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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

You can't even contest our guys in tents, and our military power at this moment in time is relatively similar, at least the difference isn't a Chinese US difference.

We took on a Burke class destroyer head first.
Great answer and just ignore such malnutritioned indians.
You can't even contest our guys in tents, and our military power at this moment in time is relatively similar, at least the difference isn't a Chinese US difference.

We took on a Burke class destroyer head first.

Well we came your guys pickup tents and gone back but we stayed their.

Remember how we handled and replied you with same trick in Leh lakes , making you complaint to India , don't harness our solders and down drown them in Leh Lake?

You didn't took on Burke class destroyer , because as soon as you activate your radar you ships will get blown up , so you taken you inferior ship and try to RAM it just like what terrorist do. But US ship is advance and shave itself.

In other words he went around him. No captain is stupid enough to charge towards the ship. He will lose his command. And the purpose by the Chinese was to stop him which it failed. Probably wanted to board him and take over the ship.

He knows if he tyres to fire guns and rockets entree Chinese ships and Ac will be gown by single US ship . So he dose what tries to do self destruct in peace time.

This technique adopt when inferior force have no choice against superior force.
Man, a Zero_brain is commenting over here. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Non of your business. Why not spend more on saving your people from destructive disaster instead of trolling here for non sense?

No matter how you boot lick American daddy's arse, you still live within the sphere of Chinese power.

We have saved accumulated 5000people life until then. No thanks from you?

Huh We already did its bad enough you people gave plastic help a laughable small amount (tumulong pa kayo!) now you have warships in our waters like owned the place again a threat to world peace
Both America and China r Great countries, the PEACE must be existing in two Mature & Powerful countries.

America and China, they r competitor and cooperator.
If US navy ship construct to ramp other ship, why wouldn't US ramp China ship and sunk it in the middle of the ocean?

US navy lost their chance to show the world how US ship specially construct to be able to sunk other ship head on, now no one will ever know the true capacity of spearhead ramming of the US naval fleet.

Lol if I have $100 in my bank, do I need to go around and board cast this?

US play fair and square, they won't ram Chinese ship out of fun just because they have nothing better to do but to risk their sailor life for stupid grobble like that

Chinese in the other hand, seems like they don't share the same sentiment, probably there are too many Chinese on earth and if a few died because of the military stupidity, CCP would probably not care about it

Sure, US Destroyer's constant bearing just happened to be on the same path of Liaoning CV, and th PLAN LST should move out of the way so it could have a better look at the PLAN's carrier operation.

As for your claim of USN has some kind of respect for boundries, do you remember USS Caron incident in 1988?

Lol, if you called the LST break off the Chinese CBG a "constant bearing" more like "constant changing bearing"

And the Charon incident is the Russian Frigate Ram us, that their intention because we are inside soviet soil at that time, that's the Russian intention to ram us, now unless you call an intentional ramming an accident

I did not say we do respect any boundary, you are welcome to follow us, in a safe distant, this is what we will do if Chinese ship enter observation zone. I am saying US will not go so reckless and trying to cut across some other ship that vlose

Also technically speaking there is something called stalking, and it is what can be the prefectly discription of what USA was doing. If this is any civil case, it is prefectly normal to file a restrain order legally.

Lol go and ask for an restraining order in international court, wait, you don't believe in international court lol

And do you even know what is the definition of stalking?
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Technically speaking, one who sets up tents at a neighbors house and keeps walking back and forth right in front of your house is calling for trouble, right?

Well, you said it! Need I say more?

Lol, did US set up tent in this situation?

If you have to use anology, you should say US rent a house near Chinese apartment and cruise up and down the block. Is it anything illegal? I think not

And as I said, he wanted to fight me, why do I have to pay for it??

If you want something done, you need to do it yourselves, you want to fight me and you want me to come to you? How does that make sense lol
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If you have to use anology, you should say US rent a house near Chinese apartment and cruise up and down the block. Is it anything illegal? I think not
Rent a house near a house. Please don't try to change it to an apartment now. You try to twist facts when I've clearly mentioned it to you that when you are near someone's house and pacing up and down right in front of the doorstep and snooping around, would it not be suspicious?

And as I said, he wanted to fight me, why do I have to pay for it??
Precisely! China isn't looking for a fight, but the US comes all the way from one end of the planet, spending money and resources to China's doorstep looking for a trouble and possibly a fight?
Rent a house near a house. Please don't try to change it to an apartment now. You try to twist facts when I've clearly mentioned it to you that when you are near someone's house and pacing up and down right in front of the doorstep and snooping around, would it not be suspicious?

Precisely! China isn't looking for a fight, but the US comes all the way from one end of the planet, spending money and resources to China's doorstep looking for a trouble and possibly a fight?

Are you for real?

Seems like it's you who are trying to twist the fact...well I would understand what you are yapping about if the ship and the incident happened in Chinese soil, but dude, it's not, your ship is not anywhere near the Chinese coast, it's in South China Sea.

Using your peeping tom anology, it's like a hot girl with nice rack jogging in the park topless and then proceed to complaint about the prying eyes of the people in the park

dude, do you understand what is international water? It does not matter if that's 14nm out of Chinese coast or 14 km out of American coast
International water is no ones belonging and therefore virtually all action is allowed. If you don't want people looking at your ship, next time do it within your own coast but not held drill in INTERNATIONAL WATER

Beside, that was not the point I was after, I said this display bad seamanship on the Chinese side, yeah so even if you are at home and somebody is looking thru your window on the public side walk? Does that mean it justified or allow you to go out there and push him off? NO, you call the COPs, you don't take matter with your own hand

Maybe it's been long since I left China and they now turned to mob rules, I have no idea

And finally, HE CHALLENGE ME. He does not speak for China and I did not speak for American, I have no interest if you want to have a war with us, but IF HE WANT TO FIGHT, HE NEED TO COME AND GET ME, I never back off from a fight

I sometime have difficulty understanding the Chinese mentality even I am half Chinese, some even go so far and say big is might and demand a free for all, ram at will order in international Sea lane, I mean com'on, is that a joke? You can believe all you wrong but anyone with a captain license can see who is in the wrong here, further denial will only let Chinese become a laughing stock in the world, unless it's Chinese intention to show their stupidity in the world, this is not the way to preach about the poweress of China, just some thug tying to be somebody
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Lol, if you called the LST break off the Chinese CBG a "constant bearing" more like "constant changing bearing"

And the Charon incident is the Russian Frigate Ram us, that their intention because we are inside soviet soil at that time, that's the Russian intention to ram us, now unless you call an intentional ramming an accident

I did not say we do respect any boundary, you are welcome to follow us, in a safe distant, this is what we will do if Chinese ship enter observation zone. I am saying US will not go so reckless and trying to cut across some other ship that vlose

Lol go and ask for an restraining order in international court, wait, you don't believe in international court lol

And do you even know what is the definition of stalking?
Soviet Frigate ram USS Caron was the last resort of their action after numerous warning even with locked on by Soviet's fire control rader, but the USS Caron kept going inside of Soviet territory water. The reason I mention this incident is because it seems if you want to stop the harrassment from USN without any shot fired, get in its way is the only reasonable thing to do. Don't tell me US ships tailing PLAN ships with all the benevolent intentions in its mind. A harassment is a harassment whether it is in the EEZ or territory water or international water.
Right, US is a such model for respecting the International Criminal Court.
Soviet Frigate ram USS Caron was the last resort of their action after numerous warning even with locked on by Soviet's fire control rader, but the USS Caron kept going inside of Soviet territory water. The reason I mention this incident is because it seems if you want to stop the harrassment from USN without any shot fired, get in its way is the only reasonable thing to do. Don't tell me US ships tailing PLAN ships with all the benevolent intentions in its mind. A harassment is a harassment whether it is in the EEZ or territory water or international water.
Right, US is a such model for respecting the International Criminal Court.

LoL as you said, that incident happened INSIDE Russian territorial water, they can fire warning shot at us for all I care, that was a legitimate engagement, however this incident happened in international water, what give PLAN the right to stop or try to Ram our ship in the high sea?

I will admit we are being an arsehold at the time, but china do not own any international shipping lane, it is laughable for Chinese to demand us to stop, and they cross the line when they try to approach our ship and ram it in international water.

The problem is you have to act immature and drive like a maniac in the highway is your problem, but don't expect sympathy from anyone if you crash and died, because this will eventually happened and this is where china is going at the moment
U.S. warship was chasing and provocing Chinese vessels and then run into Chinese ship protecting the main vessel.
U.S. should stop provoking China with their military and threaten Chinese vessels fully lawfully operating in international waters.
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