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UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

No wonder the rape rate is so high in India. Because men like you think that the crime is too small to be highly punished. We are talking about a seven year old child here, that probably hasn't fully developed. Therefore, the rape was not just an physical force and mental torture but also life threatening.

I never said that rape is a small issue where the criminals should be let off with a slap in their hands.....but I also believe that in a crime where no life is lost, the law doesn't have right to take life.
I never said that rape is a small issue where the criminals should be let off with a slap in their hands.....but I also believe that in a crime where no life is lost, the law doesn't have right to take life.

Those poor girls are traumatized for life because a beast wanted to fulfill his sexual desire. They will probably never live a normal life again, becoming anti-social, fearful of the people around them as well as being afraid with the thought of who will marry them in the near future. Having no life whilst being a life, is a lost of life. And i apologise if i was too harsh in my previous post.
Debating whether death is fair punishment for rape is a perfectly legit debate. Every week there is news of rapists getting varying prison terms in UAE newspapers. I do not see whats the difference here, why suddenly death penalty?

The nationality of perp and victim plays a part, and thats travesty of justice.
Wrong mentaliy, here in Dubai I've seen half naked girls walk alone in dark streets and no one even looks at them

I'm not even Muslim. I'm just saying that the prophet's advice makes sense, to some extent

men are born to be perverts lol -.- annoying but understandable (a little bit!) maybe only too busy men don't look? and only girls can tell you whether someone is looking at them or not

Death as a punishment for rape is too much :/ I'm totally against death penalty in the first place
I'm not even Muslim. I'm just saying that the prophet's advice makes sense, to some extent

men are born to be perverts lol -.- annoying but understandable (a little bit!) maybe only too busy men don't look? and only girls can tell you whether someone is looking at them or not

Death as a punishment for rape is too much :/ I'm totally against death penalty in the first place

Say that to my face.....! :pissed:

And whilst you're at it can you please bring some Home Cooked Omani Delicacy for me too, sister ? :D

Castration would serve as a better deterrent ! :woot:
I'm not even Muslim. I'm just saying that the prophet's advice makes sense, to some extent

men are born to be perverts lol -.- annoying but understandable (a little bit!) maybe only too busy men don't look? and only girls can tell you whether someone is looking at them or not

Death as a punishment for rape is too much :/ I'm totally against death penalty in the first place

Get of your moral high horse before we begin talking.
Btw, the girls life is probably ruined in more ways than imaginable, the guy doesn't deserve to live.
Bottomline is, if this man has indeed raped the child, then he deserves rape.

But it has to be proven.

After the last mishandling of a sexual related case, I am a bit apprehensive about the judgement passed.

Let there be a thorough and fair investigation.

If guilty, then he has earned his reward.
I'm not even Muslim. I'm just saying that the prophet's advice makes sense, to some extent

men are born to be perverts lol -.- annoying but understandable (a little bit!) maybe only too busy men don't look? and only girls can tell you whether someone is looking at them or not

Death as a punishment for rape is too much :/ I'm totally against death penalty in the first place

that's right Death as a punishment is very Heavy Price , Shows that The Community/Country is Worse than Rapist.
Get of your moral high horse before we begin talking.
Btw, the girls life is probably ruined in more ways than imaginable, the guy doesn't deserve to live.

You're being driven by your emotions here. If you think her life is ruined then you're killing her. What happened to her is very sad but it's only her society and the people around her that make her feel like her life has come to an end!! This doesn't help! She needs someone to stand by her side and keep telling her that her life will be better than that. Life will always be bigger than any bad experience we had!
You're being driven by your emotions here. If you think her life is ruined then you're killing her. What happened to her is very sad but it's only her society and the people around her that make her feel like her life has come to an end!! This doesn't help! She needs someone to stand by her side and keep telling her that her life will be better than that. Life will always be bigger than any bad experience we had!

That's +Point of Western Culture , Due to Open Culture Victim Women Doesn't end up as taboo ,

in Asian Societies actually Raped women face more Problem From Society than Rapist. Rapist Rape her only Once But Society Rape her whole life. So some of such S-Hit Societies gives death to Rapist and feel Proud.
You're being driven by your emotions here. If you think her life is ruined then you're killing her. What happened to her is very sad but it's only her society and the people around her that make her feel like her life has come to an end!! This doesn't help! She needs someone to stand by her side and keep telling her that her life will be better than that. Life will always be bigger than any bad experience we had!

The trauma is there in all societies, especially at young ages, the victim will have a physiological impact no matter where she is.
Are you a new atheist trying to prove how liberal you are? No, all men are not perverts, that's pretty insulting actually.
That's +Point of Western Culture , Due to Open Culture Victim Women Doesn't end up as taboo ,

in Asian Societies actually Raped women face more Problem From Society than Rapist. Rapist Rape her only Once But Society Rape her whole life. So some of such S-Hit Societies gives death to Rapist and feel Proud.

Western culture?? please don't think that I'm 'white-washed', because I'm not -.-"

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