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U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

How does helping Wahhabis, that too of the al Qaida type a good thing for ANYONE? Sure these rich people have lots of money to offer to western companies, but what about the terrorism that the same west is targeted with by the same people? Does that not cost hundreds of billions too? Oh that's paid for by the tax payers!

This is where the corporate behavior of western rulers betrays the high ideals of their nations and the good liberal people of the west. I'm really disappointed in USA govt, yet again they are making the exact same mistakes so that some rich kings can reward their corporates.
If wanting to solve humanitarian crisis, its not a good idea to be ideological.
Ideologocal battles have no solution, only one "winner". Regardless who wins, it Will be through mass slaughter.

Compromise is the only way forward.

It wasn't ideological, Syrians had been relentlessly trying to convince minorities that it's not so. Syrians hadn't ever been secterian, otherwise they hadn't had an Alawite leader in the first place, they're not sectarians and I'm 100% of that. But ever since the regime and his supporters insisted on it they chose to wake up the demon, and they get to face the consequences.
It wasn't ideological, Syrians had been relentlessly trying to convince minorities that it's not so. Syrians hadn't ever been secterian, otherwise they hadn't had an Alawite leader in the first place, they're not sectarians and I'm 100% of that. But ever since the regime and his supporters insisted on it they chose to wake up the demon, and they get to face the consequences.

You talk as if FSA is the superpower here which Assad should beg for for mercy, speaking about consequences you forgot about the load of sarin gas, maybe that demon will wake up.
Leave this to Syrians only instead of GCC arabs who are a bunch of secterian clowns hiding behind the US.
It wasn't ideological, Syrians had been relentlessly trying to convince minorities that it's not so. Syrians hadn't ever been secterian, otherwise they hadn't had an Alawite leader in the first place, they're not sectarians and I'm 100% of that. But ever since the regime and his supporters insisted on it they chose to wake up the demon, and they get to face the consequences.
The problem is that it's not the majority of Syrian who are fighting now in Syria, it's foreign paid terrorists and other countries who are controlling them.
If majority of Syrian wanted this bloodshed and terrorists, Bashar would have been gone for long now.
Without Permission from BigDaddy "US" these Bitc$$$ can't move their AS$$$ forget about Attacking Syria .
US knows what is at stack in syria and with more power involved they won't risk every thing .
If even US go ahead and give His prostitute to attack it will become shia Sunni conflict effecting whole muslim world .

Russia and China they are not Stupid to repeat the mistake like Libya so forget about UN Permission.
And these Barking Do$ are in no position to bite.
The U.S should keep her nose out. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and France should coordinate together to take out Assad and his Khomoinies thugs. The US stance toward the issue is crystal clear since the eruption of the crisis so playing the saver card will not help here.

You can't do the job yourself? You need Jordan, Turkey, and France to help you in attacking Syria...
West is needed as they have no combat experience.

Not the " west " really. What is taking place in there will never be cleaned by a single country, even the US couldn't invade Iraq on its own back in the day, does that mean they lack experience?

For the moose? Is it in season?

LoLz :lol: you would better stay where you are because you have nothing but tar sands :lol:
There are two things in this; First, the Middle Eastern governments that support the FSA have not been able to take down Assad despite the massive support they have been giving to FSA and its jihadist affiliates.

Second, Turkey has not been able to squelch the Kurdish autonomy in the northern part of the country.

Thus they are asking for USA direct intervenance. It will end badly though. There is no quick solution to the war in Syria.

Heval, Do you think After Assad has gone PYD-PKK would be harboured in Syria?
PYD quarreling with opposions in syria, PYD is quarreling with other Kurdsih parties in Syria, PYD is quarrelling with KRG, PYD is quarreling with Turkey....etc..many Kurds who fleed to KRG and Turkey said we were exposured to the same persecutions by PYD as the Assad regime ..
then, Whom PYD ally with now ?..only Assad regime and Iran...
Congrats..!! Piroz be Bratiya we !!

Its a messed up bs situation,no side wants to give in or negotiate.
So,we will see more dead children.

Kardash, it is too late to be optimist for peace ..it is no times of polyanna.. first, it was Erdogan told his very family freind Assads many times the same things as you currently say 3 years ago..yet, one one had cared about Erdo..
2 feet wont fit in a single shoe. Let GCCs doing a right business out of their 5 wrong businnesses...

the last chemo attack would be sign of end of the butcher of Demascuss..Either an military intervention will be carried out or arming FSA by heavy weapons will be started.

There will be no peace in any where that proxies of Iran are exist..Assad regime must be wiped out from root but minorty of Nussayri should be protected and not should go to a retaliation policy.....
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