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U.S. to give Pakistan 12 Shadow Drones

I don't want to rain on your parade but the accomplishment you've mentioned have been achieved through massive foreign aide financially and technically....(i don't want to give out details to our enemies regarding such classified matters....

Again, whether foreign aid, foreign tech, foreign input/assistance etc. in any form was involved is really beside the point. The relevant issue at hand is that we got from point A to point B. We got the end result which is really all that matters.

Yes they are lofty goals for us, considering the current situation we're embroiled in.

No, they're not lofty considering that we have confronted much more complicated endeavours with 100% success. Do I even need to mention the nuclear program as an example? What about the delivery systems (ballistic and cruise missiles) and the JF-17 project? In the end, we have achieved which was conceived as impossible. Had we adopted the same negative attitude back then we would have achieved nothing today. Again, have a little faith and please try to understand that it isn't rocket science. Producing a UCAV is the least challenging project that Pakistan would be facing since we already have a decent home-grown industry in place which by the way is producing quality UAVs. Additionally, if required, we can also insist on Chinese assistance. Not to mention, that PA already operates Falco drones which can be armed with missiles as someone has already pointed out before. There are heaps of options for making the UCAV a reality. Please, don't make it sound like mission impossible.

I don't know whether you're aware of the depth of what you are stating, it costs billions of dollars to produce military hardware, the main portion of cost consume R&D around 60% without even having a functioning unit for a project, this why countries opt to purchase the technology and hardware... fortunately Pakistan can obtained technology from such equipment and improve on the design which would spur industry etc.. without the heavy costs of R&D

I'm very well aware of what I'm trying to explain to you. Like I've already clarified, most of the work has already been carried out and the bits and pieces of the jigsaw so to speak are already in place. Please don't make it sound like a multi-billion project that needs to be set-up from level zero. If Pakistan is able to chip in resources for the fighter project, I'm sure we're also willing to invest in our future. These armed drones aren't a luxury item, but a dire necessity which will genuinely and effectively help in rooting out the miscreants. We need the drones for monitoring our hostile border areas where miscreants hide and plot with the help of outsiders. Besides, the US will never provide such 'sensitive' tech and they've already made that very clear. Just hoping that we obtain such tech from the US won't cut it. We've to (on our own initiative) undertake steps in order to make the UCAV a reality. Just like when we undertook steps for the JF-17 project as a substitute for sanction prone F-16s.

If we don't need anything from america why are we buying D-block F-16s from america which will exponential enhance are delivering capabilities as many senior ranks have on record stated...

We're being offered the F-16s because the US realizes that this tech is very well within Pakistan's reach. Yes, I'm referring to the FC-20 fighter aircraft. Also, add the JF-17 project to that list. The Americans would never offer something that would be considered as high/sensitive tech to Pakistan. That is official US policy with regards to Pakistan and they don't hide it under the table so to speak.

American's have shown a willingness to provide us tech when we were true allies and vast media deception wars by India were limited to within it's border( India is aware of the bigger threat american+pakistani alliance poses to it's military superiority more importantly it would bankrupt India economically; without the means of stealing high paying professional jobs and services (outsourcing), india would essentially become what it rightfully is....

Again, the US is only willing to provide tech which is well within our reach. The US is offering high tech to India. Aren't you following the MRCA deal? The US has offered advanced nuke tech to India. The US has offered many other lucrative deals to India which cannot be compared to the outdated junk that is being put forward to Pakistan. Please don't exaggerate your claims. The rejection of the Shadow UAVs by our military and political leaders is enough testimony of this fact.

I would like to remind you of 1965 when we were able to conquer kashmire with the help of our most allied of ally, according to your reasoning it should of taken a hundred years.. give me a break, plus when the first batch of F-16s were provided to pakistan they were considered at the time first class tech, which very few countries at the time possessed, these indians myths of 100 years are lies...

Well, the political landscape and foreign policies of governments around the world change and evolve constantly. Whatever we were able to achieve during the 1965 era cannot be applied in today's context. Even back then, the US made a whole lot of fuss about providing the F-16s, but the Indians were allied with the USSR which made the decision a lot easier in the end. Besides, the US needed full Pakistani cooperation during the Cold War like they require at this moment in the WoT. US interests were at stake. Don't forget to mention the military embargo that followed afterwards.

don't get me started with jf-17 or MiG-29 engine, which india already has..

Big deal. India made a lot of fuss about the delivery of RD-93s, but we got them in the end. On top of that, the Russians even promised an even better RD-93 variant with more thrust and other improvements. How can we deny such a battle proven engine when there are hardly no other alternatives available? In the meanwhile, China is already developing another engine for the JF-17. So, please bare with us and don't make an elephant out of a fly.

Please as i have stated before please enlighten me on these pakistani UAVs we are operating that has been able to take out targets or prevent terrorist from entering our country...

UAVs don't have the ability to take out targets because they are unarmed. They are primarily meant for reconnaissance missions. That's exactly what I'm pleading for in this thread. We require UCAVs which will also be able to take out targets once we possess such a capability.

its not about tech.. it's about building and improving our relationship so we can kick hindustani *** as we were doing in the good old days of the soviet era. which india is afraid would initiate again, which is why they are causing a rift between our ties, being their typical instigator self... (warning to indian trolls this isn't east pakistan discussion or etc... so keep your trolling to yourself... plus we are addressing military capability this has nothing to do with underhanded covet intelligence operations...

That's impossible for the reasons I've already stated. Things have changed dramatically. India US relations have improved enormously over the past few decades. What else proof do we need after the exclusive nuke deal? US requires Indian influence to counter China. The services of Pakistan are only required for cleaning up dirty laundry so to speak. I'm not pleading for any hostility between US Pak relations. I'm pleading for equal treatment.
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i hope we should not go for uav with america we should go with france on uav joint venture similar of predator
I like Robert Gates. He is smart and pragmatic.

And I don't see US abandoning this region like they did in 1990's.

The trust deficit needs to be curtailed and that can start by giving Pakistan advanced weaponry to go against these terrorists.
I think since long time army has stopped asking for drones, simply becasue when those were needed most was the time when war was being fought actively against TTP. Since the active war is pretty much cooled hence drones application cannot help to save Pak army lives as it could do in time of need, now is the time for attck helis.
this is why army has quit pressing for drones.

the recent most development on drone demand was from Zardari....out of blue, making a statement..... by him self without consulting army or having any history of negotiating defence deals for Pakistan.

Now with media clarification that voluntarily offered drones are not predators it highlights thesecret connect among US and Zardari and their collective efforts against Pak army.

I see this drone offer same as KL bill which was drafted together by PPP, RAW and indian lobby in US senate and forced down the throat with the complicity of Pakistani politicians.

Politicians of Pakistan are the worst curse of Pakistan.
Again, whether foreign aid, foreign tech, foreign input/assistance etc. in any form was involved is really beside the point. The relevant issue at hand is that we got from point A to point B. We got the end result which is really all that matters.

Thats the most important factor (technology transfer..), without such assistance there would be zero achievement
Many countries have attempted to achieve such milestones but have failed miserably due to lack of technical equipment, material and guidance from foreign powers..

You are completely contradicting yourself one hand you’ve stated, we do not require foreign assistance to build drones yet your claiming Chinese support would be needed..considering the current reality..

No, they're not lofty considering that we have confronted much more complicated endeavors with 100% success. Do I even need to mention the nuclear program as an example? What about the delivery systems (ballistic and cruise missiles) and the JF-17 project? In the end, we have achieved which was conceived as impossible. Had we adopted the same negative attitude back then we would have achieved nothing today. Again, have a little faith and please try to understand that it isn't rocket science. Producing a UCAV is the least challenging project that Pakistan would be facing since we already have a decent home-grown industry in place which by the way is producing quality UAVs. Additionally, if required, we can also insist on Chinese assistance. Not to mention, that PA already operates Falco drones which can be armed with missiles as someone has already pointed out before. There are heaps of options for making the UCAV a reality. Please, don't make it sound like mission impossible.

Its not as easy as your making it to be as if; with a swing of a magical wand, Indigenous armed drones will appear out of thin air..acknowledge and understand the true nature of our lagging capacity and infrastructure, budget constraints, instability etc..., then accordingly ..:blah:.. 100 American years would seem brief period compared to..... If it was this simple as your implying every country would have 5th Generation air capabilities.....

You should educate yourself the amount of contribution pakistan provided in the Research& Development and manufacture of the JF-17...

Missile: Hint: Ha(no info to hindustani trolls) you've just confirmed my line of reasoning, the best missiles we have at the present moment are based upon american designs, this is one of the reasons why i am Campaigning to obtain american drone tech due to their success in iraq and afghan

My friend, RC air planes have better air stability and maneuverability than this UAV you have just mentioned

I'm very well aware of what I'm trying to explain to you. Like I've already clarified, most of the work has already been carried out and the bits and pieces of the jigsaw so to speak are already in place. Please don't make it sound like a multi-billion project that needs to be set-up from level zero. If Pakistan is able to chip in resources for the fighter project, I'm sure we're also willing to invest in our future. These armed drones aren't a luxury item, but a dire necessity which will genuinely and effectively help in rooting out the miscreants. We need the drones for monitoring our hostile border areas where miscreants hide and plot with the help of outsiders. Besides, the US will never provide such 'sensitive' tech and they've already made that very clear. Just hoping that we obtain such tech from the US won't cut it. We've to (on our own initiative) undertake steps in order to make the UCAV a reality. Just like when we undertook steps for the JF-17 project as a substitute for sanction prone F-16s.

Has the puzzle of your jigsaw been able to bear fruit in the battleground of swat and Waziristan or protect our border. We need equipment immediately to thwart these terrorist, who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent pakistanis.

We're being offered the F-16s because the US realizes that this tech is very well within Pakistan's reach. Yes, I'm referring to the FC-20 fighter aircraft. Also, add the JF-17 project to that list. The Americans would never offer something that would be considered as high/sensitive tech to Pakistan. That is official US policy with regards to Pakistan and they don't hide it under the table so to speak.

We were once offered typhoons did it mean U.S.A began tendering f-18s to pakistan, it doesn't quiet work that way..

Again you have a false perception we are not producing f-16s Indigenously or anything close to it. furthermore FC-20 planes are expected to be delivered, quote "Pakistan Air Force - Initial delivery of 36 FC-20 scheduled for 2014-15.[30]"

high/sensitive tech

I have Absolutely no idea where you get your facts from, read below

"The US has proposed its largest arms sales package to Pakistan in more than 14 years, underlining the country's role as a close ally of Washington in the war on terror. The Pentagon notified Congress about the $1.2 bn package late on Nov. 16. It includes eight P3-C Orion surveillance aircraft, six Phalanx rapid fire guns for the Pakistan navy, and more than 2,000 TOW 2 missiles for the army."

it's time we show a bit of gratitude and strengthen our relationship which hindustan has been rentlessly striving to destroy.

Again, the US is only willing to provide tech which is well within our reach. The US is offering high tech to India. Aren't you following the MRCA deal? The US has offered advanced nuke tech to India. The US has offered many other lucrative deals to India which cannot be compared to the outdated junk that is being put forward to Pakistan. Please don't exaggerate your claims. The rejection of the Shadow UAVs by our military and political leaders is enough testimony of this fact.

We need to compete with the hindustan for exact same deals.
If we decide to isolate ourselves it doesn't mean we will benefit

Whether some indian agents, like it or not (or hang themselves upside down..) we're getting this tech :p:P and it was not rejected.. so stop pulling s** out of your *** and claiming it to be facts

high/sensitive tech

just to name a few f-16s, AWACS, apache helicopter, are Junk

Only Four countires have AWACS, America, Isreal, pakistan and india

Well, the political landscape and foreign policies of governments around the world change and evolve constantly. Whatever we were able to achieve during the 1965 era cannot be applied in today's context. Even back then, the US made a whole lot of fuss about providing the F-16s, but the Indians were allied with the USSR which made the decision a lot easier in the end. Besides, the US needed full Pakistani cooperation during the Cold War like they require at this moment in the WoT. US interests were at stake. Don't forget to mention the military embargo that followed afterwards.

You can't disregard such significant foundation. Every relationship has a history..The measure of foreseeable ties are based upon history, such fundamental factors influence mutual foreign polices of nations. To this day the rivalry between Russia and USA still prevails. History will always repeat itself, it's crucial we remain vigilant and cease our opportunity.

Big deal. India made a lot of fuss about the delivery of RD-93s, but we got them in the end. On top of that, the Russians even promised an even better RD-93 variant with more thrust and other improvements. How can we deny such a battle proven engine when there are hardly no other alternatives available? In the meanwhile, China is already developing another engine for the JF-17. So, please bare with us and don't make an elephant out of a fly.

again your mistaken RD-93 is a variant of RD-33... any further changes are made by china for Re-export

Don't compare apples to oranges: JF-17 There have been some problems. The engine was emitting black smoke, which makes it easier for the enemy pilot to spot the plane. This puts the pilot in inferior position during a dogfight. It is not clear whether the fuel or the engine was responsible for the smoke and the issue has been resolved

UAVs don't have the ability to take out targets because they are unarmed. They are primarily meant for reconnaissance missions. That's exactly what I'm pleading for in this thread. We require UCAVs which will also be able to take out targets once we possess such a capability.

You can't run if you don't know how to walk. it would be extremely reckless for the goverment to targert it's own people, rather we need concentrate on ground Reconnaissance to prevent indian agents from sneaking into our border..

America floated the offer of Advance drones and surveillance equipment similarly when the initial offer of f-16 was tabled.. it did not include hot zinger, planes etc.. we have to be shrewd negotiators and obtain superior tech, stop playing into Indian games of conquer and divide. I believe it would be utter lunacy on the part of GOP and Military to decline such offers

That's impossible for the reasons I've already stated. Things have changed dramatically. India US relations have improved enormously over the past few decades. What else proof do we need after the exclusive nuke deal? US requires Indian influence to counter China. The services of Pakistan are only required for cleaning up dirty laundry so to speak. I'm not pleading for any hostility between US Pak relations. I'm pleading for equal treatment.

if we want to improve our relations pakistan needs to initiate a genuine dialog and demonstrate by abiding to some american terms since, we need them more than they need us, thooray jok na say koi bara chotay, Ne hoi jai ga, be a bigger country, put the ppl of afghanistan and pakistan ahead of all this bickering...:usflag::pakistan:

Beggars can't be choosers.

Is USA not begging Russia and China to come help in Afghanistan? What does this begging make USA? The United States of Givers? :taz:

Surely Beggers cannot be choosers, but they still have freedom to refuse the offered "tip of 12 drones". :bunny:
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Safar 08, 1431

Offer of RQ-7 Shadow UAVs “Too little, too late”

rest of article available here:

ASIAN DEFENCE: Offer of Outdated RQ-7 Shadow UAVs “Too little, too late”

This is absolutely irrelevant which class of drone is belongs to, but fact of the matter is that, Pakistani forces need something urgently which can undertake their spying needs on urgent basis. Such small drone doesn't translate into immediate victory over insurgents in NWFP of Pak, rather it will provide some sort of respite to the Pakistani special forces. Pakistani forces will no longer require to take some of the most audacious task by bringing their life in danger, a least such small drone can do is to bring in pictures of those remote areas which are still out of Pak's reach.
This is absolutely irrelevant which class of drone is belongs to, but fact of the matter is that, Pakistani forces need something urgently which can undertake their spying needs on urgent basis. Such small drone doesn't translate into immediate victory over insurgents in NWFP of Pak, rather it will provide some sort of respite to the Pakistani special forces. Pakistani forces will no longer require to take some of the most audacious task by bringing their life in danger, a least such small drone can do is to bring in pictures of those remote areas which are still out of Pak's reach.

Pak-Army already has better drones than this, I have seen them first hand. Some drones come under MI (military Intelligence) which are responsable for recce while some are with air force as well to paint targets with lasers as well as recce.

Pakistan should not accept obsolete technology if an alternate is already available and "in-service", more when there are strings of do-more attached to them.

Thats the most important factor (technology transfer..), without such assistance there would be zero achievement
Many countries have attempted to achieve such milestones but have failed miserably due to lack of technical equipment, material and guidance from foreign powers..

We can get guidance and tech from China which is a proven all weather friend. Perhaps not the most advanced tech yet, but sufficient for Pakistan's needs and requirements at this moment. The US isn't going to provide any ToT with armed drones. The US isn't even going to provide the drones let alone tech. That's a grave illusion.

You are completely contradicting yourself one hand you’ve stated, we do not require foreign assistance to build drones yet your claiming Chinese support would be needed..considering the current reality..

No, I'm not contradicting myself because had you read my previous posts you would know that I've clearly stated that China should be sought for this capability. Please read my previous posts before presuming out of the blue.

Its not as easy as your making it to be as if; with a swing of a magical wand, Indigenous armed drones will appear out of thin air..acknowledge and understand the true nature of our lagging capacity and infrastructure, budget constraints, instability etc..., then accordingly ..:blah:.. 100 American years would seem brief period compared to..... If it was this simple as your implying every country would have 5th Generation air capabilities.....

It may not be as easy as waving a magical wand, but it surely isn't as difficult as you're suggesting it to be. Again, it isn't rocket science. We can compensate our lagging capacity and infrastructure by joining hands with our friendly ally China. Something I've already proposed on numerous occasions in my previous posts. Please read them. Also, stop comparing 5th gen tech with UCAVs. There's a world of difference between the level of tech complexity of a 5th gen aircraft fighter and a UCAV. Don't compare apples with bananas.

You should educate yourself the amount of contribution pakistan provided in the Research& Development and manufacture of the JF-17...

I'm very well aware about the amount of contribution that the Pakistani side has had in the JF-17 project. You don't need to lecture me on that.

Missile: Hint: Ha(no info to hindustani trolls) you've just confirmed my line of reasoning, the best missiles we have at the present moment are based upon american designs, this is one of the reasons why i am Campaigning to obtain american drone tech due to their success in iraq and afghan

Mate, you're simply not going to get any American tech. That's the whole crux of the problem that you're not willing to understand. The Americans have made it time and time again very clear that this tech is simply not on offer. I understand that it's the best tech available, and preferably we should be getting it. However, that's not going to happen for the reasons we all know. You should really think about alternatives like I am.

My friend, RC air planes have better air stability and maneuverability than this UAV you have just mentioned

Perhaps, but that still doesn't negate the fact that we ought to gain UCAV tech.

Has the puzzle of your jigsaw been able to bear fruit in the battleground of swat and Waziristan or protect our border. We need equipment immediately to thwart these terrorist, who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent pakistanis.

No, that's because we don't have any active UCAVs deployed across Swat and Waziristan. Of course, we need equipment on short notice to be able to effectively fight the war, but are we getting it? The answer is no. The US which you're heavily reliant on, haven't delivered on their promises. Another shortcoming in the ever growing trust deficit between Pak and US relations. Isn't that something that you should be concerned about before pleading for US drones? How reliable is the US? Can we trust the US?

We were once offered typhoons did it mean U.S.A began tendering f-18s to pakistan, it doesn't quiet work that way..

Once we were offered many things. Forget once and focus on now and the future. Many things have changed since once upon a time... Would Pakistan today again be offered the EF and F-18? Ask yourself this question before going on about acquiring US drones.

Again you have a false perception we are not producing f-16s Indigenously or anything close to it. furthermore FC-20 planes are expected to be delivered, quote "Pakistan Air Force - Initial delivery of 36 FC-20 scheduled for 2014-15.[30]"

Well, that's your false perception. I believe in the word of the ACM and other official sources of PAF. It's a well-known fact that the current JF-17 is very close capability wise with F-16A/B. That has also been disclosed by our PAF officials. So, what's possibly wrong with the FC-20s being delivered at a certain year? I don't understand your concern.

I have Absolutely no idea where you get your facts from, read below

"The US has proposed its largest arms sales package to Pakistan in more than 14 years, underlining the country's role as a close ally of Washington in the war on terror. The Pentagon notified Congress about the $1.2 bn package late on Nov. 16. It includes eight P3-C Orion surveillance aircraft, six Phalanx rapid fire guns for the Pakistan navy, and more than 2,000 TOW 2 missiles for the army."

it's time we show a bit of gratitude and strengthen our relationship which hindustan has been rentlessly striving to destroy.

Where are you getting your one-sided facts from? Ever considered that the US also offered advanced nuke tech to India? The US is also offering most advanced fighter aircraft to India. Just because the US tries to compensate Pakistan with such lousy offers, we shouldn't get excited. Besides, we can already obtain such offers from other sources. Again, you've to understand that the US will never provide anything high tech to Pakistan. That's out of the question.

How about if the US showed some gratitude for our soldiers and innocent people dying in the WoT? How about that the US showed some respect to the people of Pakistan instead of always pressuring to do more?

We need to compete with the hindustan for exact same deals.
If we decide to isolate ourselves it doesn't mean we will benefit

No, you cannot compete for the same deals as India because A) you don't have the money and B) regardless, the US will not provide it due to Indian factor. Don't get me wrong. I'm not in favour of isolating ourselves from the US. I'm just being realistic and proposing alternatives.

Whether some indian agents, like it or not (or hang themselves upside down..) we're getting this tech :p:P and it was not rejected.. so stop pulling s** out of your *** and claiming it to be facts

Well, I'm not stopping you from asking from the US. LOL If you feel like asking, by all means go ahead. However, I'll just reveal the outcome which isn't so favourable. Why so abusive? What's the need to get so low? Please mind your language and discuss in a civil manner. We can have a disagreement, but there's no need for you to pull things from your bottom.

just to name a few f-16s, AWACS, apache helicopter, are Junk

Only Four countires have AWACS, America, Isreal, pakistan and india

When did I claim that F-16, Apache and AWACS are junk? Please don't put words in my mouth and stop taking things out of their context. I specifically referred to the UAV deal as being too late and too little. Yep, I regard the latest UAV offer as junk. I'm sure the Americans can do better than offering some outdated UAVs which Pakistan has never asked for. Besides, we already have better UAVs at our own disposal.

You can't disregard such significant foundation. Every relationship has a history..The measure of foreseeable ties are based upon history, such fundamental factors influence mutual foreign polices of nations. To this day the rivalry between Russia and USA still prevails. History will always repeat itself, it's crucial we remain vigilant and cease our opportunity.

We had a history with the US because they needed us and we needed them. As far as I'm concerned, the US back stabbed Pakistan the moment they left Afghanistan after the Cold War. They left the whole region to deal with the aftermath and eventually they themselves got bitten by the monster that they once created. Today, the US are again in need of Pakistani assistance in their so-called WoT. Why should we again trust such an ally that left Pakistan high and dry? At least the former USSR was a clear visible enemy. In comparison, the US is an untrustworthy hypocritical snake.

again your mistaken RD-93 is a variant of RD-33... any further changes are made by china for Re-export

What are you going on about? Stop putting words in my mouth. I've never denied that the RD-93 was a derivative of RD-33. You keep on assuming things incorrectly for your own convenience. The Russian company providing the RD-93 has promised to come up with an even improved version of RD-93 with better thrust and other improvements. That's a fact.

Don't compare apples to oranges: JF-17 There have been some problems. The engine was emitting black smoke, which makes it easier for the enemy pilot to spot the plane. This puts the pilot in inferior position during a dogfight. It is not clear whether the fuel or the engine was responsible for the smoke and the issue has been resolved

Again, where have I refuted the claim that there have been no problems with the engine? You keep on putting words in my mouth for no apparent reason. You're completely avoiding my arguments and going off topic by putting words in my mouth. Please, I kindly request to remain on topic and not to avoid the debate at hand.

You can't run if you don't know how to walk. it would be extremely reckless for the goverment to targert it's own people, rather we need concentrate on ground Reconnaissance to prevent indian agents from sneaking into our border..

Such negativity was also prevalent when Pakistan was on the verge of becoming a nuke power. People doubted and kept on questioning our capability. We proved all the cynics and critics wrong at the end of the day. There is no question about rooting out mostly foreign miscreants in areas which unfortunately happen to be populated. What I'm suggesting is that instead of CIA agents the PA should carry out any surgical strikes. Reason being, the PA will be acting in the best interest of the country, but also be wary and sensitive of causing mass collateral damage. Don't you have any faith in your army?

America floated the offer of Advance drones and surveillance equipment similarly when the initial offer of f-16 was tabled.. it did not include hot zinger, planes etc.. we have to be shrewd negotiators and obtain superior tech, stop playing into Indian games of conquer and divide. I believe it would be utter lunacy on the part of GOP and Military to decline such offers

It seems that you're oblivious of the US Indian nexus which have ulterior motives against Pakistan and China in particular. No, this isn't a conspiracy theory, but the dire reality. The US will make many rosy promises, but they won't deliver. The F-16s (which were long due) have been delivered after years of embargoes and delays. Something you shouldn't expect from a trustworthy ally such as the US. What difference will 18 F-16 C/D make when India is being offered F-18, F-16 IN etc.

if we want to improve our relations pakistan needs to initiate a genuine dialog and demonstrate by abiding to some american terms since, we need them more than they need us, thooray jok na say koi bara chotay, Ne hoi jai ga, be a bigger country, put the ppl of afghanistan and pakistan ahead of all this bickering...:usflag::pakistan:

Why do we always have to show our genuine side when the US doesn't really care. Dialogues have been ongoing for years and years now. We've not seen any tangible results. On the contrary, all we hear is to do more and be prepared for more missile strikes. You're sorely mistaken. Pakistan doesn't need the US when it has a trustworthy and prospering ally in its backyard, namely China. We need to strengthen our relations with China. The people of Pakistan are first priority for me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be having this argument in this thread.

PS. Don't take my reply as an offence. We both want the best for Pakistan. It's just that we happen to differ in how we ought to reach those goals.
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