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U.S.-India Defense Ties Grow Closer as Shared Concerns in Asia Loom

The minute US relaizes India is not a reliable player against China and a high maintenance girlfriend, you will see India at the mercy of regional players, break into the nationalist and communist camps each going their own way and then a lot of different things will happen and then it will endia very well for everyone...
This is again pure Rubbish.

This has NOTHING to do with Modi.

It has everything to do with the Rise of China.

China has spooked both Russia and US and they are looking for allies to balance the shifting of power. India is the most obvious choice.

In fact Modi has failed to build better relationship with China or negotiate a practical economical deal or package with both China and USA. His foreign policy with our neighbors and neighborhood has been exceptional though.


  1. a person who betrays someone or something, such as a friend, cause, or principle.

Who are you referring to ? If its India, then who has it betrayed ?

If its US, then who has the US betrayed ?
Can you expect the same level of relationship with communists in driving seat? Give credits where it's due
Xi visited India twice under modi. What else will make you to rethink about your statement?

The minute US relaizes India is not a reliable player against China and a high maintenance girlfriend, you will see India at the mercy of regional players, break into the nationalist and communist camps each going their own way and then a lot of different things will happen and then it will endia very well for everyone...
I smell a jealous and ditched girl
Can you expect the same level of relationship with communists in driving seat? Give credits where it's due
Xi visited India twice under modi. What else will make you to rethink about your statement?

I smell a jealous and ditched girl
Modi has managed to take India forward in an increasingly difficult global order. Regardless of what you think of him he deserves credit on the foreign policy side.
Can you expect the same level of relationship with communists in driving seat? Give credits where it's due
Xi visited India twice under modi. What else will make you to rethink about your statement?

Communist will NEVER be in the driving seat ever again.

Xi visited India because china is reeling under US Trade war and is desperately looking for allies and markets and India is one of the largest market in the world.

Xi does not give a single fcuk about Modi and vice versa. Both do what they are required to do for the betterment of their nation.

Fact is Modi govt. was UNABLE to negotiate an equitable deal for India in the recently concluded RCEP despite negotiating with it members since 2013.

While china under Xi got all that it wanted in RECEP.

THAT is the difference between Modi and Xi. XI has actually managed to deliver while Modi has NOT.
Communist will NEVER be in the driving seat ever again.

Xi visited India because china is reeling under US Trade war and is desperately looking for allies and markets and India is one of the largest market in the world.

Xi does not give a single fcuk about Modi and vice versa. Both do what they are required to do for the betterment of their nation.

Fact is Modi govt. was UNABLE to negotiate an equitable deal for India in the recently concluded RCEP despite negotiating with it members since 2013.

While china under Xi got all that it wanted in RECEP.

THAT is the difference between Modi and Xi. XI has actually managed to deliver while Modi has NOT.
Good points, but is the USA trade war the reason why xi visited India for first time? No.
Trade deals like.rcep need long negotiations and a position to bargain.
Unfortunately we lack it
Good points, but is the USA trade war the reason why xi visited India for first time? No.
Trade deals like.rcep need long negotiations and a position to bargain.
Unfortunately we lack it
The trade war was the main reason for Xi's India visit. Despite what Chinese state media is portraying, China has suffered economically from Trump's tariffs, so XI wanted to secure alternative markets that can rival the US. India happened to be one of the most viable options.

As for RCEP, i think the benefits to India have been overstated. India already has an FTA with ASEAN, so without certain assurances from China, RCEP wouldn't really offer any additional benefits to India.

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