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UK named sixth largest economy in the world


May 5, 2010
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UK named sixth largest economy in the world

December 26, 2012 - 15:16 AMT


Britain has reclaimed its place as the world’s sixth largest economy from Brazil and will be larger than France by 2022, a leading forecaster has predicted, according to The Telegraph.

However, the UK will not be able to avoid a relative decline over the next decade – falling to eighth behind India, Brazil, and Russia but avoiding the dramatic plunge expected for France and Italy – according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).

Brazil overtook the UK over the past year but has slipped to seventh in CEBR’s World Economic League Table rankings due to the weakness of its currency. The South American giant is expected to overtake the UK again in 2014.

The next decade will see the BRIC nations – Brazil, Russia, India, and China – cement their economic dominance as Europe suffers a gradual decline in standing.

Only the U.S. and Japan, the world’s third largest economy, will hold on to their places. Germany will decline two slots from fourth to sixth, but France and Italy will be the biggest losers. France is expected to fall from 5th to 9th, and Italy from 8th to 13th.

“We are poised to overtake France either in 2013 or 2014 as the economic effects of President Hollande’s 75pc tax policy and the difficulties of the euro drag France down,” CEBR chief executive Douglas McWilliams said. “By 2022, the Italian economy will be close to falling behind economically powerful emerging markets like Turkey and Mexico.”

Lower down the table, Spain, Switzerland, Norway and Belgium will all suffer big falls. CEBR expects India to overtake the UK by 2017 to become the largest economy in the Commonwealth and the end 2022 six places higher than today at the world’s fourth biggest.

Brazil will be fifth and Russia will have climbed two places to seventh. China will remain the world’s second biggest economy, but will have closed the gap on the U.S. At the moment it is 53pc as large as the U.S. but by 2022 it will be 83pc as large.

The next decade will also see the emergence of Indonesia as an economic powerhouse, rising six places to break into the top 10 for the first time.

“The league table shows the dramatic changes now taking place in the world’s economic geography with slow growing European economies falling back and Asian economies, even though their growth is slowing, catching up,” Mr McWilliams said.

UK named sixth largest economy in the world - PanARMENIAN.Net
I have more faith in French and German economy than British, there are many examples of manufacturing plants quitting UK and setting facilities in France.
Technicaly speaking Pakistan should be in top ten by now if we had not involved in the stupid unwanted war.

These rankings are farce and bull...
We the residents of UK know how bad their economy is and still going down...
Its not UK who has risen,its Brazil and France who fell down faster than UK,and soon UK will follow.
Manufacturing was murdered by Margret thatcher and now this baboon has almost killed the retail sector..The only sector flourishing are the banks and financial institutions...and that's no good,because thriving of financial institutions causes concentration of wealth and that what is happening now in UK..
Poor is sinking deeper and rich are getting richer...

You know what .. Paying taxes can be an evil too..
In UK we pay taxes and then the government decides how much of it will be spent back on us...That percentage is getting smaller and smaller..Tax money which is people's money is less and less being spent on the people who payed it..
All the money is going in paying the interest on trillions of Pounds of debt the Governments have accumulated..So in turn all the tax money is diverting away from people and towards the banks..Thats why Banks are still growing..Poor are getting poorer and no other sector is growing,all are falling apart... Retail store chains are getting shut,because people have no money to spend on buying..

These reports are made by the banks and they are happy..so they will raise UK or any such stupid country up the ranks as their stupid policies are benefiting the banks..

Thankfully Pakistan isnt there yet and hopefully wont be...
I mean seriously ?

Yes, I mean seriously when Mush took over Pakistan was growing at 7-7.5% Rate, if we had not involved in war which scared off the investors and retarded economic growth with regular 2 suicide Bombing and killing every day!! And 70bn rupees spent regularly on WOT and our 150,000 troops, It was a total blunder to accept a war which was not ours! Non of 9/11 Attackers were Pakistani.

It was possible to enter top ten in 11 years without war and even 6-7% economic growth for a country like Pakistan which is 6th most populace country.
Yes, I mean seriously when Mush took over Pakistan was growing at 7-7.5% Rate, if we had not involved in war which scared off the investors and retarded economic growth with regular 2 suicide Bombing and killing every day!! And 70bn rupees spent regularly on WOT and our 150,000 troops, It was a total blunder to accept a war which was not ours! Non of 9/11 Attackers were Pakistani.
It was possible to enter top ten in 11 years without war and even 6-7% economic growth for a country like Pakistan which is 6th most populace country.
Agreed buddy. But "Shoulda Woulda Coulda" applies to all countries even to the countries who have some other problems but ahead of your and my country.

Wasn't it Mushraff who also pushed your nation into war, of course he had no choice but still.

I personally feel given Pakistan's resources, backing of US for decades and now China as a trusted ally, its strategic position, Pakistan could have become a good economy. That I never doubted. Even when people say its a failed state, I usually laugh at them as Pakistan is far from being failed and have done considerably good given its present challenges and decade long WoT.

Post 2014, to 2020, is the most crucial time for Pakistan to turn around to better path.
Yes, I mean seriously when Mush took over Pakistan was growing at 7-7.5% Rate, if we had not involved in war which scared off the investors and retarded economic growth with regular 2 suicide Bombing and killing every day!! And 70bn rupees spent regularly on WOT and our 150,000 troops, It was a total blunder to accept a war which was not ours! Non of 9/11 Attackers were Pakistani.

It was possible to enter top ten in 11 years without war and even 6-7% economic growth for a country like Pakistan which is 6th most populace country.

Sorry Buddy - your math does not work. Even with 8% growth rate, it would have taken atleast 50 years for Pakistan to touch the $1.8 trillion mark which the top 10 economies have.
Sorry Buddy - your math does not work. Even with 8% growth rate, it would have taken atleast 50 years for Pakistan to touch the $1.8 trillion mark which the top 10 economies have.

the city of Khanewal would have taken over UK's Economy if and only if......
do you want to discuss that with me now? I can argue in favor of it till cows come home, oh wait bhoory cow just came home
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