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U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

It surprise me the way Israel pressurise US and how dumb the US is. And I glad India doesn't have to listen this kind music from Israel & the US while maintaining good relations with Iran.
If The US shut its mouth and allow Israel to do this on its own then will be best for this world

Iran is a rogue and undemocratic nation, India should cut off all relations with Iran and Side with Israel and the West, we will gain more.

Obama sure doesn't look very happy. I think a lot of people here mistake the preemptive strike as an occupation. However, if the Americans turn the bombing into an occupation then they would be bankrupt right quick.
I disagree.. USA's demise has already started by Taliban and it is half the way up. US attack on Iran will culminate its existance and will guarentee that American balloon busts with a bang and its noise keeps resounding to Americans over centuries.
a strageic strike wount hurt US, if it gets out of afgn quickly..but iranian will make it into war by attacking in the gulf oil pass
A very nice and interesting read on the situation.
War Tard: Israel v Iran: The ultimate popcorn war (Part I)
War Tard: Israel v Iran (Part II): The Israeli 'dream strike' on Iran's nuke sites.

Some excerpts:

The Israelis are running out of time.

The Iranians may have enough fissionable material to have their very own big red button of win on the Ayatollah's desk in two years. So what do they do? Do the Israelis launch the attack against the Iranian nuke facilities without American approval? This is the crux of the main Israeli beef with Obama right now; the fact that he won't go along with the Israeli dream strike.

Today, nobody at the Pentagon underestimates the serious nature of a war with Iran. Like I said in Part I, the Israelis are comfortable with their 200+ nukes. A Shia nuke removes 'theater dominance' and forces the Israelis to negotiate with the Palestinians for 'peace'. LOL yeah, I just said 'peace' in a Middle Eastern context. The biggest hindrance to Middle East 'peace' right now is a credible check on Israeli power and their nuclear arsenal. And if the Israelis can't get the Americans to neutralize Iran for them, will they go 'rogue' and attempt to do it themselves?

My favourite option if I were an Iranian general?

Attack the Saudi oil installation at Ras Tanura, 100 miles across the Persian Gulf from Bushehr. Forty percent of the world's seaborne oil passes through this port daily. Launch everything you have against that, turn those fat naked storage tanks and pipelines into burning wrecks, and suddenly oil goes to three hundred dollars a barrel overnight and now the whole world is involved in a total clusterfuck.

Every Western nation's economy will crash fast now that spice flow is hindered. Everyone will be drawn in. And since Iran also happens to be sitting on the 4th largest oil deposit on earth, their oil is going to get valuable fast. The Iranians can spam mines into the Persian Gulf just to make sure no tanker can go about its lumbering business. There will be nothing the US Navy or Israelis can do about any of this unless they can track ten thousand speedboats. Obviously the Saudis will be highly pissed but other than some bombing runs there's nothing they can do to realistically damage the Iranians.

Please, do wake us up when the Middle East is up in flames.
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