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U.S. is right to assail China on its South China Sea claims

Nov 10, 2011
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Viet Nam
U.S. is right to assail China on its South China Sea claims

By Editorial Board, Published: August 16

THE SOUTH CHINA sea stretches over 1.4 million square miles, rich in natural resources and bejeweled with islands. China has long regarded much of the sea as its own, claiming waters more than 1,000 miles from its shores and very close to the shores of other nations. Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei make competing and overlapping claims in a tangled yet high-stakes rivalry.

The territorial disputes stretch back decades, but took a new twist recently. In an Aug. 3 statement, the State Department criticized China for aggressive actions to reinforce its claims. The next day, China’s Foreign Ministry summoned an American diplomat for a formal protest and announced that the United States “showed total disregard of facts, confounded right and wrong, and sent a seriously wrong message.”

Why this matters is that the United States has announced a pivot toward Asia, a seminal move to counter China’s rising influence, including a rebalancing of forces over the next eight years toward a goal of 60 percent of the Navy in the Pacific, up from half at present. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, that will include six aircraft carriers and a majority of cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships and submarines.

The United States is neutral on the territorial claims in the South China Sea. But the State Department’s statement was intended to push back against China’s recent harrying of the Philippines and Vietnam over disputed fishing and oil drilling rights. China has announced that it is upgrading the administrative level of Sansha city, on one of the Paracel islands, to a prefecture and establishing a military garrison there, a further signal of its intent. Worried neighbors are welcoming more port calls from U.S. naval forces.

The U.S. statement called for resolving disputes peacefully. China saw it, quite accurately, as a challenge on behalf of the weaker states in the region and insisted the United States “respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” What exactly does that entail? China has a very expansive claim to the sea, based on nine dashed lines sketched in a very imprecise fashion on a map six decades ago. The claim encroaches on some of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zones granted to other countries by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China has insisted that it will work out the disputes one by one, and the United States should stay away. But the State Department’s statement accurately asserted that the United States has a “national interest” in the region: not territorial, but to protect regional stability and the huge volume of international shipping that passes through the sea. The sea is clearly a flashpoint. Everyone needs to make sure it does not become a sea of hostility.

U.S. is right to assail China on its sea claims - The Washington Post
How can the US of A be wrong consider they have the biggest mouths around and the supports from a bunch of parasite leeches.
How can the US of A be wrong consider they have the biggest mouths around and the supports from a bunch of parasite leeches.

Perhaps you missed this section:

China has insisted that it will work out the disputes one by one, and the United States should stay away. But the State Department’s statement accurately asserted that the United States has a “national interest” in the region: not territorial, but to protect regional stability and the huge volume of international shipping that passes through the sea. The sea is clearly a flashpoint. Everyone needs to make sure it does not become a sea of hostility.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...its-south-china-sea-claims.html#ixzz23l8Ra0Ew
We Indians are cheering our friends not our masters, We are not cheerleaders:lol::usflag::china:

I dont think they see you indians as friends , more like a master and slave relationship mate:lol: see they dont even respect your ministers ,forgot they strip search your minsters at usa airport all the time :rofl:
you indians are good at Cheer leader for your master :rofl:

Indians see the US is a partner, not master. But your leaders have regarded the US as a master since 1970s.

Indians see the US is a partner, not master. But your leaders have regarded the US as a master since 1970s.


Are you that stupid? have you heard a master owned a slave Trillion of $$$$ hahahah a you are such an idiot go back to school to learn how to debate with logic mate:rofl:
Are you that stupid? have you heard a master owned a slave Trillion of $$$$ hahahah a you are such an idiot go back to school to learn how to debate with logic mate:rofl:

China's economic only real growth since it has opened to do business with the US. Without your master, surely you dont have success like today.

Despite trillions USD debt, the actual above cannot be changed.
I dont think they see you indians as friends , more like a master and slave relationship mate:lol: see they dont even respect your ministers ,forgot they strip search your minsters at usa airport all the time :rofl:

1.) Master slave relation is between your country and our western neighbor. They cheerlead for you.

2.) By the way it should be Ex-ministers.
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