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UK moves to ban caste discrimination

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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UK moves to ban caste discrimination

In a move termed as ‘historic’, British lawmakers are in the process of amending equality laws to make caste-based discrimination illegal, following mounting evidence of the practice within the Asian community here.

Academics and campaign groups have conducted surveys that highlight the prevalence of caste-based discrimination among people with origins in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

After refusing to amend the laws for some years on the ground that there was no evidence of such practice, Britain has now accepted that discrimination on grounds of caste may be happening.

Baroness Thornton, a government peer in the House of Lords, said such evidence may exist and has commissioned the National Institute of Economic and Social Research to conduct research into the subject and present its report by August.

Based on the evidence and research present in the report, the government is expected to amend equality laws and initiate measures to prevent caste-based discrimination in the same way as discrimination on grounds of sex, colour, religion, age, sexual orientation.

The study says: “There is clear evidence from the survey and the focus groups that the caste system has been imported into the UK with the Asian diaspora and that the associated discrimination affects citizens in ways beyond personal choices and social interaction.”

UK moves to ban caste discrimination- Hindustan Times
Good move by UK. I fully support it.
In India, process is too slow yet situation is getting better. New generation don't give a sh!t about the cast. Only some oldies are stuck into this idiocy. Hope with the time, there would be significant changes.
Good move for UK to ban caste discrimination, its really a terrible

backward, shameful system

Wonder how caste-system still actively practiced outside India ?

Just out of curiosity, how did Indians know which caste others

belong ? Do Indians need to inform their caste even outside India ?
UK moves to ban caste discrimination

In a move termed as ‘historic’, British lawmakers are in the process of amending equality laws to make caste-based discrimination illegal, following mounting evidence of the practice within the Asian community here.

Academics and campaign groups have conducted surveys that highlight the prevalence of caste-based discrimination among people with origins in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

After refusing to amend the laws for some years on the ground that there was no evidence of such practice, Britain has now accepted that discrimination on grounds of caste may be happening.

Baroness Thornton, a government peer in the House of Lords, said such evidence may exist and has commissioned the National Institute of Economic and Social Research to conduct research into the subject and present its report by August.

Based on the evidence and research present in the report, the government is expected to amend equality laws and initiate measures to prevent caste-based discrimination in the same way as discrimination on grounds of sex, colour, religion, age, sexual orientation.

The study says: “There is clear evidence from the survey and the focus groups that the caste system has been imported into the UK with the Asian diaspora and that the associated discrimination affects citizens in ways beyond personal choices and social interaction.”

UK moves to ban caste discrimination- Hindustan Times

Good Move anyway.

Gray Boy Sir

You can also ask to your Pakistani friends for same.:azn:
Good move. I personally believe that british are not racist except few.. And there are already many laws to end discrimination on basis of sex or color. (I've read British law a little. ) And these rules are not only in writing but are also applied in many cases. Now as they move to ban caste discrimination i've no doubt that it will implemented correctly. Agree with me or not but British are real good when its come to justice and implementing laws..
You can also ask to your Pakistani friends for same.:azn:

:) as its Times of India and i was expecting they will have to decrease the shame for India by including BD and Pakistan into it.

For your information In ISLAM there is no cast system unlike Hinduism where low cast Hindus are still being discriminated.
:) as its Times of India and i was expecting they will have to decrease the shame for India by including BD and Pakistan into it.

For your information In ISLAM there is no cast system unlike Hinduism where low cast Hindus are still being discriminated.

So what's with all the ahmadiya's and shia's being sluaghtered in Pakistan?
Cast discrimination is just like racial discrimination- fading away from the books of humanity. Btw, If am not mistaken, discrimination based on cast is already illegal in India........why it took UK this long?
:) as its Times of India and i was expecting they will have to decrease the shame for India by including BD and Pakistan into it.

For your information In ISLAM there is no cast system unlike Hinduism where low cast Hindus are still being discriminated.

Mam , if you ask about Hinduism, there is also no cast based system only people started practicing this in this part of world. And practically you can see every religion have casts whether be it Islam or Hinduism in Subcontinent.
Good Move anyway.

Gray Boy Sir

You can also ask to your Pakistani friends for same.:azn:

First of all, its ok to call me "grey boy" not "Gray Boy Sir".

If you are interesting at my post, do answer my questions about

"Indians" only. Don't troll and flame please.

BBC News - Caste prejudice 'may exist' in British workplaces


Dalits have traditionally been subject to discrimination

Discrimination on the grounds of caste - or historic social standing in Hindu and Sikh communities - may be happening in the UK, a government peer has said.

Ministers have previously said they did not think people from lower castes were treated unfairly in the workplace.

But Baroness Thornton said evidence may exist. She has ordered more research.

She was speaking as peers accepted an amendment to the Equalities Bill, paving the way for such discrimination to be made illegal if necessary.

Hindu campaigners have long argued that members of the lower caste - referred to as Dalits or "untouchables" - suffer unfair treatment at the hands of higher caste members, even in second generation UK Asian communities.

Baroness Thornton told peers the National Institute of Economic and Social Research was due to present its research in July or August.

The blight of caste discrimination, under which millions in India are regarded as 'untouchable', has spread to this country virtually unnoticed

Keith Porteous Wood, National Secular Society
"We have looked for evidence of caste discrimination and we now think that evidence may exist, which is why we have now commissioned the research," she said.

"The proportionate thing is to take the power to deal with that discrimination if and when that evidence is produced."

Lord Avebury, for the Liberal Democrats, who moved the amendment, said he believed the research would "conclusively prove that caste discrimination does occur in the fields covered by the bill".

If it becomes law, the bill will require organisations of all sizes and types to promote equality and avoid discrimination in the workplace.

It will clarify existing discrimination legislation concerning sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief and age, and ministers hope increased transparency will help tackle the pay gap between men and women.

Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said the decision to commission research represented "a historic moment".

"The blight of caste discrimination, under which millions in India are regarded as 'untouchable', has spread to this country virtually unnoticed." :smitten::pakistan::china:
First of all, its ok to call me "grey boy" not "Gray Boy Sir".

If you are interesting at my post, do answer my questions about

"Indians" only. Don't troll and flame please.

"The blight of caste discrimination, under which millions in India are regarded as 'untouchable', has spread to this country virtually unnoticed." :smitten::pakistan::china:

Sir Please give me a break . :pop:
:) as its Times of India and i was expecting they will have to decrease the shame for India by including BD and Pakistan into it.

For your information In ISLAM there is no cast system unlike Hinduism where low cast Hindus are still being discriminated.
J, officially there is no caste system in Islam but people still practice it as it is a habit. Similarly inindia also oficially and in govt circles no oppression of lower castes are there but only the upper castes are oppressed by lower castes because of our superior numbers. That's the power of democracy. Whereas over a period of time this will go away in India i am expecting it to become worse in pak.
So what's with all the ahmadiya's and shia's being sluaghtered in Pakistan?

Thats not cast system. It simply called sects and no sect is given preference over other.
Shias kills Sunnis and sunnis kill shias in secterian related issues.
All Sunni, Shia perform Huj at Macca togather, there is no discrimination unlike Hindu cast syestm of Untouchability. All shia sunnis can eat togahter unlike Hindu cast system where low cast Hindus can not eat with the high cast hindus.

Whereas on the other hand in Hindu Cast system the Human are discriminated and low cast Hindus are the only target of this discrimination.

I think its been a long time since thousands of years have passed and you still support cast system by pointing fingers at others.

I honestly believe that if this cast system in India is abolished than India can be more developed and can become a true world power.
J, officially there is no caste system in Islam but people still practice it as it is a habit. Similarly inindia also oficially and in govt circles no oppression of lower castes are there but only the upper castes are oppressed by lower castes because of our superior numbers. That's the power of democracy. Whereas over a period of time this will go away in India i am expecting it to become worse in pak.

Democracy has failed to stop this practice in India. And its not about being official or non-official.

Its beyond understanding how can a faith divide Human into lower or higher levels or how can a faith choose who will be ruling and who be ruled that too without any logical reasons like, training, knowledge etc etc.
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