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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

Do you know any thing about RED FLAG exercise?.Indian Air Force pilots performed very well in 2008 Red flag exercise .Even USAF impressed about Indian pilots.On one occasion USAF colonel target
IAF su-30 mki and later apologise.
Seen that, heard that. And it was debunked multiple times. Just like your 40% NASA Shoe-Shine boys. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
S. Korea, Japan defy Chinese air defense zone

BEIJING (AP) — South Korean and Japanese flights through China's new maritime air defense zone added to the international defiance Thursday of rules Beijing says it has imposed in East China Sea but that neighbors and the U.S. have vowed to ignore.

While China's surprise announcement last week to create the zone initially raised some tensions in the region, analysts say Beijing's motive is not to trigger an aerial confrontation but is a more long-term strategy to solidify claims to disputed territory by simply marking the area as its own.

China's lack of a response so far to the flights — including two U.S. B-52s that flew through the zone on Tuesday — has been an embarrassment for Beijing. Even some Chinese state media outlets suggested Thursday that Beijing may have mishandled the episodes.

"Beijing needs to reform its information release mechanism to win the psychological battles waged by Washington and Tokyo," the Global Times, a nationalist tabloid published by the Communist Party's flagship People's Daily, said in an editorial.

S. Korea, Japan defy Chinese air defense zone
Japan's airlines to obey contentious China ADIZ rules | The Japan Times

Japanese airlines said Tuesday they will follow rules set by China when it declared an air defense identification zone over the East China Sea, even as Tokyo said they should ignore them since the ADIZ covers Japan-controlled territory and overlaps Japan’s zone.

All Nippon Airways said that since Sunday it has been submitting flight plans to Chinese authorities for any plane that was due to pass through the area. Its affiliate, Peach Aviation, said it was doing the same “for now.”

The announcements came after former flagship carrier Japan Airlines said it was complying with demands Beijing set out on Saturday when it said it had established an ADIZ where all aircraft were required to obey its orders.

The zone covers the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku Islands, which Beijing claims and calls Diaoyu, where ships and aircraft from the two countries already shadow each other in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

“We have taken the measures in line with international regulations,” an ANA spokesman said. “Safety is our top priority. We have to avoid any possibility of the worst-case scenario.”

Peach Aviation said it had taken similar steps. “We will continue submitting our flight plans to the Chinese side for now,” a spokesman said.

Transport Minister Akihiro Ota insisted that the Chinese declaration was “not valid” and called on Japanese airlines to ignore it.

In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday that the U.S. won’t change its flight operations to comply with China’s newly claimed air defense zone.

“We will not in any way change how we conduct our operations,” army Col. Steve Warren told reporters at the Pentagon. U.S. pilots won’t register their flight plans or identify their transponder or frequency, Warren said.

“We see it as destabilizing,” Warren said of China’s decision. He said U.S. pilots always maintain the ability to defend themselves.

On Monday, Tokyo called in Beijing’s ambassador to demand a rollback of the plan, which it said would “interfere with freedom of flight over the high seas,” but was rebuffed by Cheng Yonghua, who said Tokyo should retract its “unreasonable demand.”

Under the rules aircraft are expected to provide their flight plan, clearly mark their nationality, and maintain two-way radio communications allowing them to “respond in a timely and accurate manner” to identification inquiries from Chinese authorities.

The area also includes waters claimed by Taiwan and South Korea, which are also displeased.

Even with high level I.Q than Indians you don't get the fact.Not only the Indians but there are several other countries regularly take part in red flag exercise like venezuala they also used su-30mkk,but only this guy in the USAF targets IAF ,and that for friendly kill.I think that only due to jealous.Even USAF ask for more F-22 raptor after this exercise .And that not due to the incompetent of IAF.
Japan's airlines to obey contentious China ADIZ rules | The Japan Times

Japanese airlines said Tuesday they will follow rules set by China when it declared an air defense identification zone over the East China Sea, even as Tokyo said they should ignore them since the ADIZ covers Japan-controlled territory and overlaps Japan’s zone.

All Nippon Airways said that since Sunday it has been submitting flight plans to Chinese authorities for any plane that was due to pass through the area. Its affiliate, Peach Aviation, said it was doing the same “for now.”

The announcements came after former flagship carrier Japan Airlines said it was complying with demands Beijing set out on Saturday when it said it had established an ADIZ where all aircraft were required to obey its orders.

The zone covers the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku Islands, which Beijing claims and calls Diaoyu, where ships and aircraft from the two countries already shadow each other in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

“We have taken the measures in line with international regulations,” an ANA spokesman said. “Safety is our top priority. We have to avoid any possibility of the worst-case scenario.”

Peach Aviation said it had taken similar steps. “We will continue submitting our flight plans to the Chinese side for now,” a spokesman said.

Transport Minister Akihiro Ota insisted that the Chinese declaration was “not valid” and called on Japanese airlines to ignore it.

In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday that the U.S. won’t change its flight operations to comply with China’s newly claimed air defense zone.

“We will not in any way change how we conduct our operations,” army Col. Steve Warren told reporters at the Pentagon. U.S. pilots won’t register their flight plans or identify their transponder or frequency, Warren said.

“We see it as destabilizing,” Warren said of China’s decision. He said U.S. pilots always maintain the ability to defend themselves.

On Monday, Tokyo called in Beijing’s ambassador to demand a rollback of the plan, which it said would “interfere with freedom of flight over the high seas,” but was rebuffed by Cheng Yonghua, who said Tokyo should retract its “unreasonable demand.”

Under the rules aircraft are expected to provide their flight plan, clearly mark their nationality, and maintain two-way radio communications allowing them to “respond in a timely and accurate manner” to identification inquiries from Chinese authorities.

The area also includes waters claimed by Taiwan and South Korea, which are also displeased.

Try to stay up with the times, that article is old and things have changed since then. My article above is the latest. Nobody is respecting your self proclamations.
spoken like a true bandwagon fan... who hops on a temporary hot team without knowing the game. what are you doing following Football anyways, do the chinese follow the game?

I've been watching football since the early 80s. Maybe the 9ers were good back then. But time is now different. I've been a fan of the hawks since I moved up here, so its not that I suddenly like this team. Also, I won't blame you for liking football. Its a much better game than what you get in India.
It doesn't,it used to be.actually right now PAF does.Also china never publishes its crash record.And the main reason for crashes is maintaining high flight hours with burnt out old machines.
Lol,ur avg pilots have flying hrs of 150-160.Ur best 180-200.
Our avg fly 200+.With sukhoi top guns 230-250.
Even PAF which is actually a professional top class air force unlike ur paper tiger is far better than ur pilots.Ur pilots went to turkey for exercise and were drubbed.
On top of that ur command structure includes commissars,pathetic and unprofessional.
We practice regularly with all world class airforces and i'll take their verdict on whether we are 'incompetent' over chinese internet fanboy.:coffee:
Yep,vikramaditya is a far bigger and better platform and mig-29k is totally different from harrier.We take the training because IN is professional force unlike china hype .
Our army modernization is lagging,but our airforce can give you a dose up ur arse anyday u want to show up across the himalayas.Oh wait,ur Air force is so amateur bulk of its fighters don't even have OBOGS and u talk of attacking us in tibet.:rofl:

Indian airforce has one of the most horrible crash records that Indian fighters are considered flying coffins.

Indian airforce pilots can't even properly operate their equipment.

In a fight, the biggest danger to the Indian pilots is first and foremost themselves. Hopefully those guys can read the Russian manuals before they jump in their flying coffin.

Over the previous four years, 45 aircraft crashed. According to statistics released to the Indian parliament on March 21, the service was losing 16 to 18 aircraft–the equivalent of one fighter squadron–every two years.

Those are just the official numbers, the real numbers are far worse.

Indian military would be better off just having no airforce and fight with guns. More Indian lives would be saved that way in peacetime.
Indian airforce has one of the most horrible crash records that Indian fighters are considered flying coffins.

Indian airforce pilots can't even properly operate their equipment.

In a fight, the biggest danger to the Indian pilots is first and foremost themselves. Hopefully those guys can read the Russian manuals before they jump in their flying coffin.

Over the previous four years, 45 aircraft crashed. According to statistics released to the Indian parliament on March 21, the service was losing 16 to 18 aircraft–the equivalent of one fighter squadron–every two years.

Those are just the official numbers, the real numbers are far worse.

Indian military would be better off just having no airforce and fight with guns. More Indian lives would be saved that way in peacetime.

every country have their own way of retiring their airplanes. India just has a more spectacular method that is unlike any where else.
Indian airforce has one of the most horrible crash records that Indian fighters are considered flying coffins.

Indian airforce pilots can't even properly operate their equipment.

In a fight, the biggest danger to the Indian pilots is first and foremost themselves. Hopefully those guys can read the Russian manuals before they jump in their flying coffin.

Over the previous four years, 45 aircraft crashed. According to statistics released to the Indian parliament on March 21, the service was losing 16 to 18 aircraft–the equivalent of one fighter squadron–every two years.

Those are just the official numbers, the real numbers are far worse.

Indian military would be better off just having no airforce and fight with guns. More Indian lives would be saved that way in peacetime.

Plz bulk are 50 yr old mig-21s burnt out and still being flown high flying hrs on.What is PLAAF's excuse for commissars,lower flying hrs.And wait even PAF and turkey humiliates ur pilots in exercises.While ours are appreciated by all airforces we participated with.PLAAF is kid airforce with no tradition.And PLAAF fanboys trying to live off the achievements of soviet pilots in korean war.Infact till 1990 chinese pilots did less than 100 hours.

every country have their own way of retiring their airplanes. India just has a more spectacular method that is unlike any where else.

Yeah,what can we say we like to go out with a bang.
Yes you guys do go out with a bang. Just hope that people on the ground only hear it and are not part of it.

Yeah mig-21s are a problem no doubt.Atleast we unlike china face up to our crashes.
Professionalism and commissar system don't go together.
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