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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

It is a fact that, while there are many groups in the world that want to see USA decline, it is only a radical Islamist group that has directly initiated warfare, and not just on 9/11. One can argue that was in response to US policies, but seen from purely the defense perspective of the US military, their nation is under attack, and they have a duty to protect it as ordered by their government.

(I would strenuously argue that the best way to change the perceived wrongs of US policies is political, not war, but that belongs in another discussion surely.)

What the Islamist groups are fighting for is annihilation of the US. That is clear. Equally clearly, it is the duty of the US military to protect USA. Both sides are playing for the highest stakes.

2. Does present-day Islam as is being practiced need to change, and if so, how?

Present day Islam is struggling to find its identity, and many societies in the world are caught up in that struggle either directly (for example in the Middle East) and indirectly (for example USA). The process of updating medieval concepts and practices is gut-wrenching to many traditionalists and confusing for modernists, and thus messy for everyone to participate or watch alike. And there is no choice but to put up with the mess as it is slowly sorted out. After all, all religions go through such phases periodically.

3. If it does not change, how can forces in opposition seek its self-destruction?

I have no doubt in my mind that the practice of Islam will continue to change, as it has already since its inception. After all, it is defined as a religion for all times to come. How can it not remain static? Thus opposing forces need to be assured that it will never self-destruct, either from within or without. It is here to stay, but it will evolve. It must.


Dooley's course is an exceedingly small issue compared to the big picture. Politicizing of this issue internally in the midst of a Presidential election, or internationally as some sinister conspiracy affecting the very survival of Islam (which it most certainly does not), are both disingenuous and directed by set agendas.

In the US, this issue will be used to rile up both the left to improve political correctness, and the right to blame the Administration for being soft on terror when it tries to be politically correct. Internationally, this issue will be used to increase radical recruitment and fund-raising by the "See-I-told-you-so-USA-is-the-Great-Satan-out-to-destroy-Islam" crowd.


Since I am quite famous for my predictions, I will predict that all of these will prove to be a flashes in the pan and fizzle out as the year proceeds. Until the next great contrived issue is released on cue, of course. ( May be. May be not. :D )
Don't you think you are going some what off topic. Just think about it if there was a course for genocide of Jews what would happen to the guys who started the course. I mean even an inadvertent remark ends peoples careers with charges of anti anti semitism
Don't you think you are going some what off topic. Just think about it if there was a course for genocide of Jews what would happen to the guys who started the course. I mean even an inadvertent remark ends peoples careers with charges of anti anti semitism

Not really. I have tried to not only answer the questions posed by the course directly, but also tried to put the course itself in perspective. I hope it makes for some good discussion.
I wouldn't dispute that. Rest assured, most Muslims who live in the secular countries like Russia and west: those which are considered "infidel nations" by radical muslims live far better life than what they would in their home country. It can also be argued that Koranic values and ideals are more upheld by US' legal values rather than many "muslim" governments across the world.

Exactly, I have always wondered why nations like Japan, Sweden, etc. Who carry almost no religious belief are so much more peaceful, and less corrupt than the holy, chaste "Islamic republic's".

Even with its fault USA is probably the most benign and just superpower world has seen..............

Last one including British and Romans before them were much more unjust.......

You forgot to Include the Arab empires, Mongols, and Turkic.

hahah else what ?

you will do shock and awe .... FAIL!
you will do Abu Gharaib .... FAIL!
you will burn our Holy Book ... FAIL!
you will kill Muslim chidlren .... FAIL!
you will urinate on dead bodies ... FAIL!

America cannot defeat Islam .. Islam is too powerfull a force for any human being to defeat!!

It is an idea among many idea's. However I would say poverty being something quantifiable is far more stronger. And much more difficult to eradicate. Muslims know this well. For they bear the bulk of it.
Exactly, I have always wondered why nations like Japan, Sweden, etc. Who carry almost no religious belief are so much more peaceful, and less corrupt than the holy, chaste "Islamic republic's".

You forgot to Include the Arab empires, Mongols, and Turkic.

It is an idea among many idea's. However I would say poverty being something quantifiable is far more stronger. And much more difficult to eradicate. Muslims know this well. For they bear the bulk of it.

Just admit it that you cannot win a War against Islam instead of making references to poverty
Just admit it that you cannot win a War against Islam instead of making references to poverty

I have already proved before Muslims can't do nothing if US does decide to nuke Mecca/Medina. It is you who should admit the reality.

Both of the above are merely personal opinions about hypothetical situations, proving nothing, and therefore rather pointless for discussion.
Both of the above are merely personal opinions about hypothetical situations, proving nothing, and therefore rather pointless for discussion.

Personal opinions based on logic --> relevant to the topic --> hypothetical but possible --> suited to discussions. That is why we are in an online forum after all. :meeting:
Personal opinions based on logic --> relevant to the topic --> hypothetical but possible --> suited to discussions. That is why we are in an online forum after all. :meeting:

The part in bold is where your chain breaks down, unfortunately.

The discussion cannot be more than whether Batman beats Ironman!
The part in bold is where your chain breaks down, unfortunately.

The discussion cannot be more than whether Batman beats Ironman!

Similar to how you were hypothetically defending the Officer based on your presumption that it was a contingency exercise?
Similar to how you were hypothetically defending the Officer based on your presumption that it was a contingency exercise?

No Sir. Contingency exercises and war scenario modeling are well-established facts, and the course was a part of said modeling exercises.
I have already proved before Muslims can't do nothing if US does decide to nuke Mecca/Medina. It is you who should admit the reality.

Perhaps muslims cannot stop such an event as it has to take place any way!

There are some Islamic prophecies which have foretold about such like things happening in Makkah:

Umar bin al-Khattab reported that he heard the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم say: "The people of Mecca will leave, and only a few people will pass through it. Then, it will be resettled and rebuilt; then, the people will leave it again, and no-one will ever return."

Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "It is as if I can see him now: he is Black ( will it be Obama ? ) and his legs are widely spaced (bow-legged). He will destroy the Ka'bah stone by stone." (Musnad Ahmad)

Shu'ba narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " The Hour (of Resurrection) will not be occur till the Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) is abandoned." (Bukhari)

So perhpaps these things will happen any way till the Final Hour is upon us
No Sir. Contingency exercises and war scenario modeling are well-established facts, and the course was a part of said modeling exercises.

Then you might wish to check my arguments with pakdefender - they were based on well-established logical facts as well.

However "well-established" they may seem to you, it is true that you presumed that in this particular case, the Officer was running a contingency scenario and not based on blind hatred for Islam/muslims. Although such a "presumption" cannot yet be proved by "well-established" facts.
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