept you post what it has to do with mine??!
i said you talk more like US officials than an Iranian.(changing the topic huh, so u accepted the fact that you talk more like american than iranians )
listen my family is known as martyr so don't give me lessons about war , thanks.
i never lived or been in USA or worked in any US company.... but if i was doing it, i would not be ashamed about it.
Iranians (except some fanatics) have all the reasons to have fair relations with USA and a good diplomacy with them. It would be better for our country and it doesn't mean we obey to them or anyone in this world. It is just the idea of normalization of diplomacy or in simple word: respect.

It is not long time i am abroad .. and even from a conservative family, people around are not so anti americans.
blaming america for this or that is something else than blaming them for everything and threatening them. or insult them.
if the people of Iran had power , i am 100% sure that diplomacy with USA would be good. No doubt.
listen my family is known as martyr so don't give me lessons about war , thanks.
i never lived or been in USA or worked in any US company.... but if i was doing it, i would not be ashamed about it.
Iranians (except some fanatics) have all the reasons to have fair relations with USA and a good diplomacy with them. It would be better for our country and it doesn't mean we obey to them or anyone in this world. It is just the idea of normalization of diplomacy or in simple word: respect.

It is not long time i am abroad .. and even from a conservative family, people around are not so anti americans.
blaming america for this or that is something else than blaming them for everything and threatening them. or insult them.
if the people of Iran had power , i am 100% sure that diplomacy with USA would be good. No doubt.
read you first comment again you'll notice why i said you talk like US official.
you think they just gonna sit and talk respecting us? we accepted them respected them what they did in return.more sanctions,
they wont stop till see us without protection.then they will destroy all those oppose their goals.
About boycott you win one point. But someone needs to make a first step and both need to stop insulting and threatening.
Like this it will never happen.
And see: China just thinking about its benefits. They were beneficial working with Iran but now they buy to KSA and they will respect the boycott. Just an exemple to show how we are isolated. This is not good :(
Don't bother trying to find intelligence in the minds of mentally enslaved former colonies like Philippines, Vietnam and india. They worship white people, and want to help white people dominate other Asians (Chinese and Muslims in particular). It's really that simple -- they are the enemy.

China's grand strategy for the next 100 years is to purge Asia of these mentally enslaved people, even if it means entire nations must be rearranged or liquidated. You can't forge steel without a hot fire and a lot of hammering.

After a great regional Asian war and purging, future generations of Asians will be proud and free. Mentally enslaved peoples left-over from Western colonialism will be extinct and cease to make offspring.
China also be bullied by US , you lost Taiwan , you lost your sea territory around Taiwan, but you can not take back now , you still kiss US-Japan investors @$$ every day, and dare not punsish them even when they pollute your land, your Beijing by toxic dust.

Japan-SK-VN despise China bcz China is so coward to US-Japan-SK investors, so who can belive China will lead Asian to brighter future where Asian people can breath the fresh air instead of toxic dust ??
Hussein said:
About boycott you win one point. But someone needs to make a first step and both need to stop insulting and threatening.
Like this it will never happen.
And see: China just thinking about its benefits. They were beneficial working with Iran but now they buy to KSA and they will respect the boycott. Just an exemple to show how we are isolated. This is not good
Try to negotiate with US now , you currency getting worse, it's impossible to fight with weak economy situation and no support from Russia or China, bro
China also be bullied by US , you lost Taiwan , you lost your sea territory around Taiwan, but you can not take back now , you still kiss US-Japan investors @$$ every day, and dare not punsish them even when they pollute your land, your Beijing by toxic dust.

Japan-SK-VN despise China bcz China is so coward to US-Japan-SK investors, so who can belive China will lead Asian to brighter future where Asian people can breath the fresh air instead of toxic dust ??

Try to negotiate with US now , you currency getting worse, it's impossible to fight with weak economy situation and no support from Russia or China, bro

Would that not mean VN is the worst, as it is not only slaves of US and Japanese investors, but also SK, Chinese and Malaysian?

Would that not mean that VN should just disappear, when we control most of your infrastructure and are extracting aluminum from your soil with your resources, shipping it to China never to come back to Vietnam again, for pennies?
Would that not mean VN is the worst, as it is not only slaves of US and Japanese investors, but also SK, Chinese and Malaysian?

Would that not mean that VN should just disappear, when we control most of your infrastructure and are extracting aluminum from your soil with your resources, shipping it to China never to come back to Vietnam again, for pennies?
We're small nation , and investor will be fined if they violate our rules . China is a big nation , and Chinese here brag that China will purge Asia of these mentally enslaved people, but all people can see is US-Japan-SK investors enslave your people and violating your rules day after day, they dump toxic waste , they pollute your air with toxic dust, and No investor is fined bcz of Beijing toxic dust untill now.

Next years all people will see in Beijing is a bigger toxic dust with more Chinese in hospital for poisoning treament.:coffee:
Don't bother trying to find intelligence in the minds of mentally enslaved former colonies like Philippines, Vietnam and india. They worship white people, and want to help white people dominate other Asians (Chinese and Muslims in particular). It's really that simple -- they are the enemy.

China's grand strategy for the next 100 years is to purge Asia of these mentally enslaved people, even if it means entire nations must be rearranged or liquidated. You can't forge steel without a hot fire and a lot of hammering.

After a great regional Asian war and purging, future generations of Asians will be proud and free. Mentally enslaved peoples left-over from Western colonialism will be extinct and cease to make offspring.

Filipinos are good as house slaves, whether for white people (as you prefer) or for Chinese or even Arabs. Everybody know how a Filipina maid curl up and cry when you mistreat her.

As for Filipino "men" (if you can be called that), a few nuclear blasts in Manila should make this problem go away. Nobody will miss the Phillippines, not even your colonial master USA. Remember how the GI's (big white and black men) treated your Filipinas when USA occupied your country for 50+ years?

United States attacks into the countryside often included scorched earth campaigns in which entire villages were burned and destroyed, the use of torture (water cure) and the concentration of civilians into "protected zones". In November 1901, the Manila correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger reported: "The present war is no bloodless, opera bouffe engagement; our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men, women, children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected people from lads of ten up, the idea prevailing that the Filipino as such was little better than a dog...."

Hey watch your mouth bastard, how Filipinos in your point of view is not a problem to us, we have the world support and respect Philippines is enough.

Let's look back at your Chinese, who have a favorite to your country these days?

Even your comrade communist Viet Cong hate you deep in blood, and its will gang up with anybody that could help them back-stab you to death.

LOL China is so pathetic today, even USA and her allies never treat each others like your greedy communist brothers!
We're small nation , and investor will be fined if they violate our rules . China is a big nation , and Chinese here brag that China will purge Asia of these mentally enslaved people, but all people can see is US-Japan-SK investors enslave your people and violating your rules day after day, they dump toxic waste , they pollute your air with toxic dust, and No investor is fined bcz of Beijing toxic dust untill now.

Next years all people will see in Beijing is a bigger toxic dust with more Chinese in hospital for poisoning treament.:coffee:

LOL your people are in the risk of starvation to death everyday, how thick face you come here spreading propaganda teeling lie to world that how determined your Vietnam is?

LOL I couldn't stop laughing on your stupid lies.

Your communist government has earn many under table money from the foreign investors to keep your citizens mouth shut, that why we have seen many accidents in Vietnam caused by corrupted officials and the foreign companies which never be sued to laws.

The Can Tho bridge collapsed, or the Vedan pollution wash is the great example how your little commie Viet Cong work.

LOL You come here laughing on your master China? LOL

Who the hell is scared by a puny starved beggar like you?

Your logic is obvious a clownish ever!

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