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UK gathers warplanes, military hardware in Cyprus base near Syria

Wow, I was just working on the assumption that Assad used the weapons, the report is yet to be released. I will make my mind up fully when that report is released...
Hardly brainwashed.
If you read the thread you will notice my distaste for the rebels.

The point here is that, david cameron and his crew automatically pointed the finger at Bashar without any evidence.
What does that tell you?
It is as clear as day that these terrorists are trying to get the outside involved into a military campaign. I see no reason why bashar would use chemical weapons.
He'll only take action with the support of the MP's (which he probably has). To do otherwise would be political suicide.
You're probably right, but France was the first to go into Libya so it can happen.
We're also well positioned with our base in Cyprus.

Yeah by that i meant the MPs will be on his side anyway & not a big deal. MPs are with him on this only labour is going against it & have asked to wait for the UN report (Politics).

IF the French go in & everyone else back out that would be a funny situation. :)
The point here is that, david cameron and his crew automatically pointed the finger at Bashar without any evidence.
What does that tell you?
It is as clear as day that these terrorists are trying to get the outside involved into a military campaign. I see no reason why bashar would use chemical weapons.
No hard evidence yet, but a number of factors e.g the delay for the inspectors to visit the site. The scale of the attack, would the rebels have access to that much, did they have a delivery system? etc.
There is an element of game theory. Did assad feel safe in using the weapons because he knew that people would feel it would be illogical for him to use them and therefore blame the rebels?
The situation is far from clear as day.

Yeah by that i meant the MPs will be on his side anyway & not a big deal. MPs are with him on this only labour is going against it & have asked to wait for the UN report (Politics).

IF the French go in & everyone else back out that would be a funny situation. :)

Ha, I am sure the French would be alright. :P
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