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UAE in talks to buy 120 unit of Bayraktar TB2 from Turkiye

The production numbers are certain, the tail numbers of the planes are certain, and it is clear how many drones go to which country, except Ethiopia. Just 3-4 months ago, Russia claimed to have shot down about 100 TB-2s in Ukraine, the number of drones delivered to Ukraine at that time was 24. In Libya, crashed Tb-2 was loaded onto a pickup, making it appear as if it had been crashed at three different points. This has been proven with evidence. The same thing happened in Ukraine in March. You can boost the morale of your soldiers and the public by transporting the fallen vehicles to different places and photographing them, but the truth is that this is a tactical level system that does its job very well.

As a result, it is the most effective system in its class, which has been exported to approximately 30 countries from Europe to Asia and currently has more than 300 delivery agreements. I say system because operator countries do not just acquire drones. They buys a complete system and its doctrine.

Even if you only collect air defense systems and radars that have been proven visually, It is very succesfull system that have paid off every penny at an excellent rate for each operator country. And all that we're talking about is only about directly engagements by drone. The main task of the TB-2s actually instant marking for artiellery units, and tactical level reconnaissance and intelligence tasks.

UAE is a country that is trying to develop its own unmanned aerial vehicles by receiving technical support from many parts of the world and is a net importer of systems from both China and the USA. Another feature was that they were a direct supporter of the proxie elements confronting the TB-2s. In other words, they had the opportunity to directly see both the effectiveness of the Chinese and US origin systems they use and the effectiveness of the TB-2 against them. This country is trying to get a total of 120 TB-2s, 20 of which are for immediate supplies. Instead of questioning the reasons for this, some trolls come out and try to move the subject to different points.

If we are giving place to unproven claims, TB's unproven kill list is over 3000. If you accept one of these data, you must accept the other. The total cost of TB-2s lost to date is less than $200 million in sales. The number of visually proven systems crashed or shotdown is well below 50. Even the production cost of the tagets that this system has neutralized (with proven footages) in four different geographies is over 2 billion dollars. The loss of military personnel it has created is also expressed with numbers with 3 zeros. While there is a minumum 1/10 rate of attrition and an immeasurable rate of personal loss in one side, it is very pleasant for us to see the delusions of those who still argue the non-effectiveness of this system with stupid arguments.

The topic is UAE's urgent supply of TB-2 and, where possible, domestic production. However, the thread is being spamming with ridiculous claims.
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Moving the wreckage at different points and photographing it from different angles is one of the specialties of the Wagner militias.

During the conflict period in Libya, we shared a lot of visual evidence like this too. You can claim as many as you want by duplicating this way. hehe. Unfortunately, Turkish open intelligence groups no longer even deal with them.
The production numbers are certain, the tail numbers of the planes are certain, and it is clear how many drones go to which country, except Ethiopia. Just 3-4 months ago, Russia claimed to have shot down about 100 TB-2s in Ukraine, the number of drones delivered to Ukraine at that time was 24. In Libya, crashed Tb-2 was loaded onto a pickup, making it appear as if it had been crashed at three different points. This has been proven with evidence. The same thing happened in Ukraine in March. You can boost the morale of your soldiers and the public by transporting the fallen vehicles to different places and photographing them, but the truth is that this is a tactical level system that does its job very well.

As a result, it is the most effective system in its class, which has been exported to approximately 30 countries from Europe to Asia and currently has more than 300 delivery agreements. I say system because operator countries do not just acquire drones. They buys a complete system and its doctrine.

Even if you only collect air defense systems and radars that have been proven visually, It is very succesfull system that have paid off every penny at an excellent rate for each operator country. And all that we're talking about is only about directly engagements by drone. The main task of the TB-2s actually instant marking for artiellery units, and tactical level reconnaissance and intelligence tasks.

UAE is a country that is trying to develop its own unmanned aerial vehicles by receiving technical support from many parts of the world and is a net importer of systems from both China and the USA. Another feature was that they were a direct supporter of the proxie elements confronting the TB-2s. In other words, they had the opportunity to directly see both the effectiveness of the Chinese and US origin systems they use and the effectiveness of the TB-2 against them. This country is trying to get a total of 120 TB-2s, 20 of which are for immediate supplies. Instead of questioning the reasons for this, some trolls come out and try to move the subject to different points.

If we are giving place to unproven claims, TB's unproven kill list is over 3000. If you accept one of these data, you must accept the other. The total cost of TB-2s lost to date is less than $200 million in sales. The number of visually proven systems crashed or shotdown is well below 50. Even the production cost of the tagets that this system has neutralized (with proven footages) in four different geographies is over 2 billion dollars. The loss of military personnel it has created is also expressed with numbers with 3 zeros. While there is a minumum 1/10 rate of attrition and an immeasurable rate of personal loss in one side, it is very pleasant for us to see the delusions of those who still argue the non-effectiveness of this system with stupid arguments.

The topic is UAE's urgent supply of TB-2 and, where possible, domestic production. However, the thread is being spamming with ridiculous claims.

Remember when TB2 hunted down Panstir in Libya and Russia, people in PDF explained it was a CGI. They have shot down more TB2 was produced in that time 😆 . Trolling we called it like here, TB2 is doctrine tactical drone. Japan and Italians are going to use the doctrine.

These post are nothing but mosquitoes.
Remember when TB2 hunted down Panstir in Libya and Russia, people in PDF explained it was a CGI. They have shot down more TB2 was produced in that time 😆 . Trolling we called it like here, TB2 is doctrine tactical drone. Japan and Italians are going to use the doctrine.

These post are nothing but mosquitoes.
low-altitude air defense systems
long-range air defense systems
mobile EA/ED stations
All types of radar sites and vehicles
even Helicopters carrying soldiers
even navy ships landing on an island
even high-speed special operations boats
even major logistics lines and train shipments inside tens of kilometers from the battle theater
even during the operation against the enemy outpost at an altitude of 2500, provided instant intelligence and precision strike CAS support with sub-meter precision to the special operations teams .

How do we know these? They have evidence. Not assumptions over photos, but video footages.

Armored vehicles, tanks, artillery positions, military convoys, we do not count them anyway.

This is not a jet CAS aircraft, nor is it an expensive $60-70 million turbofan UCAV. All the things said today by looking at the TB-2 kill list were unimaginable before TB-2.

Baykar is increasing the capacity at full speed because it cannot keep up with the orders. On the other hand, deliveries to the UAE have started as the subject of this title. Many countries from Poland to Kyrgyzstan are investing in the system. But the so-called military analysts on our forum think otherwise. Look, this is a tragicomedy. lol.
low-altitude air defense systems
long-range air defense systems
mobile EA/ED stations
All types of radar sites and vehicles
even Helicopters carrying soldiers
even navy ships landing on an island
even high-speed special operations boats
even major logistics lines and train shipments within tens of kilometers of the battle line
even during the operation against the enemy outpost at an altitude of 2500, provided instant intelligence and precision strike CAS support with sub-meter precision to the special operations teams .

How do we know these? They have evidence. Not assumptions over photos, but video footages.

Armored vehicles, tanks, artillery positions, military convoys, we do not count them anyway.

This is not a jet CAS aircraft, nor is it an expensive $60-70 million turbofan UCAV. All the things said today by looking at the TB-2 kill list were unimaginable before TB-2.

Baykar is increasing the capacity at full speed because it cannot keep up with the orders. On the other hand, deliveries to the UAE have started as the subject of this title. Many countries from Poland to Kyrgyzstan are investing in the system. But the so-called military analysts on our forum think otherwise. Look, this is a tragicomedy. lol.

Lets remember ther place of mosquitoes, first in history tactical drone hunting boat... 😆

Imagine what are these mosquitoes going to say about KE when it is operational?

The military intelligence agencies of the major military powers in the world know TB2's utility and effectiveness. Hence, its demand.....
Speaking to Reuters, two Turkish sources announced that Turkish defense firm Baykar delivered 20 armed drones to the United Arab Emirates this month! ..The demand is claimed to be 120 BAYRAKTAR TB2s.

Reuters tried to contact the government in the UAE or Saudi Arabia, but did not receive any response..
My question to Turk members on the sale to UAE. Are the two sides not supporting the opposite warring factions in Libya anymore? What are the chances of UAE supplying these to their proxies to be indirectly used against Turkish interests?
My question to Turk members on the sale to UAE. Are the two sides not supporting the opposite warring factions in Libya anymore? What are the chances of UAE supplying these to their proxies to be indirectly used against Turkish interests?
Relations with the UAE quickly normalized. After the mutual visits of the heads of state, many strategic agreements were signed. From time to time, I shared the news under different threads. We can say that the relations between UAE and Turkiye have returned to their former level. Especially in the fields of defense industry, UAE delegations had very strategic contacts in Istanbul last month.

A consensus on Libya is also very close. Akile Salih was in Ankara last month. There is a very fast progressing dialogue process with the government in Tobruk. On the other hand, Dibeybe was in Istanbul 2 weeks ago regarding the Tripoli government. Lastly, the stupid attempt of the Haftar militias also ended in a fiasco last month. Because now the parties have understood that the solution in Libya will only be on the political ground. As you know, after the siege of Tripoli collapsed, the dynamics in Libya changed rapidly. The issue is now again a matter of political contention rather than armed struggle.

IMHO, the only missing point is to jumping to next level on the exploratory talks at the level of the foreign ministry that currently contineu between Egypt-Turkiye. If we can overcome this obstacle, Turks and Arab states will have the opportunity to rise to the pre-2013 level, and this time even higher.

I agree with the complexity of the issues of disagreement between Egypt and Turkiye. However, if we look at the issue as a whole with the UAE, KSA and other important Arab states, it is clear that the disagreements are not strategic. For this reason, it is not difficult to framing the disagreements with the talk of continuing the dialogue while strengthen our common interests on the other side.


Regarding the use of electronic systems against TAF and which bought from Turkiye; this would be a very difficult undertaking technically and not worth the cost. I won't go into details about why. I just want to say simply that if there is such a purpose, it would be much more appropriate to obtain a system from another manufacturer.
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