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U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

Man, get me a source on sth like this and stop telling me things from your head. And my fried, not all countries are puppets like yours

Says the Jordanian, do you really want me to get into that,
How can I get you a source if its secret, I edit that part btw ( permission could be given in secret ) and if it was not given, congratulations.

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Man, get me a source on sth like this and stop telling me things from your head. And my fried, not all countries are puppets like yours

Talking about puppets, Saudi is somewhere on the top.#just saying (Don't be ignorant & stop making silly comments)
Talking about puppets, Saudi is somewhere on the top.#just saying (Don't be ignorant & stop making silly comments)

Let him live in the dream world if he wants to, when is the last time Jordan or any GCC country stepped out of line against the US, but alright Iraq is the puppet of Iran, if it makes you happy, your smarter then the US whose going to supply a puppet of Iran with weaponry.
Syria: Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention | World news | The Observer

David Cameron and Barack Obama moved the west closer to military intervention in Syria on Saturday as they agreed that last week's alleged chemical weapon attacks by the Assad regime had taken the crisis into a new phase that merited a "serious response".

In a phone call that lasted 40 minutes, the two leaders are understood to have concluded that the regime of Bashar al-Assad was almost certainly responsible for the assault that is believed to have killed as many as 1,400 people in Damascus in the middle of last week. Cameron was speaking from his holiday in Cornwall.

The prime minister and US president said time was running out for Assad to allow UN weapons inspectors into the areas where the attack took place. Government sources said the two leaders agreed that all options should be kept open, both to end the suffering of the Syrian people and to make clear that the west could not stand by as chemical weapons were used on innocent civilians.

A spokesman for No 10 said: "The prime minister and President Obama are both gravely concerned by the attack that took place in Damascus on Wednesday and the increasing signs that this was a significant chemical weapons attack carried out by the Syrian regime against its own people. The UN security council has called for immediate access for UN investigators on the ground in Damascus. The fact that President Assad has failed to co-operate with the UN suggests that the regime has something to hide.

"They reiterated that significant use of chemical weapons would merit a serious response from the international community and both have tasked officials to examine all the options. They agreed that it is vital that the world upholds the prohibition on the use of chemical weapons and deters further outrages. They agreed to keep in close contact on the issue."
disgusting traitors who call themselves "Arabs" are happy that the west will bomb an Arab country... and will kill millions of Syrian in less than a week... yet they are happy their masters is coming in to save their losing @$$.... funniest thing is they call it "Syrian Revolution" :omghaha:
Let him live in the dream world if he wants to, when is the last time Jordan or any GCC country stepped out of line against the US, but alright Iraq is the puppet of Iran, if it makes you happy, your smarter then the US whose going to supply a puppet of Iran with weaponry.

A few weeks ago when we backed the Egyptian revolution against Morsi, that was a very anti-west move.

We are sovereign states, unlike some here.
We are sovereign states, unlike some here.

disgusting traitors who call themselves "Arabs" are happy that the west will bomb an Arab country... and will kill millions of Syrian in less than a week... yet they are happy their masters is coming in to save their losing @$$.... funniest thing is they call it "Syrian Revolution" :omghaha:

It wasn't more than 10 years ago that these 'saviors' attacked Iraq with accusations completely based on lies and now, the very same people who cried then are now cheering for another attack on a ME nation based on a false flag chemical attack.

If an attack happens, SAA should inflict the most damage possible on U.S forces and their interests in the region.
So how do Iranians feel with this almost certain militairy intervention in their backyard, Syria? Will they retalliate against US targets? Strike Israel? What will Assad the maniac do?

based on a false flag chemical attack.


If an attack happens, SAA should inflict the most damage possible on U.S forces and their interests in the region.

Is that an order from the Ayatollah?
One of the most stupidest intervention if the US government were to go through it @CENTCOM
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So how do Iranians feel with this almost certain militairy intervention in their backyard, Syria? Will they retalliate against US targets? Strike Israel? What will Assad the maniac do?

Is that an order from the Ayatollah?

The last person I want a response from regarding this issue is the one who says 'I support Al-Qaeda's cause'.
The last person I want a response from regarding this issue is the one who says 'I support Al-Qaeda's cause'.

I never said that, liar. Speechless are we? Thought so, your thinfoil hat blocks brain activity...


It's time to roll out :nana:
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