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UAE to rethink on ties with Pakistan post killing of five diplomats

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I got one to describe this news and I am gone spell it out for you B.u.l.l
s.h.i. t
Khafee has some serious tolerance issues. He got offended with me sharing my views. Perhaps its because he is extremely conservative and me very liberal.

But I don't think we should accuse Arabs/Emiratis without proof. The article has an Indian background. If this was true we would see this in Khaleej Times or Gulf News. We can't spoil relations with other countries. Its what India actually wants.

I agree with the fact that all muslims are equal. Muhammad PBUH favored Abyssinian slave Bilal over a load of Arabs. Yet a lot of Arabs I have witnessed have a feeling of superiority among them. This is what leads to the severe discrimination against non arabs in their lands. Things might be good for educated, high earning families like us but only the labour class knows what it goes through.

Living in the UAE you talk big, lets see if you can walk the walk.
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