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U.S. Diplomat Killed in Pakistan Bombing


Dec 6, 2005
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Update 9: U.S. Diplomat Killed in Pakistan Bombing

A suicide bomber who was blocked from driving into the U.S. Consulate slammed instead into an American diplomat's car Thursday, killing the envoy. The force of the blast on the eve of President Bush's trip to Pakistan blew the U.S. vehicle into the grounds of a hotel.

The attack killed three other people, wounded 52, and shattered windows in the consulate and on all 10 floors of the Marriott Hotel. Ten cars were destroyed, and charred wreckage was flung as far as 600 feet away in one of the most heavily guarded areas of the volatile southern city.

Bush, in neighboring India, quickly vowed to stick with his plan to fly to Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, on Friday.

"Terrorists and killers are not going to prevent me from going to Pakistan," Bush told reporters. His national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, said there was evidence the U.S. diplomat had been targeted.

Pakistani officials said the bombing could have been timed for Bush's two-day visit.

"All international media are eyeing Pakistan at this time, and terrorists are using this to defame Pakistan and Muslims," said Ishratul Ibab, the provincial governor.

No group claimed responsibility for the bombing, which left a crater eight feet wide and more than two feet deep. But Karachi is a hotbed of Islamic militancy, and past attacks have been blamed on al-Qaida-linked militants.

The attacker was driving on a road that leads to the consulate but a paramilitary guard signaled him to stop at a checkpoint, said Niaz Sadiqui, the provincial police chief. The bomber then saw the American official's car and rammed into it 65 feet from the U.S. Consulate's gate, igniting high-density explosives, Sadiqui said.

"We have reached the conclusion that it was a suicide attack, and we have found body parts of the attacker," Sadiqui said.

Diplomats' cars are usually marked by red-colored plates, which could explain why the bomber was able to target the official. Falak Khurshid, a deputy inspector-general of police in Karachi, said the plates allow diplomats to avoid routine checks although they can choose not to have them for security reasons. It wasn't clear if the American diplomat's wrecked car had such plates.

The blast hurled the diplomat's car across a concrete barrier and into the grounds of the hotel, also killing his Pakistani driver. The others who died in the blast were the paramilitary guard and an unidentified woman.

The 52 wounded people included a young Moroccan girl hit by debris, according to provincial government spokesman Salahuddin Haider. He said investigators were trying to obtain video footage from surveillance cameras at the consulate.

Nida Emmons, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, would not identify the diplomat and his driver, who worked for the consulate.

There have been other attacks on or near the U.S. Consulate, located in an upscale district of Karachi's sprawling downtown. A car bombing killed 14 people in June 2002. Eight months later, two police guards outside the consulate were shot in an armed assault. In March 2004, police defused a huge bomb in a van minutes before it was timed to explode outside the mission's walls.

The last U.S. Embassy employee to be killed in an attack in Pakistan was Barbara Green, who died with her 17-year-old daughter when a grenade was tossed into a church in March 2002 in Islamabad.

Protesters were already out in full force Thursday before Bush's arrival. Scores of demonstrators chanted "Death to Bush!" and other anti-U.S. slogans in streets in several Pakistani cities.

When Bush arrives Friday night, security was expected to be extraordinarily tight in Islamabad, about 1,000 miles north of Karachi. Thousands of troops and police were to be deployed in the capital, and commandos were to guard the route of Bush's motorcade, officials said.

"We don't think the Karachi blast will have any negative impact on the American president's visit," said Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the chief government spokesman. "Absolutely, he will be safe here."

When President Bill Clinton visited Islamabad six years ago, residents were told to stay indoors and streets were eerily empty. Before flying here from India, Clinton switched planes at the last minute and arrived in an unmarked white aircraft, just after a USA-marked decoy jet landed.

Securing Islamabad should be easier than policing Karachi. Islamabad is a sleepy, orderly capital that has been carefully planned out. Karachi is a crowded and chaotic metropolis and is Pakistan's biggest city.

Associated Press writers Afzal Nadeem in Karachi, and Munir Ahmad and Sadaqat Jan in Islamabad contributed to this report.

Trouble begins in Pakistan as Bush is about to arrive! The nuclear pact with India is already done..
Look at the views of South Asian Americans compare to those who are protesting in Pakistan. :mad:

South Asians put hope in Bush visit to India, Pakistan
Communities see chance to improve Houston's ties to the subcontinent

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

Houston's thriving South Asian community, which has boomed over the last 20 years, is hoping that President Bush's trip to their countries will translate into stronger economic and political ties.

Many Pakistani- and Indian-Americans in the Houston area say they hope the trip ultimately will lead to better trade agreements with their countries, which would help local businesses.

Pakistani-Americans have "a very strong community, very vibrant community," said Houston City Councilman M.J. Kahn, a Pakistani-American. "Most of the people are first-generation immigrants to the United States, so they have very strong ties to Pakistan. Many of them have business interest in Pakistan. So it will just enhance that tremendously."

Pakistani- and Indian-Americans in the Houston area have tremendous economic and political impact, community leaders say. Most of that power is attributed to their high level of education and substantial incomes.

For India, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, some community leaders want to see more goods exported to the country, said Jagdip Ahluwalia, executive director of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston.

Houston-area firms, especially the energy sector, could benefit from strong business ties in India when that country starts exploring and producing oil and gas. Also, Houston businesses could take part in improving the country's infrastructure, including roads, ports and airports, said Somesh Singh, president of the Indo-American Chamberand vice president of BMC Software.

South Asian community leaders, along with a local demographer, say more people in Houston are watching Bush's trip this week because of the many Indian- and Pakistani-Americans here who still have ties to their countries. An overwhelming majority is first-generation Americans with occupations like doctors, engineers and business executives.

Stephen Klineberg, a Rice University sociology professor, said South Asians are the second-largest Asian population in the Houston area behind Vietnamese. There are 200,000 Asians in Houston, he said, and 21 percent are from South Asian countries, mostly India and Pakistan.

G.R. Baluch, consul general of Pakistan, estimated the local population of Pakistani-Americans between 50,000 and 60,000. Ahluwalia, executive director of the Indo-American Chamber, said there are about 100,000 Indian-Americans in the area.

He said the majority is highly educated and very interested in what's going on in the world. Sixty-nine percent have college degrees, compared with 46 percent for Anglos, he said.

Both communities are politically active, Klineberg said.

Ahluwalia said the Indian-American community was actively involved in electing Councilman Thomas Abraham in Sugar Land and Councilman Randhir Sahni in Piney Point Village, both Indian-Americans.

Many are business owners, with most of their shops located along Hillcroft, Bissonnet and Beechnut.

Poltican parties taking full advantage out of this. :hrr:

PAKISTAN: PPP calls for making strike a success

Pakistan Govt condemns horrific terrorist attack in Karachi

Sorry to hear this, it was on BBC as well last night, these is the last thing Pakistan want. I hope things will be in control while Bushs visit to Pakistan.
Originally posted by Jag@Mar 3 2006, 06:48 AM
Sorry to hear this, it was on BBC as well last night, these is the last thing Pakistan want. I hope things will be in control while Bushs visit to Pakistan.
[post=6573]Quoted post[/post]​

yes these things are commone whenever threz a visit of any foreign leader to Pakistan and the blast on the occasion of Bush's visit is defintly aimed ar creating problems for Musharraf government, But the good things is the comment of Bush over the incident. commenting in India Bush said that he will not postpon his visit to Pakistan due to the incident, adding that Musharraf was doing great on war on terrorism as he his own life was at risk and the terrorists had earlier attacked him four times.
This is not good specially for Pakistan's image. However I am still not sure about if its a jihadi activity. Pakistan is going through a rough patch (both internal and external issues) and there are a lot of different forces that can benefit from this.
Originally posted by Khan@Mar 3 2006, 04:43 PM
This is not good specially for Pakistan's image. However I am still not sure about if its a jihadi activity. Pakistan is going through a rough patch (both internal and external issues) and there are a lot of different forces that can benefit from this.
[post=6584]Quoted post[/post]​

Khan certainly it dosnt look like jihadi activity as u know what it means only on the occasion of visit of US president. look at the timing of the blast there are many dimension to this and u can understand why it had happened, i think it is not difficult to understand the externalities.
And once again the extremists and their Mullah sympathisers have brought great shame to Pakistan. May God give them guidance to follow the true Islam and become civilized humans instead of living the lives of barbarians.

Note: It is still too early to speculate the involvement of a foreign 'hand'. Lets not act like our neighbour to the east. Even if a bird dies there, it is blamed on our country.
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