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U.S. economy heading straight for the cliff

It's not the issue of debt but budgeting. Currently the US government is spending more than it can collect from American tax payers. If this continues soon US could be accumulating the equivalent of her entire public defense budget in debt interest alone per year.

Currently debt is at 15.7 T.
The current debt each american tax payer has to shoulder amounts to close to $138,600 USD.
The EU is in worse shape than the U.S. Im pretty sure after whatever happens, Germany, UK, France will continue to be the nations they have always been. Same goes for the U.S.

Post Soviet Russia has still maintained it's position as a global power, and has not de-evoled into a Pakistan or Somalia. Same goes for Post Empire Britain, France, Spain, etc.

The real capital of any nation is a free thinking literate and industrious population. As long as the U.S. has that, it will still be a global player.
Wow look at internet warriors and Mr-American-more-than-American-themselves aka Indians defending USA. May be you didn't read the article. It's not us who is telling bad news about US economy but Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve.
May be you forgot that so I am posting here again.

It is very important to say that if no action were to be taken by the fiscal authorities, the size of the fiscal cliff is such that there is, I think, absolutely no chance that the Federal Reserve could or would have any ability whatsoever to offset that effect on the economy.

Or may be you all know more than Ben Bernanke?
All I know is that Peter Schiff said the same thing a couple of weeks ago and he tends to know what he's talking about.
US political groups (Democrats and Republicans) should end their political deadlocks on economic affairs. All issues will be resolved.

Obama is serious about resolving the economic crises. However, Republicans not always agree with him.

The recent statement of Mr. Ben Bernanke is intended to grab the attention of the politicians. This is a scaremongering tactic. Strong statements from big individuals will ensure that political deadlocks are minimized.

US economy is too big and complex to fail like some members here want to believe. If it happens, the economic fibre of current times will be damaged beyond repair.

Problem is; some people cannot see between the lines.
The EU is in worse shape than the U.S. Im pretty sure after whatever happens, Germany, UK, France will continue to be the nations they have always been. Same goes for the U.S.

Post Soviet Russia has still maintained it's position as a global power, and has not de-evoled into a Pakistan or Somalia. Same goes for Post Empire Britain, France, Spain, etc.

The real capital of any nation is a free thinking literate and industrious population. As long as the U.S. has that, it will still be a global player.
The only difference is that the main bonding agent in the US is ultra capitalism. European countries have a million other 'bonding agents.' Take away capitalism from Canada and the US, and you will have nothing left.

In the US, the Southern Bible Belt has its own set of culture and is completely a diff animal to the Liberal North. They differ on every aspect. The states close to Mexico have become Mexican territory pretty much etc...

Americans are also used to having it easy. They're not used to living by their pocket. They can't handle hardships anymore IMO (and don't tell me the ***** housing bubble was a real recession).
Many people who are discussing this issue do not have the context by end of this year many temporary tax-breaks including bush-era tax cuts are going to expire that would increase taxes, because of the deals for increasing the borrowing limit, there are some automatic spending cuts about $1 trillion dollars that would be kicking in. Both of these can have severe effects on the economy and is being labelled the "economic cliff".

No American economy is not going to evaporate, it is lack of Political will that is responsible for this issue.

The only difference is that the main bonding agent in the US is ultra capitalism. European countries have a million other 'bonding agents.' Take away capitalism from Canada and the US, and you will have nothing left.

In the US, the Southern Bible Belt has its own set of culture and is completely a diff animal to the Liberal North. They differ on every aspect. The states close to Mexico have become Mexican territory pretty much etc...

Americans are also used to having it easy. They're not used to living by their pocket. They can't handle hardships anymore IMO (and don't tell me the ***** housing bubble was a real recession).

You live in Canada but you left your brain (on freeze) in Arctic.
US political groups (Democrats and Republicans) should end their political deadlocks on economic affairs. All issues will be resolved.

Obama is serious about resolving the economic crises. However, Republicans not always agree with him.

The recent statement of Mr. Ben Bernanke is intended to grab the attention of the politicians. This is a scaremongering tactic. Strong statements from big individuals will ensure that political deadlocks are minimized.

US economy is too big and complex to fail like some members here want to believe. If it happens, the economic fibre of current times will be damaged beyond repair.

Problem is; some people cannot see between the lines.
Remember Peter Schiff? He was being called a nut for 2-3 years before the last recession hit because he was going around screaming bloody murder. The guy is now saying the same thing. So it's not political mumbo jombo.
We just added 70,000 jobs last month and the economy has been officially out of the recession for months now. Unemployment is almost under 8 percent.

Threads like these make me laugh. If the U.S. tanks what do you think will happen to Pakistan? Most the money the people get back home is from remittances from Pakistanis working in the west. So if the West collapses then bye bye Pakistan.
Remember Peter Schiff? He was being called a nut for 2-3 years before the last recession hit because he was going around screaming bloody murder. The guy is now saying the same thing. So it's not political mumbo jombo.
I do.

Yes, experts do warn of bad things. It is up to the leadership to pay heed.

Now read this: Buffett says odds of a US recession 'very low' | Fox News

Point is that political deadlocks in US have to end for the greater good of the whole world. Guys like Ben Bernanke can play a role in this regard by issuing strong statements. Now that he has made one, expect some heads to roll in Senate.
US economy is too big and complex to fail like some members here want to believe. If it happens, the economic fibre of current times will be damaged beyond repair.

Sorry it doesn't work like that. USA has not got written in some heavenly book that they cannot fail no matter how outrageous their policy is. People used to say the same thing about previous civilizations/countries/e.t.c. that they cannot fail but then they had rug pulled under their feet.
Although I agree USA failing economically will have big impact on the world there is no doubt about it. And it may lead to few million or a couple of billion people dead but then world will correct itself and move one. That's how it has happened always.
you people do realize that the US is only ranked #20 on the worlds list of countries with external debt % relative to GDP right? European countries are far worse off though not alone.

list of countries in ranked order

Ireland – 1,239% of GDP

United Kingdom – 451.4% of GDP

Switzerland – 391.3% of GDP

Netherlands – 367% of GDP

Belgium – 353.7% of GDP

Denmark – 283.2% of GDP

Hong Kong – 265.7% GDP - Kind of a special case since they have a financial system seperate from China.

Sweden – 262.3% of GDP

France – 254.4% of GDP

Norway – 246.9% of GDP

Finland – 244.8% of GDP

Austria – 241.3% of GDP

Portugal – 207.3% of GDP

Germany – 183.9% of GDP

Greece – 178.9% of GDP

Spain – 169.5% of GDP

Australia – 139.9% of GDP

Italy – 136.6% of GDP

Hungary – 110.3% of GDP

United States – 99.46% of GDP

*external debt is "The portion of a country's debt that was borrowed from foreign lenders including commercial banks, governments or international financial institutions. These loans, including interest, must usually be paid in the currency in which the loan was made. In order to earn the needed currency, the borowing country may sell and export goods to the lender's country."

External Debt Definition | Investopedia

list of the biggest Holders of U.S. Government Debt

1.Federal Reserve and Intra-governmental Holdings – $6.326 trillion

2. China – $1.132 trillion

3. Other Investor/Savings Bonds – $1.107 trillion

4. Japan – $1.038 trillion

5. Pension Funds – $842.2 billion

6. Mutual Funds – $653.5 billion

7. State and Local Governments – $484.4 billion

8. United Kingdom – $429.4 billion

9. Depository Institutions – 284.5 billion

10. Insurance Companies – $250.1 billion

11. Oil Exporters – Holding $232 billion

12. Brazil – Holding $206.4 billion

13. Caribbean Banking Centers – $185.2 billion

14. Taiwan – Holding $149.6 Billion

15. Switzerland – Holding $113.9 billion

looks like China only holds about 5-6% of US debt.
U.S overcame even the great depression and emerged a stronger nation and a super power. The situation today is nothing when compared to 1929.

and you don't know how that happened back in 1929??

the war of that scale in the world of today is not possible, they tried 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan/pakistan and they back fired
and you don't know how that happened back in 1929??

the war of that scale in the world of today is not possible, they tried 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan/pakistan and they back fired

lol, WWII did not happen in 1929 and the US did not start WWII. Interestingly enough US debt during WWII relative to GDP was actually higher then what it is now.
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