While an isolated incident or two on a limited scale, at some point in the future, is not totally out of the question, but the odds of even that happening are extremely low. And the chances of anything like that being adopted on a national or global scale are non-existent. Zero.
Agree with that as well. Point being.. that such incidents provide evidence to the very Islamic extremists the US wishes to fight that the US in indeed on a "war against Islam".
For eg.. a lot of lives have been changed by USAID, a lot of people in KP have learnt skills from various programs... befitting from the investment made by the US to "win hearts and minds".
However.. when these very people hear of a distant relative child killed by a drone strike, all that positive PR built by the US in that sector goes up in smoke..and this incident contributes to proving fuel to extremism. Its a simple issue of one step forward and two steps back. The policy makers, the military men.. need people who understand the fundamentals of Islam, its application in modern times.. its new interpretation..and most importantly.. these people have to be practising Muslims and not some author who wrote "Prophet of Doom".. to be taught about Islam and Muslims.. and how to engage them in an effective manner..
how to counter arguments of those bigots that parrot bigotry they learn out of the pulpits of mosques all over the world.
And more importantly, more US muslims need to be brought aboard in this WoT..
because when a bigot that is being quelled and "hearts and Minds" won by telling people that US is not at war.. and what they are being told is incorrect is preached in public by US military contact teams.. and some brainwashed person comes up and says "you are not a Muslim, what would you know".. such persons can come out and say "No, I am a Muslim, I am a soldier of the USA..and this is why you are wrong..and I can show it to you in the Quran..I can tell you by the Sunnah"