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Featured UAE suspends issuance of visit visas to 12 countries including Pakistan, says FO

What kind of idiots has UAE employed from Pakistan. here from your dad's publication

the kind that Indians cannot employed by using malu connection....

dad's publication ? ......

I am guessing you man your daddy 7-11 shop all day swirling candy drinks while blacks rob you by holding down your sub performing pee wee to a witch board.
hottest commodity in Pakistan and something that Pak produces in great numbers.

I know our women are desirable ....you couldn't export Indian women even if you sold them for free....

pity most Indian girls look like toxic waste.

India doesnt believe in this bull shit so we treat our girls as are mothers and sisters and respect them.


is that why you rape them?... or burn them alive for not bringing enough dowery ?

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UAE can go to hell ban or no ban you will remain a tiny puppy of israel
Yes, as of date Pakistan has 700 million USD of foreign reserves. The other 2 billion USD is a loan from China. Pak still owes 3B USD to Saudi, 2B to UAE and 2B to Qatar, apart from the 8B it owes to China that they have lent you only in the last 3 years. China otherwise has loaned you 53B USD at a 6.9% annual interest rate.

While India has 590B USD Of foreign reservers. India has infra loans from France and Japan 34Billion USD at 0.02% interest repayable after 25 years.

Whom do you think has more money to buy weapons? and to which country the world will be ready to sell weapons.

Btw if you look at history, a little homework. Google up India's and Pak's economic status in 1971 when Bangladesh was created. You will know history is about to repeat itself.
Qatar isn't gonna ask that money back idiot. Unless you haven't focused on Islamic politics, Qatar is very much in the Turkey - Pakistan bloc.
Abu Dhabi and Sharjah have temp restricted issuing Pakistanis tourist visas, Dubai is still open. And this is a temp thing.
Back to Rafale, how smartly did France refuse Pak any upgrades to Mirages and the Submarines. So now you are left with machines you cant use

Pakistan never asked for upgrades to Mirages and Submarines. It was a rumor on Indian twitter, nothing real. PAF is phasing out Mirages, not upgrading them and just so you know, Mirages have already reached their capacity with Project ROSE. All Submarines are to ne upgraded from Turkey.

Please take away your shitty bhakt facebook/twitter knowledge away from this forum, thank you.
UAE can go to hell ban or no ban you will remain a tiny puppy of israel
Why are we wasting time on a tiny 86.9k sq. km desert oasis packed with 9.6 million people 57% of which are immigrants and 38% of those are Hindus?
That country has no innovation capabilities of its own, manufactures no capital goods, and needs the support of external military powers for its stability and security. It takes on wars it can't win then howls when it looses.
But there is nothing new here.
That region has always been in revolt and treachery. If they had not been pacified by Khalid Bin Waleed in the 7th century and subsequently by the British they would have retained their aggressive Arab paganism . The Qarmatians removed the Hijr Aswad ( Black Stone) from the Kaaba in 930 C. E. when they sacked Makkah.
Lol, we are not a passive nation mate, trillion times more agressive than the camel jockies in the middleeast, the reason there was no civil war here is because despite all the economic defecencies, Pakistan as a state is exceptionally strong when it wants to be, the extraordinary military and intelligence prowess we have has prevented the country from going into total chaos, 80k Pakistanis have died in the past decade or so, the country was on the brink of total choas and civil war, it was prevented, somebody prevented that and that soembody was not present in Syria, Libya etc. The civil wars u see in the middleeast were all fueled by foriegn powers, both sides were controlled by either Russia or the US, they did everything they could do to apply the same model in Pakistan but failed.
i still remember those bad days when thousands of US troops were in Pakistan to train our forces. Civil war was about to erupt.
I can't believe how entire countries overreact to this fake virus. Must be the biggest scam pulled in the history of the world.
This is a pressure tactic. To recognize Israel.

This is auqat of UAE. What a cheap, third class people they are.

Pakistan never asked for upgrades to Mirages and Submarines. It was a rumor on Indian twitter, nothing real. PAF is phasing out Mirages, not upgrading them and just so you know, Mirages have already reached their capacity with Project ROSE. All Submarines are to ne upgraded from Turkey.

Please take away your shitty bhakt facebook/twitter knowledge away from this forum, thank you.
FACT CHECK - You might want to fool yourself saying the Indian media is speaking this. But you should know this statement came from France and not India.
Here see it for yourself - https://www.fr24news.com/a/2020/11/...ns-mirage-fighters-and-agosta-submarines.html
Qatar isn't gonna ask that money back idiot. Unless you haven't focused on Islamic politics, Qatar is very much in the Turkey - Pakistan bloc.

Please dont act dumb. A simple google search will reveal the truth. Qatar refused to foot the hotel stay for IK and your FM after the UN GA meeting and you think they will let go 2B USD. Stop dreaming buddy.
Please take away your shitty bhakt facebook/twitter knowledge away from this forum, thank you.
Those who wear colored glasses think the entire world is colored. Just because you get all your knowledge from twitter doesnt mean the world also relies on twitter. by the way cant blame you, you are a **** and mostly ****'s speak first and then think if it made sense, which in most cases does not.

Like a few days ago the senators in Pak demanded that Pak recall their envoy from France only to realize later that they dont have one in France. Lol.

I guess for Pakistan it is same shit different day. You will never learn.
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Pakistanies are being kicked out from GCC countries .
The whole world is open these days for jobs, our young people should not go to tyrant babies who start to cry if you don't sit with them at lunch table for once. Canada is open for jobs, I am sick of looking at new comers Indians why don't Pakistani youth apply for jobs here, only met one Pakistani so far who came on work visa.
Issue of affordability and capabilities.. even a fresh graduate can visit dubai to find a job that is not even recognize as such in canada ..education system also ...
FACT CHECK - You might want to fool yourself saying the Indian media is speaking this. But you should know this statement came from France and not India.
Here see it for yourself - https://www.fr24news.com/a/2020/11/...ns-mirage-fighters-and-agosta-submarines.html

Please dont act dumb. A simple google search will reveal the truth. Qatar refused to foot the hotel stay for IK and your FM after the UN GA meeting and you think they will let go 2B USD. Stop dreaming buddy.

Those who wear colored glasses think the entire world is colored. Just because you get all your knowledge from twitter doesnt mean the world also relies on twitter. by the way cant blame you, you are a **** and mostly ****'s speak first and then think if it made sense, which in most cases does not.

Like a few days ago the senators in Pak demanded that Pak recall their envoy from France only to realize later that they dont have one in France. Lol.

I guess for Pakistan it is same shit different day. You will never learn.
If the report came from France, does it give it anymore credibility when the fact is as I mentioned before that Mirages have already reached their capacity with ROSE and are to be replaced, not upgraded.

Send me a source to when Qatar refused the hotel thing, (shouldnt be indian).
Also, relations are not determined by a hotel thing as you say, ever since Qatar has been singled out by the Arabs, it has maintained closer ties with Turkey and Pakistan. Pakistan literally has its pilots in the Qatari Air Force, flying Rafales *cough*. Quoting 1 incident without a source doesn't dictate relations, hope you get that in your head.
Time for pakistan to seriously look into UAE policies towards pakistan and formulate our own policies.
If they bar our people then do the same to them. Stop Emirates from flying into pakistan and from using pakistan airspace. We must do the same for india as well.
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