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U.S Will Continue To Target Pakistan After Afghan Withdrawal

So how did


change the title much?

On topic

we are told time and time again there are no al qaeda in Pakistan so your safe
Was thinking the same thing. The US said it will target terrorist...Pakistanis seem to know where the terrorist are...as they claim this means them.
We already know how that went
When Musharraf signed the peace deals there was actual peace
The militants kept to the peace deals and all bombings and fighting stopped.
And in EVERY case it was the Pakistani government, under pressure from the US, who broke those peace deals.
Didn't expect that did you?
That's why it's better to stay silent and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and be confirmed to be one.

LOL. They were peaceful? you are not well versed about your own country are you? Let me an american educate you oh the great supporter of the radical Islamist.

After the peace deal was stuck they did this:

This from your favorite news site ( mostly propaganda but you love them )

PressTV - Taliban nearing Pakistan capital

this from other " reputable " sites :
Pakistani Taliban move closer to Islamabad

Pakistan moves to halt advance of Taliban just 60 miles from capital - Telegraph

A Pakistani Taliban-aligned group came to power in the Swat district of the North West Frontier Province in February, striking a controversial peace deal with Pakistani authorities.
LOL. They were peaceful? you are not well versed about your own country are you? Let me an american educate you oh the great supporter of the radical Islamist.

This from your great news site ( mostly propoganda but you love them )

PressTV - Taliban nearing Pakistan capital

this from other " reputable " sites

http://www.csmonitor.com/World/terrorism-security/2009/0409/p99s01-duts.html] Pakistani Taliban move closer to Islamabad

Pakistan moves to halt advance of Taliban just 60 miles from capital - Telegraph

honest question
are you retarded?
You asked how the peace deals went with the militants, and I told you that they went great until the Pakistani government broke each and every one of them under US pressure.
As a reply you called me names and gave irrelevant links.
I would would hardly call that the actions of sane, educated American

So yeah, back to the actual point.
Peace with the militants is possible as soon as we de-couple with the US.
This has been shown to work in the past peace deals.
honest question
are you retarded?
You asked how the peace deals went with the militants, and I told you that they went great until the Pakistani government broke each and every one of them under US pressure.
As a reply you called me names and gave irrelevant links.
I would would hardly call that the actions of sane, educated American

So yeah, back to the actual point.
Peace with the militants is possible as soon as we de-couple with the US.
This has been shown to work in the past peace deals.

problem with you is that reading is not feasible for your kind. Of course not a big surprise that you are a Taliban apologist.

After the peace deal They did what I showed in the links... AFTER read for once in your life.
problem with you is that reading is not feasible for your kind. Of course not a big surprise that you are an a Taliban apologist.

After the peace deal They did what I showed in the links... AFTER


Got your @$$ handed to you and now you are throwing a hissy fit

as for your "evidence"

From the article you linked to
"Taliban claim that the recent violence in Pakistan has been in retaliation for the suspected US drone attacks and threatened more attacks should the aerial raids continue"

yeah, totally sounds like these guys broke the peace deal for $hits and giggles

I understand that you live in America and thus eat up all the propaganda they throw at you, but let me assure you that despite what they want you to think, you don't die by using that gray matter between your ears.

Got your @$$ handed to you and now you are throwing a hissy fit

as for your "evidence"

From the article you linked to
"Taliban claim that the recent violence in Pakistan has been in retaliation for the suspected US drone attacks and threatened more attacks should the aerial raids continue"

yeah, totally sounds like these guys broke the peace deal for $hits and giggles

I understand that you live in America and thus eat up all the propaganda they throw at you, but let me assure you that despite what they want you to think, you don't die by using that gray matter between your ears.
Great idea...give the militants what they want...and they will promise not to hurt you too much. Brave folks over there.

Got your @$$ handed to you and now you are throwing a hissy fit

as for your "evidence"

From the article you linked to
"Taliban claim that the recent violence in Pakistan has been in retaliation for the suspected US drone attacks and threatened more attacks should the aerial raids continue"

yeah, totally sounds like these guys broke the peace deal for $hits and giggles

I understand that you live in America and thus eat up all the propaganda they throw at you, but let me assure you that despite what they want you to think, you don't die by using that gray matter between your ears.

from my quoted links- taken each from 3 articles separately :

A Pakistani Taliban-aligned group came to power in the Swat district of the North West Frontier Province in February, striking a controversial peace deal with Pakistani authorities.

Following the agreement the militants set up an administration with courts, taxes, patrols and checkpoints in the troubled region.

But since the deal was agreed last month, Taliban fighters have advanced into neighbouring Buner district, where they have been mounting checkpoints, and intimidating local police and officials.

You see I'm a very knowledgeable person. I don't just throw it out there. You see you are proven , as again here to be an apologist for the taiban
from my quote :

You see I'm very knowledgeable person. I don't just throw it out there. You see you are proven , as again here to be an apologist for the taiban

so let me get this straight
Taliban and Pakistan sign a peace deal, US starts bombing the Taliban with permission from Pakistan, Taliban then retaliate but it is the Taliban breaking the peace deal.........I would say only in India would that make sense, but now Indian logic has been exported to other countries.

Any ways, back to the original point
All peace deals signed by Pakistan and militants have been broken by Pakistan under US pressure.
Before the peace deals were broken, the areas that they covered became calm and violence was reduced greatly.

This shows that militants don't have a beef with Pakistan, but do have a beef with a Pakistani puppet government that does the bidding for the US.

It is in Pakistan's and USA's best interest to let Pakistan handle this situation
usa will never be our ally , it works for its own interest " how they get it and where they get it by all means" . Once they are done with . they leave the subject irrespective of the future. All pro usa countries including Pakistan must know this fact, the pacts us does will only be done if it suits them more than you. Always willing to talk more and give less.
As for shooting down a drone .. "its no big deal but to back this action we need strong leadership and economy." < this is the part where we fail on epic bases. Suppose usa does a drone attack inside indian territory , the reaction will be tooth grinding only because of the 2 facts stated above.
so let me get this straight
Taliban and Pakistan sign a peace deal, US starts bombing the Taliban with permission from Pakistan, Taliban then retaliate but it is the Taliban breaking the peace deal.........I would say only in India would that make sense, but now Indian logic has been exported to other countries.

Any ways, back to the original point
All peace deals signed by Pakistan and militants have been broken by Pakistan under US pressure.
Before the peace deals were broken, the areas that they covered became calm and violence was reduced greatly.

This shows that militants don't have a beef with Pakistan, but do have a beef with a Pakistani puppet government that does the bidding for the US.

It is in Pakistan's and USA's best interest to let Pakistan handle this situation

Dude , there was no bombing and after the peace deal- even if you believe the Taliban your pals over the lives of your own countrymen. They took advantage of it to only attack more cities and !

next question: How many deals did Musharraf sign with the Taliban to allow pakistan sovereignty handed to the Taliban?
Pakistan can, but will they be willing to bear the consequences?
I don't think there will be much consequences, militarily and/or sanctions wise. US still has way more to loose if Pakistan becomes a total belligerent child.
Curious as tragic as this is that kids die, and it is!--- when have you posted about the 1000 times more children that are killed in Syria ( slaughtered, raped , murdered ' intentionally')? Is that because US is non muslim entity and you are only concerned about Muslim kids when the killer is a non-muslim?

This thread isnt about syria its about usa and its actions. when your home is on fire and you cant talk about others, first you settle your own things and then the rest.
This thread isnt about syria its about usa and its actions. when your home is on fire and you cant talk about others, first you settle your own things and then the rest.

yes you are absolutely correct, I just thought you may as the keeper of all Muslims might be interested in thousands of Muslim kids killed - but forgot the villain doing the killing in Syria is NOT a non -Muslim, hence no interest for you..
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