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UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

Sir give proof which you are not giving Islam not tolerant towards unislamic and things or bidat Sir we have to stop evils we don't tolerate evils Sir

The origins of nearly all of the 20th century's Islamic extremist movements lie in a new Islamic theology and ideology developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in tribal areas of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. The source of this new stream of thought was a Muslim scholar named Muhammad ibn Abd-al Wahhab, hence the name "Wahhabism." Anyone who did not profess to this new ideology was considered outside of the realm of Islam - an apostate, disbeliever or idolater, thus making the shedding of their blood and confiscation of their wealth permitted. In this way, he was able to secure a significant following whose legacy continues in one form or another until today. Gradually from 1920 until today, they were very successful in establishing an "accepted" new ideology in Islam whose essential characteristic is extreme views and interpretations, as contrasted with traditional Sunni Islam. Under this modern ideological extremism, Islam's essential principle of tolerance has been abolished. The Holy Qur'an mentions repeatedly that there is no compulsion in religion and that all people are free to practice any religion they like. Those of the Wahhabi ideology selectively apply verses of the Holy Qur'an to support their ideology, whose basis is to impose its beliefs upon everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.The term "Islamic" is grossly abused by extremists who attribute to the religion all kinds of rulings, which in fact contradict the essence of the religion in spirit and in particulars. Among them is the fatwa that justifies the use of terror tactics such as suicide bombings of civilians and attacks against non-combatants in marketplaces, schools, offices, and places of worship. Similarly they have issued a fatwa legitimizing the use of drug money to finance their campaign, despite the fact that narcotics are strictly forbidden in Islam.

Islamic Radicalism: Its Wahhabi Roots and Current Representation

Makes for an interesting read , now doesn't it ? I have quoted key points from the article by Islamic Council of America , you are free to read the rest ...

One thing more ...

As with the early Salafi's, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was criticised for disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life.[25] His own brother, Sulayman, was particularly critical, claiming he was ill-educated and intolerant, classing Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab's views as fringe and fanatical.[25] Sulayman ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab also suggested his brother was selective with the juristic predecessors, to the point of being ignorantly dismissive towards some and treating others as divinely infallible.His brother Salman Ibn Abd al-Wahhab,and a Chief justice of Mecca,wrote a book in refutation of his brothers' new teachings, called: "The Final Word from the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the School of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab", also known as: "Al-Sawa`iq al-Ilahiyya fi Madhhab al-Wahhabiyya" ("The Divine Thunderbolts Concerning the Wahhabi School"). In "The Refutation of Wahhabism in Arabic Sources, 1745–1932".

Yes , stop evils but do not kill innocents under the guise of it or start destroying temples , shrines and even Prophet's era holy sites ( like your Al Saud friends did in Saudi Arabia ) to neutralize those who do not believe in your extremist and fanatical ideology or are non Muslims as is evidenced by your actions and practices in the Modern world !
Wahhabi-ism was a tool to gain power and frighten others into joining the movement.
It is still being used as a tool to scare people into submitting to their domination.

Its prominence comes from being the officially adopted stance in early KSA and our simple folks just can't differentiate between the House of Saud and Islam.
Wahhabi-ism was a tool to gain power and frighten others into joining the movement.
It is still being used as a tool to scare people into submitting to their domination.

Its prominence comes from being the officially adopted stance in early KSA and our simple folks just can't differentiate between the House of Saud and Islam.

Please, help us understand... where to find Wahabism ?

As you said... we do not want to remain simple folks and want to read it by our self.... now do not post any thing coming from UK-US-India-Iran about Wahabism... it shall bear seal of the people you blame to be wahabi.

As far, i understand... the people who are against wahabisim do not agree to what is written in Quran!

The origins of nearly all of the 20th century's Islamic extremist movements lie in a new Islamic theology and ideology developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in tribal areas of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. The source of this new stream of thought was a Muslim scholar named Muhammad ibn Abd-al Wahhab, hence the name "Wahhabism." Anyone who did not profess to this new ideology was considered outside of the realm of Islam - an apostate, disbeliever or idolater, thus making the shedding of their blood and confiscation of their wealth permitted. In this way, he was able to secure a significant following whose legacy continues in one form or another until today. Gradually from 1920 until today, they were very successful in establishing an "accepted" new ideology in Islam whose essential characteristic is extreme views and interpretations, as contrasted with traditional Sunni Islam. Under this modern ideological extremism, Islam's essential principle of tolerance has been abolished. The Holy Qur'an mentions repeatedly that there is no compulsion in religion and that all people are free to practice any religion they like. Those of the Wahhabi ideology selectively apply verses of the Holy Qur'an to support their ideology, whose basis is to impose its beliefs upon everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.The term "Islamic" is grossly abused by extremists who attribute to the religion all kinds of rulings, which in fact contradict the essence of the religion in spirit and in particulars. Among them is the fatwa that justifies the use of terror tactics such as suicide bombings of civilians and attacks against non-combatants in marketplaces, schools, offices, and places of worship. Similarly they have issued a fatwa legitimizing the use of drug money to finance their campaign, despite the fact that narcotics are strictly forbidden in Islam.

Islamic Radicalism: Its Wahhabi Roots and Current Representation

Makes for an interesting read , now doesn't it ? I have quoted key points from the article by Islamic Council of America , you are free to read the rest ...

One thing more ...

As with the early Salafi's, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was criticised for disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life.[25] His own brother, Sulayman, was particularly critical, claiming he was ill-educated and intolerant, classing Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab's views as fringe and fanatical.[25] Sulayman ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab also suggested his brother was selective with the juristic predecessors, to the point of being ignorantly dismissive towards some and treating others as divinely infallible.His brother Salman Ibn Abd al-Wahhab,and a Chief justice of Mecca,wrote a book in refutation of his brothers' new teachings, called: "The Final Word from the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the School of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab", also known as: "Al-Sawa`iq al-Ilahiyya fi Madhhab al-Wahhabiyya" ("The Divine Thunderbolts Concerning the Wahhabi School"). In "The Refutation of Wahhabism in Arabic Sources, 1745–1932".

Yes , stop evils but do not kill innocents under the guise of it or start destroying temples , shrines and even Prophet's era holy sites ( like your Al Saud friends did in Saudi Arabia ) to neutralize those who do not believe in your extremist and fanatical ideology or are non Muslims as is evidenced by your actions and practices in the Modern world !

Mr. Wahab is name of Allah... any one with name Abdul Wahab shall not be shot dead.

Subject matter is not related to any abdul Wahab... get life.

If you are still interested to spread lies than start a thread, but do not discuss it here.
Mr. Wahab is name of Allah... any one with name Abdul Wahab shall not be shot dead.

Subject matter is not related to any abdul Wahab... get life.

What sort of logic is that @BATMAN ? So are 99 others for Allah and his Prophet ...

No , it is to Wahhabism which was founded by ------- ! :azn:

Please, help us understand... where to find Wahabism ?

As far, i understand... the people who are against wahabisim do not agree to what is written in Quran!

Everywhere in Saudi Arabia , quite a motivated ideology which helped in rationalizing the destruction of Islamic holy sites by claiming what-not of Shirk and deprived Muslims of such religious areas ...

No , where exactly are you getting there from LOL , everybody agrees on Quran , different sects are formed on different interpretations of Hadith usually ...
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Please, help us understand... where to find Wahabism ?

As you said... we do not want to remain simple folks and want to read it by our self.... now do not post any thing coming from UK-US-India-Iran about Wahabism... it shall bear seal of the people you blame to be wahabi.

As far, i understand... the people who are against wahabisim do not agree to what is written in Quran!

None of those countries influence me as far as religion is concerned. My opinion, as a Pakistani, is that my religion has been tainted with blood and intolerance, thanks to one Mr. Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahhab.

How do you know that disagreement with Wahhabism is disagreement with the Qur'an? Have you managed to translate the entire text yourself? Have you analysed all the Ahadeeth and understood their context in Islam?
How do you know that disagreement with Wahhabism is disagreement with the Qur'an? Have you managed to translate the entire text yourself? Have you analysed all the Ahadeeth and understood their context in Islam?

No , actually it was the same logic which I explained before used by Wahhabis that one who doesn't agree with Mr. Wahab's interpretation of Islam doesn't agree with Quran and thus by extension isn't a Muslim ! :azn: See the practical example in his post ...
Pasha: But you gotta pay me double!

UAE Govt: No problem, last we checked, we still had money in the Bank; the jobs are yours.

Pasha: That is different from my last job; Thank You Sirs, kindly. I'll start right away.


Pasha got the job.. and UAE got to pay for his services, what is the big deal?

Pasha the BOSS :pakistan:

Shia + Indians--->>> :toast_sign:

No , actually it was the same logic which I explained before used by Wahhabis that one who doesn't agree with Mr. Wahab's interpretation of Islam doesn't agree with Quran and thus by extension isn't a Muslim ! :azn: See the practical example in his post ...

Any one can blame any thing... you need to prove before getting hysterical and declaring others Kafir.
What sort of logic is that @BATMAN ? So are 99 others for Allah and his Prophet ...

No , it is to Wahhabism which was founded by ------- ! :azn:

Everywhere in Saudi Arabia , quite a motivated ideology which helped in rationalizing the destruction of Islamic holy sites by claiming what-not of Shirk and deprived Muslims of such religious areas ...

No , where exactly are you getting there from LOL , everybody agrees on Quran , different sects are formed on different interpretations of Hadith usually ...

You guys have habit to ignore what you wrote in previous post... i was just taunting at your logic.

As we do not any thing about the kind of evil.. you attribute to Abdul Wahab (you mentioned) and others.... why not try to prove it than?
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Any one can blame any thing... you need to prove before getting hysterical and declaring others Kafir.

Of course anyone can blame anything , but yet we all know what particular sect has the highest tendency to declare others " Infidels " or shall we say " Takfiri " fatwas , right ? :)

why not try to prove it than?

What exactly do you think I have been doing all along ? His own brother disproved him the year he started this ideology ... There's a whole book just on that ...
None of those countries influence me as far as religion is concerned. My opinion, as a Pakistani, is that my religion has been tainted with blood and intolerance, thanks to one Mr. Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahhab.

How do you know that disagreement with Wahhabism is disagreement with the Qur'an? Have you managed to translate the entire text yourself? Have you analysed all the Ahadeeth and understood their context in Islam?

No your opinion is your local Mullah... who is telling you bad thing about Mr. Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahab.... you are controlled by the mafia.

I said, it is my experience... generally the people with diarrhea of abdul Wahab, have been cursing prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and his family.

One member of this forum has even written abusive words even on my wall and later deleted.

I personally, have learned about this nonsense... only on this forum and later started to scratch the people and learned about the underlying hate.
Shia + Indians--->>> :toast_sign:

What exact problem do you guys have with Shias ? I cant understand that seriously ... I saw another member in the beginning of the thread too mentioning such kind of thing ... Why ? Infidels like Mr . Wahab says ? :azn:
Of course anyone can blame anything , but yet we all know what particular sect has the highest tendency to declare others " Infidels " or shall we say " Takfiri " fatwas , right ? :)

What exactly do you think I have been doing all along ? His own brother disproved him the year he started this ideology ... There's a whole book just on that ...

No... so far on this forum Abdul Wahab (deceased) is kafir.. infidle and any one who disagree with you is his follower.

Only idiots cannot see which sect. call others kafir and openly and on minutely basis.

What exact problem do you guys have with Shias ? I cant understand that seriously ... I saw another member in the beginning of the thread too mentioning such kind of thing ... Why ? Infidels like Mr . Wahab says ? :azn:

Read the thread again.... clearly you are not willing ot hear a counter argument....
Why is that you guys are so intolerant and full of hate... can't you see its over flowing?
stop propagating falsehood... Pakistan army zindabad... ISI zindaabad.. .Pasha Zindabad. :pakistan:
No... so far on this forum Abdul Wahab (deceased) is kafir.. infidle and any one who disagree with you is his follower.

Only idiots cannot see which sect. call others kafir and openly and on minutely basis.

Despite being in serious disagreement with him and his ideology , I have never called him a " non-Muslim " or " a person outside Islam " ... I am nobody to judge anyone's faith and that matters remains with the God only ... No , not everyone who disagrees with me is a Wahhabi LOL When have I said that ? :azn:

Mate , I have seen the profound effects of Wahhabism and its effects on our society since the holiest Jihad started in the 80's and how different Madarsas belonging to a particular sect wouldn't wait a second to call others " outside the realm of Islam " ...
Pasha got the job.. and UAE got to pay for his services, what is the big deal?

Pasha the BOSS :pakistan:

Shia + Indians--->>> :toast_sign:

:rofl: Pasha is the Boss? Heck No; Pasha is the EMPLOYEE. He is just another "Khadim " employed by the Sheikhs in UAE. And they will pay him for it undoubtedly. ;)

And in your country; as you said above: Shias are :toast_sign:..........................................:astagh:

The Indian are not, not by a long shot. :P

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